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Light microscope

Company: Olympus
Catalog#: BH-2
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Isolation of Intact Vacuoles from Petunia Petals and Extraction of Sequestered Glycosylated Phenylpropanoid Compounds
[Abstract]  Plant vacuoles are the largest compartment in plant cells, occupying more than 80% of the cell volume. A variety of proteins, sugars, pigments and other metabolites are stored in these organelles (Paris et al., 1996; Olbrich et al., 2007). Flowers produce a variety of specialized metabolites, some of which are unique to this organ, such as components of pollination syndromes, i.e., scent volatiles and flavonoids (Hoballah et al., 2007; Cna'ani et al., 2015). To study the compounds stored in floral vacuoles, this compartment must be separated from the rest of the cell. To enable isolation of vacuoles, protoplasts were first generated by incubating pierced corollas with cellulase and macrozyme enzymes. After filtering and several centrifugation ... [摘要]  植物液泡是植物细胞中最大的隔室,占细胞体积的80%以上。各种蛋白质,糖,色素和其他代谢物存储在这些细胞器中(Paris et al。,1996; Olbrich et al。,2007)。花产生多种特殊代谢物,其中一些是该器官特有的,如授粉综合征的成分, ie ,气味挥发物和黄酮类化合物(Hoballah et al。, 2007; Cna'ani et al。,2015)。为了研究存储在花液泡中的化合物,必须将该隔室与细胞的其余部分分开。为了能够分离液泡,首先通过将刺穿的花冠与纤维素酶和macrozyme酶一起孵育来产生原生质体。在过滤和几个离心步骤后,通过显微镜观察显示原生质体与碎片和受损/破裂的原生质体分离。裂解浓缩的原生质体,并通过Ficoll梯度离心提取液泡。 Vacuoles用于隔离代谢物的定量GC-MS分析。这种方法使我们能够将空泡识别为糖基化挥发性苯丙酸类的亚细胞聚集位点,并假设共轭气味化合物在通向顶空的途径中被隔离(Cna'ani et al。,2017) 。

【背景】植物空泡占植物细胞中细胞体积的80%。这些细胞器对植物生长和发育至关重要,在整个植物的生命中具有不同的功能。 ...

Estimation of Stomatal Aperture in Arabidopsis thaliana Using Silicone Rubber Imprints
[Abstract]  Estimation of stomatal aperture using low viscosity silicone-base impression material has the advantage of working with the whole leaf. The developmental stage and the environment strongly affect the stomatal aperture. Therefore, it is mandatory to have accurate estimations of the stomatal aperture of intact leaves under different situations. With this technique, it is possible to get the real picture at any moment. The outputs of the data include studies on cell area and morphology, epidermis cell and stomata lineages, among others. This protocol is useful for the accurate estimation of stomatal aperture in many samples of intact leaves in Arabidopsis thaliana. [摘要]  使用低粘度硅胶印模材料估算气孔开孔具有与整叶合作的优点。 发育阶段和环境对气孔的影响很大。 因此,在不同情况下,必须准确估计完整叶片的气孔孔径。 使用这种技术,可以随时获取真实的图片。 数据的输出包括细胞面积和形态学研究,表皮细胞和气孔谱系等。 该协议对准确估计拟南芥中许多完整叶样品的气孔孔径是有用的。
【背景】所有叶子的表皮都有特殊的细胞,保卫细胞,周围的微细孔。保卫细胞和毛孔称为气孔,它们允许气体在气氛和叶子内部之间进行气体交换和扩散。 Stomata是细胞内程序的产物,其在其发育过程中产生特定的气孔模式(Kagan等,1992)。虽然气孔密度(和淀粉积累)在拟南芥叶片的背轴上较高,但在叶片的背面和近轴侧都发现了气孔(Schlüler等,2003; Tsai et al。,2009 )。气孔密度由拟南芥中的内源和外源因子控制(Berger和Altmann,2000; von Groll et al。,2002)。气孔孔积极响应环境变化并调节叶蒸腾速率(Santelia和Lawson,2016)。气孔孔径的准确估计可以了解环境胁迫对植物的影响。
