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Ultracentrifuge tubes for Ti45 rotor

Company: Beckman Coulter
Catalog#: 355655
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Isolation and Characterization of Exosomes from Mouse Feces
[Abstract]  Exosomes secreted by colonic epithelial cells are present in feces and contain valuable epigenetic information, such as miRNAs, proteins, and metabolites. An in-depth study of this information is conducive to the diagnosis or treatment of relevant diseases. A crucial prerequisite of such a study is to establish an efficient isolation method, through which we can obtain a relatively more significant amount of exosomes from feces. This protocol is designed to effectively isolate a large number of exosomes from contaminants and other particles in feces by a combined method with fast filtration and sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. Exosomes generated by this method are suitable for further RNA, protein, and lipid analysis. [摘要]  [摘要] 外来体分泌的结肠上皮细胞是否存在,在粪便和包含有价值的表观遗传信息,例如miRNA,蛋白质和代谢。一个在深入研究这个信息,有利于诊断和治疗相关疾病的一种重要前提这项研究的目的是建立一种有效的分离方法,通过该方法我们可以从粪便中获得相对大量的外泌体。该方案旨在通过组合方法有效地从粪便中的污染物和其他颗粒中分离出大量外泌体通过快速过滤和蔗糖密度梯度超速离心。这种方法产生的外泌体适用于进一步的RNA,蛋白质和脂质分析。

[背景] 结肠外泌体由结肠上皮细胞分泌到管腔中,并沿大肠转运并存在于粪便中。这些外泌体的脂质双层结构可防止复杂条件下封装的生物分子(如miRNA)的降解(由于粪便)(古贺等人,2011 ; 邓等人,2013 )。该保护功能外体是非常有用的,因为这些受保护的内容可以用来诊断疾病,如溃疡性结肠炎和结肠癌症。重要的是,重新设计的外泌体也可以有效地将治疗性生物分子递送至某些特定的疾病靶标,而不会对宿主产生免疫毒性(Sun 等人,2010; Johnsen 等人,2014; Wang 等人,2016; Kim和Kim,2018 )。

迄今为止,已成功地从血液(Wu 等人,2017 ),尿液(Knepper和Pisitkun,2007; Motamedinia 等人,2016 ),培养细胞(Yeo 等人,2013 ...

Loading of Extracellular Vesicles with Chemically Stabilized Hydrophobic siRNAs for the Treatment of Disease in the Central Nervous System
[Abstract]  Efficient delivery of oligonucleotide therapeutics, i.e., siRNAs, to the central nervous system represents a significant barrier to their clinical advancement for the treatment of neurological disorders. Small, endogenous extracellular vesicles were shown to be able to transport lipids, proteins and RNA between cells, including neurons. This natural trafficking ability gives extracellular vesicles the potential to be used as delivery vehicles for oligonucleotides, i.e., siRNAs. However, robust and scalable methods for loading of extracellular vesicles with oligonucleotide cargo are lacking. We describe a detailed protocol for the loading of hydrophobically modified siRNAs into extracellular vesicles upon simple co-incubation. We detail methods of the workflow from ... [摘要]  将寡核苷酸治疗剂即siRNAs有效递送到中枢神经系统代表了治疗神经系统疾病的临床进展的显着障碍。 小的内源性细胞外囊泡显示能够在细胞(包括神经元)之间传输脂质,蛋白质和RNA。 这种天然的贩运能力使细胞外囊泡成为寡核苷酸即siRNA的递送载体的潜力。 然而,缺乏用寡核苷酸载体装载细胞外囊泡的稳健和可扩展的方法。 我们描述了在简单共孵育后将疏水修饰的siRNA加载到细胞外囊泡中的详细方案。 我们详细介绍了从细胞外囊泡纯化到数据分析的工作流程。 该方法可以促进基于细胞外基于囊泡的疗法用于治疗广泛的神经障碍。
【背景】siRNA是一种类型的寡核苷酸治疗剂,一类新的直接靶向信使RNA(mRNA)的药物,以防止导致疾病表型的蛋白质的表达。 siRNA的治疗应用是非常有希望的,因为siRNA可以被设计为靶向任何基因,包括不能用小分子或基于蛋白质的疗法“可药用”的基因。在寡核苷酸治疗剂的化学中取得的进展使得能够设计完全稳定的疏水改性的siRNA(hsiRNA,用2'-O-甲基或2'-氟以及硫代磷酸酯和共价键合到胆固醇的有义链修饰),其促进细胞hsiRNA的自我内化,并保持有效负载在RNA诱导的沉默复合体(RISC)中的能力(Byrne等,2013; Khvorova和Watts,2017)。与乘客链的3'末端连接的胆固醇缀合物对于快速细胞膜缔合是必需的(Byrne等,2013; ...
