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Hydrochloric acid


Company: Sinopharm Chemical Reagent
Catalog#: 10011008
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Examining Autophagy in Plant by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
[Abstract]  In plants, macroautophagy, here referred as autophagy, is a degradation pathway during which the double-membrane structure named autophagosome engulfs the cargo and then fuses with vacuole for material recycling.

To investigate the process of autophagy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to monitor the ultrastructure of autophagic structures and identify the cargo during this process due to its high resolution. Compared to other autophagy examination methods including biochemical assays and confocal microscopy, TEM is the only method that indicates the morphology of autophagic structures in nanoscale, which is considered to be one of the best ways to illustrate the morphology of autophagic intermediates and the substrate of autophagy. Here, we describe the ...
[摘要]  在植物中,巨自噬,这里称为自噬,是一种降解途径,在此期间,称为自噬体的双膜结构吞噬货物,然后与液泡融合以进行材料回收。

为了研究自噬过程,透射电子显微镜(TEM)用于监测自噬结构的超微结构,并由于其高分辨率在此过程中识别货物。 与其他自噬检测方法(包括生化检测和共聚焦显微镜)相比,TEM是唯一能够显示纳米级自噬结构形态的方法,被认为是阐明自噬中间体形态和自噬基质的最佳方法之一。。 在这里,我们描述了使用TEM在 Nicotiana benthamiana >叶细胞中的自噬检测分析。

【背景】自噬是真核生物中高度保守的大分子降解途径(Dikic,2017)。在植物中,自噬是由几种胁迫条件诱导的,包括饥饿,氧化应激,盐胁迫和衰老(Doelling et al。>,2002; Hanaoka et al。>,2002; Liu et al。>,2005; Bassham,2007; Liu and Bassham,2009; Luo et al。>,2017)。在自噬期间,称为自噬体的双膜囊泡在细胞质中形成并转运到中央液泡中,其中自噬体的外膜与液泡膜融合。然后被称为自噬体的单膜结构进入液泡腔并最终降解(Ohsumi,2001; Liu和Bassham,2012)。

到目前为止,已经建立了许多检测植物自噬的方法。常用的检测方法是共聚焦显微镜,电子显微镜和生化方法。至于共聚焦显微镜检测,自噬标记包括与荧光蛋白融合的ATG8,ATG5和SH3P2用于标记自噬相关结构(Zhuang ...

Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Adhesion Assay
[Abstract]  Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are widespread in adult organisms and involved in tissue maintenance and repair as well as in the regulation of hematopoiesis and immunologic responses. As cell adhesion play important roles in cell interactions and signaling, to thoroughly evaluate the adhesion ability of MSCs is of vital importance to clarify the mechanism of self-renewal, proliferation, activation and migration of MSCs in different microenvironments. Based on the method by Siler et al., 2000, we revised the protocol in order to provide details on how to evaluate the adhesion ability of MSCs from bone marrow (BMSCs) on extracellular matrix (ECM) protein laminins. The current protocol can also be easily translated to MSCs with other treatments or ECMs such as collagens, fibronectin, etc ... [摘要]  间充质干细胞(MSC)在成年生物体中广泛存在并参与组织维持和修复以及造血作用和免疫反应的调节。 由于细胞粘附在细胞相互作用和信号转导中发挥重要作用,彻底评估MSC的粘附能力对于阐明MSC在不同微环境中的自我更新,增殖,活化和迁移的机制至关重要。 基于Siler等人的方法(2000),我们修订方案以提供关于如何评价来自骨髓(BMSCs)的MSC对细胞外基质(ECM)蛋白的粘附能力的细节 层粘连蛋白。 目前的方案也可以很容易地翻译成MSC与其他治疗或ECM,如胶原,纤连蛋白,等。
