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TweenTM 20, Fisher BioReagentsTM

Company: Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: BP337
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RNA Cap Methyltransferase Activity Assay
[Abstract]  Methyltransferases that methylate the guanine-N7 position of the mRNA 5’ cap structure are ubiquitous among eukaryotes and commonly encoded by viruses. Here we provide a detailed protocol for the biochemical analysis of RNA cap methyltransferase activity of biological samples. This assay involves incubation of cap-methyltransferase-containing samples with a [32P]G-capped RNA substrate and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) to produce RNAs with N7-methylated caps. The extent of cap methylation is then determined by P1 nuclease digestion, thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and phosphorimaging. The protocol described here includes additional steps for generating the [32P]G-capped RNA substrate and for preparing nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts from mammalian cells. This assay is ... [摘要]  甲基化mRNA 5'帽结构的鸟嘌呤-N7位置的甲基转移酶在真核生物中普遍存在并且通常由病毒编码。这里我们提供生物样品的RNA帽甲基转移酶活性的生化分析的详细方案。该测定包括将含有帽 - 甲基转移酶的样品与[32 P] G-加帽的RNA底物和S-腺苷甲硫氨酸(SAM)温育以产生具有N7-甲基化帽的RNA。然后通过P1核酸酶消化,薄层色谱(TLC)和磷成像确定帽甲基化的程度。此处描述的方案包括用于产生[32 P] G-加帽的RNA底物和用于从哺乳动物细胞制备核和细胞质提取物的附加步骤。该分析也适用于分析其他生物样品(包括重组蛋白制剂和来自分析分离和免疫沉淀/下拉实验的级分)的帽甲基转移酶活性。

【背景】mRNA的5'端的N7-甲基鸟苷帽是适当的真核mRNA加工,定位和翻译所必需的修饰。 ...

Measuring Nucleosome Assembly Activity in vitro with the Nucleosome Assembly and Quantification (NAQ) Assay
[Abstract]  Nucleosomes organize the eukaryotic genome into chromatin. In cells, nucleosome assembly relies on the activity of histone chaperones, proteins with high binding affinity to histones. At least a subset of histone chaperones promotes histone deposition in vivo. However, it has been challenging to characterize this activity, due to the lack of quantitative assays.

Here we developed a quantitative nucleosome assembly (NAQ) assay to measure the amount of nucleosome formation in vitro. This assay relies on a Micrococcal nuclease (MNase) digestion step that yields DNA fragments protected by the deposited histone proteins. A subsequent run on the Bioanalyzer machine allows the accurate quantification of the fragments (length and amount), relative to a loading ...
[摘要]  核小体将真核生物基因组组装成染色质。在细胞中,核小体装配依赖于组蛋白分子伴侣的活性,对组蛋白具有高结合亲和力的蛋白。至少有一部分组蛋白伴侣促进组蛋白在体内的沉积。然而,由于缺乏定量分析,鉴定这种活性一直是一个挑战。



组蛋白分子伴侣分组在结构上不相关的蛋白质家族中,所有这些蛋白质的特征在于对组蛋白的高度结合亲和力(Laskey等,1978)。通过这种方式,他们屏蔽了组蛋白的电荷,阻止了与DNA和其他细胞因子的非特异性相互作用(Elsässerand ...

Proximal Ligation Assay (PLA) on Lung Tissue and Cultured Macrophages to Demonstrate Protein-protein Interaction
[Abstract]  In this protocol, we describe proximal ligation assay (PLA), an antibody-based detection method for protein-protein interaction. This method relies on specific binding of individual primary antibodies to the two putative interacting proteins. The primary antibodies need to have different hosts. The secondary antibodies against the two hosts have complementary oligonucleotide moieties attached to them. If the two antigens are in close proximity (presumably interacting with each other), the complementary oligonucleotides can anneal and fluorescent nucleotides can be incorporated in a single DNA polymerization step. Under a microscope, these reactions appear as punctate fluorescent spots, indicating successful PLA reaction and suggesting protein-protein interaction between the two antigens. [摘要]  在这个协议中,我们描述近端连接测定(PLA),一种基于抗体的蛋白质相互作用检测方法。 这种方法依赖于个别一抗与两个推定的相互作用蛋白的特异性结合。 一抗需要有不同的宿主。 针对两种宿主的二抗具有与其连接的互补的寡核苷酸部分。 如果两种抗原紧密接近(推测彼此相互作用),则互补的寡核苷酸可以退火,并且荧光核苷酸可以并入单个DNA聚合步骤中。 在显微镜下,这些反应表现为点状荧光斑点,表明成功的PLA反应并提示两种抗原之间的蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用。

【背景】近端连接测定法(PLA)是基于抗体的技术,以确定两种蛋白质是否彼此具有40nm。以这种方式检测到的蛋白质可以通过荧光来识别(Ho等人,2012; Banerjee等人,2015)。这使得PLA成为定位蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用的极好工具。 Toll样受体(TLR)途径的激活是致病性威胁的先天性免疫应答的重要组成部分。 TLR识别病原体相关分子并诱导信号级联以实现对感染的快速响应。 TLR2和TLR4是TLR家族的两个研究得非常好的成员,它们对不同的刺激有反应。尽管两种受体都响应细菌感染而激活,但只有TLR4响应脂多糖暴露。它们激活一些共享的信号级联,但包括MyD88 / Traf6通路。该途径的诱导包括形成被称为myddosome的信号复合物(Gay等人,2011; Xiong等人,2011; ...
