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Curved-tip forceps

Company: Fine Science Tools
Catalog#: 11051-10
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Mouse Satellite Cell Isolation and Transplantation
[Abstract]  Satellite cell (SC) transplantation represents a powerful strategy to investigate SC biology during muscle regeneration. We described here a protocol for SC isolation from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing mice and their transplantation into murine muscles. This procedure was originally used to assess the effects of the hormone unacylated ghrelin on muscle regeneration, in particular evaluating how the increase of unacylated ghrelin in the recipient muscle affected the engraftment of donor SCs (Reano et al., 2017). [摘要]  卫星细胞(SC)移植代表了肌肉再生期间SC生物学研究的强大策略。 我们在这里描述了从绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)表达的小鼠和他们的小鼠肌肉移植SC分离的协议。 该程序最初用于评估激素非酰化生长素释放肽对肌肉再生的影响,特别是评估受体肌肉中未酰化的生长素释放肽的增加如何影响供体SC的植入(Reano等人,2017年)。


由于移植的成肌细胞可以与宿主成肌细胞融合,因此SC的移植被认为是杜氏肌营养不良症(DMD)的潜在疗法多年的时间,这提示了在缺陷纤维中功能性修复的可能性(Partridge ...

Spinal Cord Preparation from Adult Red-eared Turtles for Electrophysiological Recordings during Motor Activity
[Abstract]  Although it is known that the generation of movements is performed to a large extent in neuronal circuits located in the spinal cord, the involved mechanisms are still unclear. The turtle as a model system for investigating spinal motor activity has advantages, which far exceeds those of model systems using other animals. The high resistance to anoxia allows for investigation of the fully developed and adult spinal circuitry, as opposed to mammals, which are sensitive to anoxia and where using neonates are often required to remedy the problems. The turtle is mechanically stable and natural sensory inputs can induce multiple complex motor behaviors, without the need for application of neurochemicals. Here, we provide a detailed protocol of how to make the adult turtle preparation, also ... [摘要]  虽然已知在位于脊髓的神经元回路中很大程度地进行运动的产生,但是所涉及的机制仍不清楚。乌龟作为调查脊柱运动活动的示范系统具有优势,远远超过使用其他动物的模型系统。对缺氧的高抗性允许对完全发育和成年脊髓电路进行调查,而不是对缺氧敏感的哺乳动物,并且通常需要使用新生儿来补救问题。乌龟是机械稳定的,天然感觉输入可以诱导多种复杂的运动行为,而不需要神经化学物质的应用。在这里,我们提供了如何使成年龟准备的详细方案,也称为电生理调查的综合准备。在这里,通过机械感觉激活,通过细胞内,细胞外和电图记录来记录单细胞和网络活性,可以诱导后肢刮擦反射。该准备工作是由Petersen等人(2014)和Petersen和Berg(2016)以及其他正在进行的研究开发的。
【背景】脊髓电生理学的研究传统上与机械并发症有关,因为许多运动部件和脊柱的灵活性。为了规避这个问题,脊髓经常从柱中解剖出来并移动到可以进行稳定的电生理记录的室。然而,该过程具有缺点,例如,如果要研究多个电动机行为,则适当激活电动机电路是复杂的。此外,缺乏供血和缺乏氧气对电路的健康和完整性有严重影响。一个可以规避所有这些问题的实验模型是龟制剂(Keifer and ...

Pituitary Isograft Transplantation in Mice
[Abstract]  The mouse pituitary isograft is a technique developed to administer persistent hormone stimulation, thereby increasing cellular proliferation in the mammary tissue (Christov et al., 1993). The pituitary isograft procedure was first described in ‘Induction of Mammary Cancer in Mice without the Mammary Tumor Agent by Isografts of Hypophyses’ by O. Mühlbock and L. M. Boot in 1959 (Muhlbock and Boot, 1959). Since then, the procedure has seen wide use. A pituitary gland is harvested posthumously from a donor mouse and implanted under the renal capsule of the recipient mouse through a small abdominal incision just below the last rib. Once the pituitary gland is implanted, it begins releasing hormones. These secretions increase serum levels of multiple hormones including prolactin, ... [摘要]  小鼠垂体同种异体移植是开发用于施用持续激素刺激的技术,从而增加乳腺组织中的细胞增殖(Christov等人,1993)。垂体同种异体移植手术首先在O.Mühlbock和L.M. Boot于1959年(Muhlbock和Boot,1959)的“Inction of Mammary Cancer in Mice without the Mammary Tumor Agent by Isoplagen of Hypophyses”中被描述。此后,程序得到广泛的应用。从供体小鼠后期收获垂体腺,并通过位于最后肋骨正下方的小腹切口植入受体小鼠的肾囊下。脑垂体植入后,开始释放激素。这些分泌物增加多种激素的血清水平,包括催乳素,孕酮和17β-雌二醇(Christov等人,1993)。尽管这些激素对癌细胞增殖,生长,分化和寿命的影响没有被很好地表征,并且在一些情况下是有争议的,垂体同种移植物的净效应是根据应变特异性增加鼠乳腺组织的增殖特征(Lydon等人,1999)。
 下面是描述如何进行垂体同种异体移植手术的协议。经过许多步骤,时间参考列在括号中。每个引用对应于该过程的嵌入式视频中的时间点。 (视频1)

背景 ...
