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FluoroBriteTM DMEM

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: A1896701
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Labelling HaloTag Fusion Proteins with HaloTag Ligand in Living Cells
[Abstract]  HaloTag has been widely used to label proteins in vitro and in vivo (Los et al., 2008). In this protocol, we describe labelling HaloTag-Cbx fusion proteins by HaloTag ligands for live-cell single-molecule imaging (Zhen et al., 2016). [摘要]  HaloTag已广泛用于体外和体内标记蛋白质(Los et al。,2008)。 在本协议中,我们描述了通过HaloTag配体标记HaloTag-Cbx融合蛋白的活细胞单分子成像(Zhen等,2016)。
【背景】生物体的分子过程本质上是动态的。直接观察活细胞中的分子过程对于定量地了解生物系统的功能至关重要。荧光显微镜和荧光标记的最新进展使得能够可视化活细胞中单个单个分子的轨迹,提供有关动态相互作用和生物分子装配的见解(Kusumi等,2014; Liu等,2015; Tatavosian等, 2015; Cuvier和Fierz,2017)。用荧光团对生物分子进行特异性标记是荧光单分子成像的关键。 HaloTag是可以与活细胞中合成染料偶联的自标记标签蛋白(Los et al。,2008)。反应在活细胞中迅速发生,形成的共价键是特异性的和不可逆的。该技术已被用于研究体内遗传信息流,并测定活体哺乳动物细胞中基因调控的动力学(Liu et al。,2015; Zheng and Lavis,2017)。 Janelia FluorTM染料,如Janelia FluorTM ...

Semi-quantitative Analysis of H4K20me1 Levels in Living Cells Using Mintbody
[Abstract]  Eukaryotic nuclear DNA wraps around histone proteins to form a nucleosome, a basic unit of chromatin. Posttranslational modification of histones plays an important role in gene regulation and chromosome duplication. Some modifications are quite stable to be an epigenetic memory, and others exhibit rapid turnover or fluctuate during the cell cycle. Histone H4 Lys20 monomethylation (H4K20me1) has been shown to be involved in chromosome condensation, segregation, replication and repair. H4K20 methylation is controlled through a few methyltransferases, PR-Set7/Set8, SUV420H1, and SUV420H2, and a demethylase, PHF8. In cycling cells, the level of H4K20me1 increases during G2 and M phases and decreases during G1 phase. To monitor the local concentration and global fluctuation of histone ... [摘要]  真核核DNA包裹组蛋白,形成核小体,是染色质的基本单位。组蛋白的翻译后修饰在基因调控和染色体重复中起重要作用。一些修饰是相当稳定的,作为表观遗传记忆,其他修饰在细胞周期中表现出快速更替或波动。组蛋白H4 Lys20单甲基化(H4K20me1)已显示参与染色体凝聚,分离,复制和修复。通过几种甲基转移酶PR-Set7 / Set8,SUV420H1和SUV420H2以及脱甲基酶PHF8控制H4K20甲基化。在循环细胞中,H4K20me1的水平在G2期和M期增加,G1期下降。为了监测活细胞中组蛋白修饰的局部浓度和全局波动,我们开发了一种基因编码的探针,称为薄荷素(修饰特异性细胞内抗体; Sato等人,2013和2016)。通过测量核细胞与细胞质的强度比,可以监测单个细胞中H4K20me1的相对水平。该详细方案允许甲基转移酶对基于HatoK等人的质粒H4K20me1-mintbody活性细胞中H4K20me1水平的影响进行半定量分析(2016)。

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