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FuGENE® HD Transfection Reagent

Company: Promega
Catalog#: E2312
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Measuring Mitochondrial ROS in Mammalian Cells with a Genetically Encoded Protein Sensor
[Abstract]  Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are not only known for their toxic effects on cells, but they also play an important role as second messengers. As such, they control a variety of cellular functions such as proliferation, metabolism, differentiation and apoptosis. Thus, ROS are involved in the regulation of multiple physiological and pathophysiological processes. It is now apparent that there are transient and local changes in ROS in the cell; in so-called ‘microdomains’ or in specific cellular compartments, which affect signaling events. These ROS hotspots need to be studied in more depth to understand their function and regulation. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and quantify redox signals in single cells with high spatial and temporal resolution. Genetically encoded ... [摘要]  活性氧(ROS)不仅以其对细胞的毒性作用而闻名,而且作为第二信使也起着重要的作用。如此,它们控制多种细胞功能,例如增殖,代谢,分化和凋亡。因此,ROS参与多种生理和病理生理过程的调节。现在很明显,细胞内存在ROS的短暂和局部变化;在所谓的“微域”或特定的细胞区室中,其影响信号传导事件。这些ROS热点需要更深入的研究,以了解其功能和规定。因此,有必要以高空间和时间分辨率在单个细胞中识别和量化氧化还原信号。遗传编码的基于荧光的蛋白质传感器提供了检测氧化还原信号传导过程的必要工具。这些传感器的一个很大的优势是可以针对他们。线粒体是能量代谢所必需的,并且是哺乳动物细胞中ROS的主要来源之一。因此,对这些细胞器中氧化还原电位和ROS产生的评估是非常有意义的。在此,我们提供了一个使用H 2 O 2特异性比例传感器mitoHyPer在贴壁哺乳动物细胞中。【背景】ROS是通过线粒体呼吸的副产物,通过电子从电子传递链泄漏而产生的。这些ROS被认为是有毒的,并导致脂质,蛋白质的氧化,并导致线粒体DNA损伤(Ralph et al。,2010; Bogeski等人,2016; Bogeski ,2014; Monika et al。,2015)。虽然线粒体作为新陈代谢,生物能量学和细胞死亡的枢纽,线粒体ROS作为调节多种细胞功能的第二信使的新兴作用也日益被接受(Chandel,2015; ...

Semi-quantitative Analysis of H4K20me1 Levels in Living Cells Using Mintbody
[Abstract]  Eukaryotic nuclear DNA wraps around histone proteins to form a nucleosome, a basic unit of chromatin. Posttranslational modification of histones plays an important role in gene regulation and chromosome duplication. Some modifications are quite stable to be an epigenetic memory, and others exhibit rapid turnover or fluctuate during the cell cycle. Histone H4 Lys20 monomethylation (H4K20me1) has been shown to be involved in chromosome condensation, segregation, replication and repair. H4K20 methylation is controlled through a few methyltransferases, PR-Set7/Set8, SUV420H1, and SUV420H2, and a demethylase, PHF8. In cycling cells, the level of H4K20me1 increases during G2 and M phases and decreases during G1 phase. To monitor the local concentration and global fluctuation of histone ... [摘要]  真核核DNA包裹组蛋白,形成核小体,是染色质的基本单位。组蛋白的翻译后修饰在基因调控和染色体重复中起重要作用。一些修饰是相当稳定的,作为表观遗传记忆,其他修饰在细胞周期中表现出快速更替或波动。组蛋白H4 Lys20单甲基化(H4K20me1)已显示参与染色体凝聚,分离,复制和修复。通过几种甲基转移酶PR-Set7 / Set8,SUV420H1和SUV420H2以及脱甲基酶PHF8控制H4K20甲基化。在循环细胞中,H4K20me1的水平在G2期和M期增加,G1期下降。为了监测活细胞中组蛋白修饰的局部浓度和全局波动,我们开发了一种基因编码的探针,称为薄荷素(修饰特异性细胞内抗体; Sato等人,2013和2016)。通过测量核细胞与细胞质的强度比,可以监测单个细胞中H4K20me1的相对水平。该详细方案允许甲基转移酶对基于HatoK等人的质粒H4K20me1-mintbody活性细胞中H4K20me1水平的影响进行半定量分析(2016)。

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