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Peroxidase AffiniPure Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L)

Company: Jackson ImmunoResearch
Catalog#: 115-035-146
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Mutant Huntingtin Secretion in Neuro2A Cells and Rat Primary Cortical Neurons
[Abstract]  Quantitative analysis of proteins secreted from the cells poses a challenge due to their low abundance and the interfering presence of a large amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in the cell culture media. We established assays for detection of mutant huntingtin (mHtt) secreted from Neuro2A cell line stably expressing mHtt and rat primary cortical neurons by Western blotting. Our protocol is based on reducing the amounts of BSA in the media while maintaining cell viability and secretory potential, and concentrating the media prior to analysis by means of ultrafiltration. [摘要]  由细胞分泌的蛋白质的定量分析由于它们的丰度低和在细胞培养基中干扰大量牛血清白蛋白(BSA)的存在而提出挑战。 我们建立检测突变亨廷顿蛋白(mHtt)检测分泌Neuro2A细胞系稳定表达mHtt和大鼠原代皮层神经元蛋白质印迹。 我们的方案是基于降低培养基中BSA的量,同时保持细胞活力和分泌潜能,并在通过超滤分析之前浓缩培养基。

【背景】许多蛋白质通过各种分泌途径从细胞分泌到细胞外环境中。这些途径包括在ER-高尔基体 - 质膜途径之后的常规分泌途径(Lee等,2004)和多个非常规途径,例如溶酶体胞吐作用,穿过质膜的易位和外泌体以及胞外体释放(Zhang和Schekman,2013)。为了研究这些途径,经常需要分析培养细胞分泌的蛋白质进入培养基。蛋白质可以游离形式分泌,也可以与胞膜结构如胞外体和外泌体结合(Zhang and ...

Detection of ASC Oligomerization by Western Blotting
[Abstract]  The apoptosis-associated speck-like protein with a caspase-recruitment domain (ASC) adaptor protein bridges inflammasome sensors and caspase-1. Upon inflammasome activation, ASC nucleates in a prion-like manner into a large and single platform responsible for the recruitment and the activation of caspase-1. Active caspase-1 will in turn promote the proteolytic maturation of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β. ASC oligomerization is direct evidence for inflammasome activation and its detection allows a read-out independent of caspase-1 and IL-1β. This protocol describes how to detect the oligomerization of ASC by Western blot. [摘要]  具有半胱天冬酶募集区(ASC)衔接蛋白的凋亡相关斑点样蛋白桥联炎症体传感器和半胱天冬酶-1。在炎性体活化后,ASC以类似朊病毒的方式成核,成为负责募集和激活半胱天冬酶-1的大而单一的平台。活性胱天蛋白酶-1将反过来促进促炎细胞因子IL-1β的蛋白水解成熟。 ASC寡聚化是炎性体激活的直接证据,其检测允许读取与caspase-1和IL-1β无关。该方案描述了如何通过蛋白质印迹检测ASC的寡聚化。

背景 Inflammasomes是大量的多蛋白平台,其感测各种微生物,内源和环境胁迫因子,导致促炎IL-1细胞因子家族的成熟(Martinon等人,2002; Sharma和Kanneganti, 2016)。激活后,炎性细胞传感器通过pyrin结构域(PYD)-PYD同型相互作用募集衔接蛋白ASC。 ASC通过胱天蛋白酶激活和募集域(CARD)-CARD相互作用又结合半胱天冬酶-1,并有利于caspase-1的自我蛋白水解切割,导致IL-1β和IL-18的成熟(Hoss等人。,2016)。 Inflammasome激活引发ASC二聚体的超分子寡聚化成称为“ASC-specks”或“pyroptosome”(Fernandes-Alnemri等人,2007)的大交织原纤维。 ASC-speck / ...
