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Company: Wako Pure Chemical Industries
Catalog#: 139-01827
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A Blood-retina Barrier Permeability Assay in Young Mice Using Sulfo-NHS-LC-biotin Perfusion
[Abstract]  Brain and retinal vasculatures exhibit restricted vascular permeability known as blood-brain barrier and blood-retina barrier. Vascular permeability can be evaluated by perfusion of the amine reactive ester derivatives of biotin such as sulfo-NHS-LC-biotin. This protocol describes experimental procedures of sulfo-NHS-LC-biotin perfusion to evaluate retinal vascular permeability. Perfused sulfo-NHS-LC-biotin remained within vessels in wild-type postnatal day 15 (P15) retinas, confirming an intact blood-retina barrier. In contrast, sulfo-NHS-LC-biotin was occasionally detected in extravascular spaces in perfused Eogt−/− retinas suggesting a partly impaired vascular integrity in the absence of Eogt (Sawaguchi et al., 2017). [摘要]  脑和视网膜脉管系统表现出受限的血管通透性,称为血脑屏障和血 - 视网膜屏障。 血管通透性可以通过灌注生物素的胺反应性酯衍生物如磺基-NHS-LC-生物素来评估。 该方案描述了磺基-NHS-LC-生物素灌注的实验程序,以评估视网膜血管通透性。 灌注的磺基-NHS-LC-生物素保留在野生型出生后第15天(P15)视网膜的血管内,证实了完整的血 - 视网膜屏障。 相比之下,在灌注的 Eogt - / - >视网膜中,偶尔会在血管外空间检测到磺基-NHS-LC-生物素,这表明在没有的情况下血管完整性部分受损。 Eogt >(Sawaguchi et al。>,2017)。

Investigating Localization of Chimeric Transporter Proteins within Chloroplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana
[Abstract]  In this protocol, we describe a method to design chimeric proteins for specific targeting to the inner envelope membrane (IEM) of Arabidopsis chloroplasts and the confirmation of their localization by biochemical analysis. Specific targeting to the chloroplast IEM can be achieved by fusing the protein of interest with a transit peptide and an IEM targeting signal. This protocol makes it possible to investigate the localization of chimeric proteins in chloroplasts using a small number of transgenic plants by using a modified method of chloroplast isolation and fractionation. IEM localization of chimeric proteins can be further assessed by trypsin digestion and alkaline extraction. Here, the localization of the chimeric bicarbonate transporter, designated as SbtAII, is detected by ... [摘要]  在这个协议中,我们描述了一种设计嵌合蛋白的方法,用于特异性靶向拟南芥叶绿体的内包膜(IEM)并通过生化分析确定它们的定位。 叶绿体IEM的特异性靶向可通过将感兴趣的蛋白质与转运肽和IEM靶向信号融合来实现。 这个协议使得有可能使用少量的转基因植物,通过使用修改的叶绿体分离和分离方法来研究嵌合蛋白在叶绿体中的定位。 嵌合蛋白的IEM定位可以通过胰蛋白酶消化和碱性提取进一步评估。 在此,称为SbtAII的嵌合碳酸氢根转运蛋白的定位通过使用针对葡萄球菌蛋白A的抗体进行蛋白质印迹来检测。该方案改编自上原等人,2016年

【背景】有人提出将蓝藻CO 2浓度机制整合到叶绿体中是改善C 3+植物光合作用的有希望的方法。 根据理论估计,将BicA和SbtA整合到叶绿体IEM中可以提高光合CO 2固定率。 我们研究了核编码的蓝细菌碳酸氢盐转运蛋白BicA和SbtA与拟南芥叶绿体的IEM的整合。 因此,我们制定了一个协议,设计嵌合构造为特定目标的IEM和调查嵌合蛋白在叶绿体中的定位。

Phos-tag Immunoblot Analysis for Detecting IRF5 Phosphorylation
[Abstract]  While the activation of the transcription factor interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5) is critical for the induction of innate immune responses, it also contributes to the pathogenesis of the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). IRF5 phosphorylation is a hallmark of its activation in the Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathway, where active IRF5 induces type I interferon and proinflammatory cytokine genes. By using the phosphate-binding molecule Phos-tag, without either radioisotopes or phospho-specific antibodies, the protocol described here enables detection of the phosphorylation of both human and murine IRF5, as well as that of other proteins. [摘要]  虽然转录因子干扰素调节因子5(IRF5)的激活对于诱导先天免疫应答至关重要,但也有助于自身免疫疾病系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的发病机制。 IRF5磷酸化是其在Toll样受体(TLR)途径中的活化的标志,其中活性IRF5诱导I型干扰素和促炎细胞因子基因。通过使用不含放射性同位素或磷酸特异性抗体的磷酸结合分子磷酸标签,本文所述的方案可以检测人和鼠IRF5以及其他蛋白质的磷酸化。

背景 在TLR-MyD88途径中,IRF5通过翻译后修饰如泛素化和磷酸化被激活,然后活性IRF5转位到细胞核中并诱导其靶基因(Takaoka等人,2005; Balkhi ,2008; Tamura等人,2008; Hayden and Ghosh,2014)。关于IRF5在SLE中的激活状态,已经报道了IRF5积累在SLE患者的单核细胞核中(Stone等人,2012)。此外,我们最近在SLE鼠模型中显示,IRF5超激活(例如,升高的磷酸化)导致SLE样疾病的发展(Ban 等人,,2016年)。因此,分析IRF5的激活状态对于研究SLE以及先天免疫应答是重要的。磷酸化是IRF5激活的核心,因为许多研究已经通过定点诱变和/或质谱法揭示了IRF5的功能性磷酸化位点(Barnes等人,2002; Lin et al。等人,2005; ...
