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Formic Acid, Optima LC/MS grade

Company: Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: A117-50
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A Workflow for Ultra-rapid Analysis of Histone Post-translational Modifications with Direct-injection Mass Spectrometry
[Abstract]  Chromatin modifications, like histone post translational modifications (PTMs), are critical for tuning gene expression and many other aspects of cell phenotype. Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) has become the most suitable method to analyze histones and histone PTMs in a large-scale manner. Selected histone PTMs have known functions, and their aberrant regulation is linked to a wide variety of diseases, including cancer. However, histone analysis is scarcely used in diagnostics, partially due to the limited throughput and not ideal reproducibility of LC-MS based analysis. We describe a workflow that allows for high-throughput sample preparation is less than a day using 96-well plates. Following preparation, samples are sprayed into MS without LC, using an ... [摘要]  [抽象]像组蛋白翻译后修饰(PTM)一样,染色质修饰对于调节基因表达和细胞表型的许多其他方面至关重要。液相色谱-质谱联用(LC-MS)已成为最适合大规模分析组蛋白和组蛋白PTM的方法。选定的组蛋白PTM具有已知功能,其异常调节与包括癌症在内的多种疾病有关。但是,组蛋白分析很少用于诊断中,部分是由于通量有限且基于LC-MS的分析的重现性不理想。我们描述了一种使用96孔板进行少于一天的高通量样品制备的工作流程。制备后,使用自动直接进样(DI-MS)方法将样品喷雾到无LC的MS中。每次分析都可以通过45个PTM(甲基化,乙酰化和磷酸化(共151个组蛋白标记)和16个未修饰的组蛋白肽进行组蛋白变体的相对定量。由于没有残留或基于LC的批处理效应,该工作流程允许MS运行少于1分钟,并具有更高的重现性和耐用性。最后,我们描述了一种工程化的肽序列,用于精确监控样品制备的效率,可以在DI-MS运行期间检测到该效率。

[背景] 组蛋白是具有球形头部和N末端尾巴的碱性蛋白质,富含精氨酸和赖氨酸残基。一对典型的组蛋白H2A,H2B,H3和H4(称为核心组蛋白)形成一个八聚体,其周围147 ...

Two Different Methods of Quantification of Oxidized Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) and Reduced Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH) Intracellular Levels: Enzymatic Coupled Cycling Assay and Ultra-performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC)-Mass Spectrometry
[Abstract]  Current studies on the age-related development of metabolic dysfunction and frailty are each day in more evidence. It is known, as aging progresses, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) levels decrease in an expected physiological process. Recent studies have shown that a reduction in NAD+ is a key factor for the development of age-associated metabolic decline. Increased NAD+ levels in vivo results in activation of pro-longevity and health span-related factors. Also, it improves several physiological and metabolic parameters of aging, including muscle function, exercise capacity, glucose tolerance, and cardiac function in mouse models of natural and accelerated aging.

Given the importance of monitoring cellular NAD+ and ...
[摘要]  目前关于代谢功能障碍和虚弱的年龄相关发展的研究每天都有更多的证据。众所周知,随着衰老的进展,烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD + )水平在预期的生理过程中降低。最近的研究表明,NAD + 的减少是与年龄相关的代谢衰退发展的关键因素。增加NAD + 水平体内导致激活寿命和健康跨度相关因素。此外,它改善了老化的几个生理和代谢参数,包括自然和加速老化的小鼠模型中的肌肉功能,运动能力,葡萄糖耐量和心脏功能。

鉴于监测细胞NAD + 和NADH水平的重要性,有一个值得信赖的方法是至关重要的。该方案的目的是在有效且广泛适用的测定中描述来自组织和细胞的NAD + 和NADH提取以及其图形和定量分析。

【背景】氧化烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸和还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD + 和NADH)是重要的生物辅助因子,它们在几种合成代谢和分解代谢功能中提供和接受电子。它们参与诸如糖酵解,三羧酸循环和氧化磷酸化的反应。此外,它还作为DNA损伤修复中涉及的几种酶的底物,例如sirtuins和poly(ADP-核糖)聚合酶(PARP)(Imai和Guarente,2014; Verdin,2015; Yoshino et al。 ,2018)。

NAD + ...

Protocol for Enrichment of the Membrane Proteome of Mature Tomato Pollen
[Abstract]  We established and elaborated on a method to enrich the membrane proteome of mature pollen from economically relevant crop using the example of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato). To isolate the pollen protein fraction enriched in membrane proteins, a high salt concentration (750 mM of sodium chloride) was used. The membrane protein-enriched fraction was then subjected to shotgun proteomics for identification of proteins, followed by in silico analysis to annotate and classify the detected proteins. [摘要]  我们建立并阐述了利用番茄茄子(番茄)的例子丰富经济相关作物的成熟花粉膜蛋白质组的方法。为了分离富含膜蛋白质的花粉蛋白质级分,使用高盐浓度(750mM氯化钠)。然后将富含膜蛋白的级分进行霰弹枪蛋白质组学鉴定蛋白质,然后进行计算机分析,以对所检测的蛋白质进行注释和分类。

背景 由于蛋白质和溶质在不同细胞区室之间的适当分布或将新合成的蛋白质插入膜中很大程度上取决于膜蛋白质,所以膜蛋白质组是维持细胞和细胞器内稳态的核心(Paul等人 2013,2014和2016a)。考虑到膜蛋白的重要性,这些对于花粉功能和发育也是至关重要的(Paul等人,2016b)。许多全球花粉蛋白质组学研究已经在过去进行(Chaturvedi等人,2013和2016);然而,很少讨论关于蛋白质的胞内分布和膜蛋白质组学在花粉中的组成的信息(Pertl et al。,2009)。一个原因可能是膜蛋白的低丰度和溶解度。在这里,我们描述了一种方法,用于分离和分析富含成熟花粉的膜蛋白的蛋白质级分,这是为番茄建立的(图1)。

