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Dissecting stereomicroscope

Company: Tritech Research
Catalog#: SMT1
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Tail Tendon Break Time for the Assessment of Aging and Longitudinal Healthspan in Mice

The successful evaluation of longevity-promoting interventions requires the identification of reliable biomarkers of healthspan and lifespan. Non-enzymatic glycation end-products accumulate on collagens during the aging process, leading to the crosslinking and stiffening of collagen fibers. In murine species, the glycation of collagen during aging can be indirectly quantified by the Tail Tendon Break Time (TTBT) assay. Importantly, longitudinal linear increases in TTBTs across age are decreased by multiple established longevity-promoting interventions. Here, we discuss experimental considerations for the TTBT assay and provide an adapted version of the original TTBT protocol from Harrison and Archer 1978. We propose that TTBT remains a useful and minimally-invasive readout of longevity,

[摘要]  [摘要]成功评估促进长寿的干预措施需要确定健康寿命和寿命的可靠生物标志物。非酶糖化终产物在老化过程中积累在胶原上,导致胶原纤维交联和硬化。在小鼠物种中,老化过程中胶原的糖基化可以通过尾腱断裂时间(TTBT)间接定量。重要的是,多个已建立的促进长寿的干预措施降低了各年龄段TTBT的纵向线性增长。在这里,我们讨论了TTBT分析的实验考虑因素,并提供了Harrison和Archer 1978年提出的原始TTBT协议的改编版本。我们认为TTBT仍然是一种有用的、微创的长寿指数,尤其是当与其他纵向healthspan分析方案结合使用时。

[背景]老年医学研究领域和以药物干预形式识别老年保护剂需要可靠的方法来量化动物的生物年龄并评估其衰老过程中的健康状况(Sprott,2010;Kennedy等人,2014;Richardson等人,2016;de ...

Electroshock Induced Seizures in Adult C. elegans
[Abstract]  The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a useful model organism for dissecting molecular mechanisms of neurological diseases. While hermaphrodite C. elegans contains only 302 neurons, the conserved homologous neurotransmitters, simpler neuronal circuitry, and fully mapped connectome make it an appealing model system for neurological research. Here we developed an assay to induce an electroconvulsive seizure in C. elegans which can be used as a behavioral method of analyzing potential anti-epileptic therapeutics and novel genes involved in seizure susceptibility. In this assay, worms are suspended in an aqueous solution as current is passed through the liquid. At the onset of the shock, worms will briefly paralyze and twitch, and shortly after regain normal ... [摘要]  线虫秀丽隐杆线虫是解剖神经系统疾病分子机制的有用的模型生物。而雌雄同体线虫仅包含302个神经元,保守的同源神经递质,更简单的神经元电路和完全映射的连接体使其成为神经学研究的吸引人的模型系统。在这里,我们开发了一种诱发电刺激性癫痫发作的检测方法。线虫可用作分析潜在的抗癫痫药物和涉及癫痫发作敏感性的新基因的行为方法。在该测定中,当电流通过液体时,将蠕虫悬浮在水溶液中。在休克开始时,蠕虫会短暂瘫痪和抽搐,并在恢复正常的正弦运动后不久。运动恢复的时间被用作从癫痫发作恢复的指标,可以通过掺入改变神经元和肌肉兴奋性的药物来减少或延长。

背景 我们有兴趣使用强大的遗传模型,即秀丽隐杆线虫,开发可以容易地被药理学操作的电惊厥发作测定。无脊椎动物模型已被用于癫痫发作研究几十年(Lee和Wu,2002),但是没有专门研究电刺激性癫痫发作的方案。线虫。过去,多组已经开发出响应于化学前同质醇如GABA A受体阻断剂戊戊四唑(PTZ)和微毒素(PTX)以及乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂涕灭威分析麻痹的方法(Williams等人,2004; Vashlishan等人,2008)。虽然这些方法通常分析麻痹的时间,我们的方法量化了从电击诱发的癫痫发作恢复所需的时间(Risley等,2016)。
