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Ammonium Chloride

Company: Wako Pure Chemical Industries
Catalog#: 017-02995
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Ciliary Assembly/Disassembly Assay in Non-transformed Cell Lines
[Abstract]  The primary cilium is a non-motile sensory organelle whose assembly and disassembly are closely associated with cell cycle progression. The primary cilium is elongated from the basal body in quiescent cells and is resorbed as the cells re-enter the cell cycle. Dysregulation of ciliary dynamics has been linked with ciliopathies and other human diseases. The in vitro serum-stimulated ciliary assembly/disassembly assay has gained popularity in addressing the functions of the protein-of-interest in ciliary dynamics. Here, we describe a well-tested protocol for transfecting human retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE-1) and performing ciliary assembly/disassembly assays on the transfected cells. [摘要]  主要纤毛是一种非运动感觉细胞器,其装配和拆卸与细胞周期进程密切相关。 初级纤毛在静止细胞中从基体拉长并随着细胞重新进入细胞周期而被吸收。 睫状动力失调与纤毛病和其他人类疾病有关。 体外血清刺激的睫状体装配/分解测定已经在解决睫状动力学中感兴趣的蛋白质的功能方面受到欢迎。 在这里,我们描述了转染人视网膜色素上皮细胞(RPE-1)和对转染细胞进行睫状体装配/分解测定的充分测试的方案。

【背景】初级纤毛是毛发样感觉细胞器,其在G 0 / G 1期出现,并且在细胞周期的S期之前分解(Tucker等, et al。,1979)。先前的研究已经证实,某些未转化的细胞类型(即,甚至是RPE-1细胞,3T3成纤维细胞和小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞[MEFs])可以被饿死以诱导静止和睫状体形成。随后的血清再次添加触发双相睫状体吸收,其在刺激后2小时和24小时达到峰值(Tucker等人,1979; Li等人,2011) 。该现象为文献中常用的血清刺激的睫状体组装/分解测定奠定了基础,以鉴定参与睫状体组装和拆卸的蛋白质(Pugacheva等人,2007; ...

Myeloid Progenitor Transformation Assay
[Abstract]  Numerous oncogenes have been identified to cause leukemia. For example, chromosomal translocation generates various fusion genes of the mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) gene and a partner gene in leukemia, whose gene products transform primary myeloid progenitors into an immortalized state. To characterize the transforming ability of leukemic oncogenes, researchers in the field have developed an ex vivo murine myeloid transformation assay using retroviral gene transduction and its protocol has been improved over the past 10 years. Here, we provide the detailed procedure for this assay. [摘要]  许多致癌基因已被确定为导致白血病。 例如,染色体易位在白血病中产生混合谱系白血病(MLL )基因和伴侣基因的各种融合基因,其基因产物将原始骨髓祖细胞转化为永生状态。 为了表征白血病癌基因的转化能力,本领域的研究人员已经利用逆转录病毒基因转导开发了一种离体小鼠骨髓转化试验,其方案在过去的10年中得到了改进。 在这里,我们提供了这个检测的详细程序。

【背景】染色体易位产生多种导致白血病的MLL融合基因(Meyer等人,2017)。野生型混合谱系白血病(MLL)蛋白质起着转录调节剂的作用,其在造血不成熟祖细胞中增强包括同源框(homoxox(Hox))基因在内的一组基因的表达(Jude等。,2007)。在正常造血期间,Hox基因在干/祖细胞部分中表达,但在分化过程中转录下调(Somervaille和Cleary,2006; Yokoyama等人, 2013年);然而,MLL融合蛋白组成性地上调其靶基因并阻断分化以在离体培养条件下建立永生状态。最近,我们报道了MLL-ENL和MLL-AF10融合蛋白招募AF4以激活转录并且还募集DOT1L复合物以维持相同靶基因的转录以有效地转化造血祖细胞(Okuda等人, ...

In vivo Leukemogenesis Model Using Retrovirus Transduction
[Abstract]  Various genetic alterations such as chromosomal translocation cause leukemia. For examples, gene rearrangements of the mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) gene generate MLL fusion genes, whose products are potent oncogenic drivers in acute leukemia. To better understand the mechanism of disease onset, several murine leukemia models using retroviral gene transduction, xenograft, or Cre-mediated chromosomal translocation have been developed over the past twenty years. Particularly, a retroviral gene transduction-mediated murine leukemia model has been frequently used in the leukemia research field. Here, we describe the detailed protocol for this model. [摘要]  各种基因改变如染色体易位导致白血病。 例如,混合谱系白血病(MLL )基因的基因重排产生MLL 融合基因,其产物是急性白血病中有效的致癌驱动因子。 为了更好地理解疾病发生的机制,过去二十年来已经开发了几种使用逆转录病毒基因转导,异种移植或Cre介导的染色体易位的鼠白血病模型。 特别地,逆转录病毒基因转导介导的鼠白血病模型已经在白血病研究领域中经常使用。 在这里,我们描述这个模型的详细协议。

【背景】基因重排产生混合谱系白血病(MLL )融合基因,导致高度侵袭性的急性白血病。 MLL重排往往伴随着少量额外的遗传改变和不良的临床结果(Andersson等人,2015)。野生型MLL增强和维持包括同源框(Hox)基因在内的一部分基因的表达,以刺激未成熟祖细胞的扩增(Jude等人,2007年)。在未成熟的祖细胞/干细胞组分中,Hoxa9和emis1的表达最高,但随着细胞分化逐渐下降,并最终在终末分化的细胞组分中减少(Somervaille和Cleary,2006; Yokoyama et al。 ,2013)。 MLL融合蛋白组成性地上调包括Hoxa9和Meis1在内的靶基因的表达,使未成熟的祖细胞永生化,并在体内引起白血病 (Ayton和Cleary,2003; ...
