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Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: G2500
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Preparation of Precisely Oriented Cryosections of Undistorted Drosophila Wing Imaginal Discs for High Resolution Confocal Imaging
[Abstract]  The combination of immunofluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSM) is essential to high-resolution detection of molecular distribution in biological specimens. A frequent limitation is the need to image deep inside a tissue or in a specific plane, which may be inaccessible due to tissue size or shape. Recreating high-resolution 3D images is not possible because the point-spread function of light reduces the resolution in the Z-axis about 3-fold, compared to XY, and light scattering obscures signal deep in the tissue. However, the XY plane of interest can be chosen if embedded samples are precisely oriented and sectioned prior to imaging (Figure 1). Here we describe the preparation of frozen tissue sections of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, which allows us to ... [摘要]  免疫荧光和激光扫描共聚焦显微镜(LSM)的组合是高分辨率检测生物样品中分子分布的关键。频繁的限制是需要在组织内或在特定的平面深处进行成像,这可能由于组织大小或形状而不可接近。因为与XY相比,光的点扩散函数将Z轴的分辨率降低了约3倍,并且光散射使组织中的深层信号模糊,所以不可能重新创建高分辨率3D图像。然而,如果嵌入的样品在成像之前被精确地定向和切片,则可以选择感兴趣的XY平面(图1)。在这里,我们描述的果蝇翅成像光盘的冰冻组织切片的准备,这使得我们能够获得高分辨率的图像,在整个这个折叠上皮的深度。

图1.上皮结构和未畸变的折叠模式在发育果蝇翅膀的这个冰冻部分的整个深度中都被揭示出来。通过机翼囊横向背腹节。 A.冷冻切片显示贯穿上皮深度的信号的α-连环蛋白(A',A“,洋红色)的细胞核(A,绿色)和亚细胞分布。基底表面清晰可辨(箭头)。 A是“A的数字增强图像”。 B.在显示为XZ正交视图的自顶向下视图中收集的图像的Z-堆叠揭示了α-连环蛋白(B',B“)甚至数字增强图像(B”)的细胞核(B)但很少可辨别的细节。未能揭示基底上皮表面(箭头)。 ...

An Affinity-directed Protein Missile (AdPROM) System for Targeted Destruction of Endogenous Proteins
[Abstract]  We recently reported an Affinity-directed PROtein Missile (AdPROM) system for the targeted proteolysis of endogenous proteins of interest (POI) (Fulcher et al., 2016 and 2017). AdPROM consists of the Von Hippel Lindau (VHL) protein, a Cullin 2 E3 ligase substrate receptor (Bosu and Kipreos, 2008), conjugated to a high affinity polypeptide binder (such as a camelid nanobody) that recognises the target protein in cells. When introduced in cells, the target protein is recruited to the CUL2 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex for ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation. For target protein recruitment, we have utilised both camelid-derived VHH domain nanobodies as well as synthetic polypeptide monobodies based on the human type III fibronectin domain (Sha et al., 2013; Fridy et ... [摘要]  我们最近报道了一种针对内源性感兴趣蛋白(POI)的靶向蛋白水解的亲和指导PROtein导弹(AdPROM)系统(Fulcher等人,2016和2017)。 AdPROM由Von Hippel Lindau(VHL)蛋白组成,Cullin 2 E3连接酶底物受体(Bosu and Kipreos,2008),与识别细胞中靶蛋白的高亲和力多肽结合剂(如骆驼科纳米抗体)缀合。当在细胞中引入时,靶蛋白质被招募到CUL2 E3泛素连接酶复合体用于泛素介导的蛋白酶体降解。对于靶蛋白的募集,我们使用了基于人类III型纤连蛋白结构域的骆驼科动物来源的VHH结构域纳米抗体以及合成多肽单体(Sharm等人,2013; Fridy等人。,2014; Schmidt et al。,2016)。在此协议中,我们描述了生成AdPROM构建体及其在人细胞系中用于靶蛋白质破坏的详细方法。 AdPROM允许对POI进行功能表征,并且其目标蛋白质破坏的效率克服了RNA干扰方法的许多局限性,这些方法需要长时间的治疗并与脱靶效应相关联,而CRISPR / Cas9基因编辑并不总是可行的。
【背景】该协议使人们能够在哺乳动物细胞系中设计,构建和表达AdPROM VHL-nano ...

Mimicking Angiogenesis in vitro: Three-dimensional Co-culture of Vascular Endothelial Cells and Perivascular Cells in Collagen Type I Gels
[Abstract]  Angiogenesis defines the process of formation of new vascular structures form existing blood vessels, involved during development, repair processes like wound healing but also linked to pathological changes. During angiogenic processes, endothelial cells build a vascular network and recruit perivascular cells to form mature, stable vessels. Endothelial cells and perivascular cells secret and assemble a vascular basement membrane and interact via close cell-cell contacts. To mimic these processes in vitro we have developed a versatile three-dimensional culture system where perivascular cells (PVC) are co-cultured with human umbilical cord vascular endothelial cells (HUVEC) in a collagen type I gel. This co-culture system can be used to determine biochemical and cellular processes ... [摘要]  血管发生定义了形成现有血管的新血管结构的形成过程,涉及发育过程中的修复过程,如伤口愈合,还与病理变化有关。 在血管生成过程中,内皮细胞建立血管网络并招募血管周围细胞以形成成熟稳定的血管。 内皮细胞和血管周围细胞秘密并组装血管基底膜,并通过细胞间接触进行相互作用。 为了体外模拟这些过程,我们开发了一种通用的三维培养系统,其中血管周围细胞(PVC)与胶原I型凝胶中的人脐带血管内皮细胞(HUVEC)共培养。 这种共培养系统可用于通过广泛的分析选项来确定新生血管生成事件期间的生物化学和细胞过程。
我们以前分离出具有血管周围特征的细胞,因为它们表达周细胞特异性标记,产生和分泌细胞外基质蛋白并在体内刺激血管生成过程(Brachvogel等,2005和2007)。这些细胞用于与人脐静脉内皮细胞建立共培养系统,并研究三维微环境中两种细胞类型相互作用后新生血管发生的关键步骤(Pitzler等,2016; ...
