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MLS-50 Rotor Package, Swinging Bucket, Aluminum, 4 x 5.0 mL, 50,000 rpm, 268,000 x g

Company: Beckman Coulter
Catalog#: MLS-50
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Affinity Purification of the RNA Degradation Complex, the Exosome, from HEK-293 Cells
[Abstract]  The RNA exosome complex plays a central role in RNA processing and regulated turnover. Present both in cytoplasm and nucleus, the exosome functions through associations with ribonucleases and various adapter proteins (reviewed in [Kilchert et al., 2016]). The following protocol describes an approach to purify RNA exosome complexes from HEK-293 cells, making use of inducible ectopic expression, affinity capture, and rate-zonal centrifugation. The obtained RNA exosomes have been used successfully for proteomic, structural, and enzymatic studies (Domanski et al., 2016). [摘要]  RNA外植体复合物在RNA加工和调节营养中起核心作用。在细胞质和细胞核中存在,外来体通过与核糖核酸酶和各种衔接蛋白的关联起作用(参见[Kilchert等人,2016])。以下方案描述了从HEK-293细胞中纯化RNA外来体复合物的方法,利用可诱导的异位表达,亲和力捕获和速率 - 区带离心。所获得的RNA外来体已被成功地用于蛋白质组学,结构和酶学研究(Domanski等人,2016)。

在我们以前的工作中,我们建立了在四环素诱导型CMV启动子(HEK-293 Flp-In T-REx-Thermo Fisher)的控制下表达C末端3xFLAG标记的外来体组分EXOSC10(RRP6)的同基因HEK-293细胞系科学)。该系统允许我们以与内源WT蛋白质相当的水平表达标记的EXOSC10蛋白质,并且使用磁性抗FLAG亲和介质和来源于冷冻细胞粉末的蛋白质提取物来研究外来体纯化方案(Domanski等, / em>。,2012)。进一步探索使用的蛋白质提取条件,我们开发了一种允许在亲和捕获的外来体内保留DIS3(RRP44)的方案,否则证明是困难的(Hakhverdyan等人,2015)。基于这些研究,我们通过使用甘油密度梯度的速率区带离心法进一步纯化了RNA外来体(+/- DIS3)(Domanski等人,2016)。虽然蛋白质提取物中洗涤剂CHAPS(3 - ...

Isolation of Latex Bead Phagosomes from Dictyostelium for in vitro Functional Assays
[Abstract]  We describe a protocol to purify latex bead phagosomes (LBPs) from Dictyostelium cells. These can be later used for various in vitro functional assays. For instance, we use these LBPs to understand the microtubule motor-driven transport on in vitro polymerized microtubules. Phagosomes are allowed to mature for defined periods inside cells before extraction for in vitro motility. These assays allow us to probe how lipids on the phagosome membrane recruit and organize motors, and also measure the motion and force generation resulting from underlying lipid-motor interactions. This provides a unique opportunity to interrogate native-like organelles using biophysical and biochemical assays, and understand the role of motor proteins in phagosome maturation ... [摘要]  芽顶端分生组织(SAM)是通过细胞分裂不断更新自身的细胞的集合,并且还向新发育的器官提供细胞。已知CLAVATA(CLV)3肽调节转录因子WUSCHEL(WUS)以保持未分化细胞的数量恒定并维持SAM的大小。在非细胞自主信号级联中的CLV3和WUS的交互反馈控制确定SAM中的干细胞命运(多能性的维持,或者,分化成子细胞)。 Ca 2 + 是在许多信号传导途径中起重要作用的第二信使。连接CLV3结合其受体和WUS表达的信号系统没有很好地描绘。我们显示Ca 2 + 参与SAM大小的CLV3调节。我们使用的方法之一是测量SAM的大小。在这里,我们提供了一个详细的协议,如何用Nomarski显微镜测量拟南芥SAM大小。将代表SAM的最大"面"的二维圆顶的面积用作SAM大小的代表。在存在和不存在Ca 2+通道阻断剂Gd 3+和sLV 3肽的情况下对野生型(WT)拟南芥进行研究。 ,以及缺乏功能性CLV3( clv3 )或编码Ca 2+ 2+导电离子通道的基因('dnd1 ')的基因型。 关键字: 拟南芥,射击顶端分生组织,苗发育,细胞信号,幼苗 > Nomarski显微镜广泛用于研究拟南芥SAM大小。用于SAM观察的其他显微技术是耗时的,并且需要将树脂嵌入树脂中,然后切片或甚至更复杂的显微镜。 ...

Lipid Extraction from HeLa Cells, Quantification of Lipids, Formation of Large Unilamellar Vesicles (LUVs) by Extrusion and in vitro Protein-lipid Binding Assays, Analysis of the Incubation Product by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and by Flotation across a Discontinuous Sucrose Gradient
[Abstract]  Dissecting the interactions established between proteins and membranes in a given type of cells is not an easy task. Using a cell-free system of large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) to analyze these interactions may help decipher these interactions and identify potential membrane deformations induced by the proteins incubated with these LUVs. This article describes the protocols for 1) extraction of total lipids from eukaryotic cells using the method developed by Bligh and Dyer (1959), 2) the quantification of glycerophospholipids by gas chromatography after methanolysis, followed by 3) the formation of LUVs by extrusion, 4) protein-lipid binding assay, 5) analysis of the incubation product by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and by flotation across a discontinuous sucrose gradient and ... [摘要]  解剖在给定类型的细胞中蛋白质和膜之间建立的相互作用不是一个容易的任务。使用大单层囊泡(LUV)的无细胞系统来分析这些相互作用可以帮助破译这些相互作用和识别由与这些LUV孵育的蛋白质诱导的潜在的膜变形。本文介绍了1)使用由Bligh和Dyer(1959)开发的方法从真核细胞中提取总脂质,2)在甲醇分解后通过气相色谱法定量甘油磷脂,然后3)通过挤出形成LUV的方案, 4)蛋白质 - 脂质结合测定,5)通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)和通过不连续蔗糖梯度浮选分析孵育产物,最后,6)通过免疫印迹分析蛋白质并通过碘素熏蒸显示甘油磷脂。

[背景] 包含巨单层囊泡(GUV;由单个磷脂双层组成,直径大于1μm)或脂质体孵育的无细胞系统与重组蛋白可能有助于了解这些相互作用。根据它们的直径和层数,脂质体被分为小的单层囊泡(SUV;由单个磷脂双层构成的囊泡,直径在20和100nm之间),大的单层囊泡(LUV;由单个双层磷脂,并且直径在100和400nm之间),大多层囊泡(MLV;由多个磷脂双层构成且直径在200nm和3μm之间的囊泡)和多泡囊泡(MVV);由囊泡组成的大囊泡单个双层磷脂,并含有几个较小的囊泡,每个囊泡由单个双层磷脂组成)。 ...
