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Quick StartTM Bradford Protein Assay Kit 1

Company: Bio-Rad Laboratories
Catalog#: 5000201
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Purification of Soluble Recombinant Human Tau Protein from Bacteria Using Double-tag Affinity Purification
[Abstract]  Dysfunction of the microtubule-associated protein Tau (encoded by the MAPT gene) has been implicated in more than twenty neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s. As such, the physiological and disease-relevant functions of Tau have garnered great interest in the research community. One barrier hampering investigations into the functions of Tau and the generation of pharmacological agents targeting Tau has been the difficulty of obtaining soluble Tau protein in purified form. Here, we describe a protocol that uses dual affinity tag purification to selectively purify soluble recombinant Tau protein from bacteria that is functionally active for downstream applications including immunization, microtubule binding assays, and protein-protein interaction studies. [摘要]  微管相关蛋白Tau(由 MAPT 基因编码)的功能障碍已经涉及20多种神经退行性疾病,包括阿尔茨海默病。 因此,Tau的生理和疾病相关功能引起了研究界的极大兴趣。 妨碍对Tau功能的研究和产生靶向Tau的药理学试剂的一个障碍是难以获得纯化形式的可溶性Tau蛋白。 在这里,我们描述了一种方案,该方案使用双亲和标签纯化从细菌中选择性纯化可溶性重组Tau蛋白,所述细菌对于下游应用具有功能活性,包括免疫,微管结合测定和蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用研究。
【背景】Tau传统上被定义为微管结合蛋白;然而,在人类疾病中,Tau可以与轴突微管分离并错误定位到其他神经元区室,包括体细胞,树突和突触,其中与非微管蛋白和结构的相互作用驱动神经元功能障碍(Iqbal et al。 ,2016; Wang和Mandelkow,2016; Zhou et al。,2017; McInnes et al。,2018)。尽管神经原纤维缠结形式的Tau聚集体通常存在于死后患病的脑组织中,但研究表明,可溶性Tau,而不是聚集的Tau,是神经元功能障碍的主要原因(Crimins et al。,2012 ; Polydoro et al。,2014; Koss et al。,2016)。因此,研究Tau在疾病中的可溶性功能,例如鉴定蛋白质 - ...

Using Stable Isotopes in Bone Marrow Derived Macrophage to Analyze Metabolism
[Abstract]  Using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to analyze the citric acid cycle (CAC) and related intermediates (such as glutamate, glutamine, GABA, and aspartate) is an analytical approach to identify unexpected correlations between apparently related and unrelated pathways of energy metabolism. Intermediates can be as expressed as their absolute concentrations or relative ratios by using known amounts of added reference standards to the sample. GC-MS can also distinguish between heavy labeled molecules (2H- or 13C-labeled) and the naturally occurring most abundant molecules. Applications using tracers can also assess the turnover of specific metabolic pools under various physiological and pathological conditions as well as for pathway discovery.

The ...
[摘要]  使用气相色谱质谱(GC-MS)分析柠檬酸循环(CAC)和相关中间体(如谷氨酸,谷氨酰胺,GABA和天冬氨酸)是一种分析方法,用于识别明显相关和不相关的能量途径之间的意外相关性代谢。通过使用已知量的样品添加的参考标准,中间体可以表示为它们的绝对浓度或相对比例。 GC-MS还可以区分重标记分子( 2 H-或 13 C-标记的)和天然存在的最丰富的分子。使用示踪剂的应用还可以评估在各种生理和病理条件下以及用于途径发现的特定代谢池的周转。

以下方案是一种相对简单的方法,不仅对小浓度的代谢中间体敏感,而且还可以 in vivo 或 in vitro 用于确定各种新陈代谢的完整性途径,如特定代谢物池内的通量变化。我们使用该协议来确定磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧激酶1 ( Pck1 )基因在小鼠巨噬细胞中的作用,以确定 13 C将葡萄糖标记为特定的CAC代谢物库


本方案中描述的用于细胞内代谢物功能定量的方法是通过在U- 13 ...

Isolation of Exosomes from Semen for in vitro Uptake and HIV-1 Infection Assays
[Abstract]  Exosomes are membranous extracellular nanovesicles of endocytic origin. Exosomes are known to carry host and pathogen-derived genomic, proteomic, lipidomic cargos and other extraneous molecules. Exosomes are secreted by diverse cell types into the extracellular milieu and are subsequently internalized by recipient neighboring or distal cells. Upon internalization, exosomes condition recipient cells by donating their cargos and/or activating various signal transduction pathways, consequently regulating physiological and pathophysiological processes. Exosomes facilitate intercellular communication, modulate cellular phenotype, and regulate microbial pathogenesis. We have previously shown that semen exosomes (SE) inhibit HIV-1 replication in various cell types. Here, we describe detailed ... [摘要]  外来体是内膜起源的膜性胞外纳米囊。 已知外来载体携带宿主和病原体衍生的基因组,蛋白质组,脂质体载体和其他外来分子。 外来体由不同细胞类型分泌到细胞外环境中,随后被受体相邻细胞或远端细胞内化。 在内化后,外来体通过捐赠其载体和或激活各种信号转导途径来调节受体细胞,从而调节生理和病理生理过程。 外来体促进细胞间通讯,调节细胞表型和调节微生物发病机制。 我们以前表明精液外来体(SE)抑制各种细胞类型的HIV-1复制。 在这里,我们描述特征SE的详细协议。 该方案可以适应或修改,并用于评估感兴趣的其他细胞外小泡。

外来体是由许多细胞类型的晚期内体室内的内体膜向内发生的结果而引起的膜状纳米囊(Simons and Raposo,2009)。外来体被许多细胞类型(Iglesias等人,2012)释放到细胞外环境中,并且被发现在包括血液在内的生物流体中(Kaur等人,2014)尿(Liem等人,2013)唾液(Madison等人,2015)和母乳(Madison等人,2014; Naslund ,2014)。人类精液含有由包括前列腺分泌腺泡细胞在内的男性生殖道组织产生的纳米囊泡的异质群体(Madison等人,2014; Madison等人,2015) (Sahlen等人,2002)和附睾上皮细胞(Frenette等人,2010)以及vasa感染,睾丸和囊泡腺细胞( ...
