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Company: New England Biolabs
Catalog#: R0176
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Method for Multiplexing CRISPR/Cas9 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Using Artificial Target DNA Sequences
[Abstract]  Genome manipulation has become more accessible given the advent of the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) editing technology. The Cas9 endonuclease binds a single stranded (single guide) RNA (sgRNA) fragment that recruits the complex to a corresponding genomic target sequence where it induces a double stranded break. Eukaryotic repair systems allow for the introduction of exogenous DNA, repair of existing mutations, or deletion of endogenous gene products. Targeting of Cas9 to multiple genomic positions (termed ‘multiplexing’) is achieved by the expression of multiple sgRNAs within the same nucleus. However, an ongoing concern of the CRISPR field has been the accidental targeting of Cas9 to alternative (‘off-target’) DNA locations within a genome. We ... [摘要]  鉴于CRISPR(集群定期间隔短回归重复)编辑技术的出现,基因组操纵变得更加易于使用。 Cas9核酸内切酶将募集复合物的单链(单向导)RNA(sgRNA)片段结合到相应的基因组靶序列,引发双链断裂。真核修复系统允许引入外源DNA,修复现有突变或内源基因产物的缺失。通过在同一核内表达多个sgRNA来实现Cas9对多个基因组位置的定位(称为“多重”)。然而,CRISPR领域的持续关注是将Cas9意外地定位到基因组内的替代(“脱靶”)DNA位置。我们将安装的人造Cas9靶序列的使用(称为人造基因座上的Cas9复制)描述为允许(i)与单个sgRNA复用的酵母基因组中的用途; (ii)减少/消除可能的脱靶效应,以及(iii)精确控制预定目标序列的放置。
【背景】CRISPR(集群定期间隔回归重复)机制已经在原核生物中演变为具有很高精度编辑任何基因组的能力的原始适应性免疫系统(Jinek等,2012; Sorek等,2013)。这种生物技术需要使用来自化脓性链球菌(或othologous物种)的内切核酸酶(Cas9),单个RNA'引导'序列和外源供体DNA(如果需要)。仅在短短几年内,CRISPR / ...

Evaluation of Plasmid Stability by Negative Selection in Gram-negative Bacteria
[Abstract]  Plasmid stability can be measured using antibiotic-resistance plasmid derivatives by positive selection. However, highly stable plasmids are below the sensitivity range of these assays. To solve this problem we describe a novel, highly sensitive method to measure plasmid stability based on the selection of plasmid-free cells following elimination of plasmid-containing cells. The assay proposed here is based on an aph-parE cassette. When synthesized in the cell, the ParE toxin induces cell death. ParE synthesis is controlled by a rhamnose-inducible promoter. When bacteria carrying the aph-parE module are grown in media containing rhamnose as the only carbon source, ParE is synthesized and plasmid-containing cells are eliminated. Kanamycin resistance (aph) is ... [摘要]  可以通过阳性选择使用抗生素抗性质粒衍生物来测量质粒稳定性。然而,高度稳定的质粒低于这些测定的灵敏度范围。为了解决这个问题,我们描述了一种新颖的,高度灵敏的方法来测量质粒稳定性,这是基于在含有质粒的细胞消除后,无质粒细胞的选择。这里提出的检测方法是基于aph-parE 盒式磁带。当细胞合成时,ParE毒素诱导细胞死亡。 ParE合成由鼠李糖诱导型启动子控制。当携带 aph-parE 模块的细菌生长在含有鼠李糖作为唯一碳源的培养基中时,合成ParE,消除含有质粒的细胞。进一步使用卡那霉素抗性( aph )来证实在鼠李糖生长的细菌中不存在质粒。

背景 通过使用抗生素抗性质粒衍生物的阳性选择测定质粒稳定性。携带研究质粒的​​细胞在选择性抗生素(Gerdes等人,1985; del Solar等人,1987)的存在下被阳性选择。这种技术的主要缺点是其灵敏度;高度稳定的质粒低于这些测定的敏感性。为了解决这个问题,已经描述了依靠直接选择无质粒细胞例如 - 四环素系统的替代方法(Bochner等人,1980; Maloy和Nunn,1981; Garcia-Quintanilla 等人,2006)。 - ...

Analysis of Replicative Intermediates of Adeno-associated Virus through Hirt Extraction and Southern Blotting
[Abstract]  Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a small single-stranded DNA virus that requires the presence of a helper virus, such as adenovirus or herpes virus, to efficiently replicate its genome. AAV DNA is replicated by a rolling-hairpin mechanism (Ward, 2006), and during replication several DNA intermediates can be detected. This detailed protocol describes how to analyze the AAV DNA intermediates formed during AAV replication using a modified Hirt extract (Hirt, 1967) procedure and Southern blotting (Southern, 1975). [摘要]  腺相关病毒(AAV)是一种小型单链DNA病毒,需要存在辅助病毒,如腺病毒或疱疹病毒,以有效地复制其基因组。 AAV DNA通过滚转发夹机制(Ward,2006)进行复制,并且在复制期间可以检测出几种DNA中间体。该详细方案描述了如何使用改良的Hirt提取物(Hirt,1967)程序和Southern印迹(Southern,1975)分析在AAV复制期间形成的AAV DNA中间体。

背景 AAV DNA复制通过滚动发夹机制在由AAV和辅助病毒如腺病毒或疱疹病毒共感染的细胞中进行(Ward,2006)。 AAV DNA由4.7kb的线性DNA分子和倒置的末端重复(ITR)组成,折叠形成T形发夹结构。 3'末端发夹作为AAV DNA复制的引物。这些发夹结构由AAV Rep蛋白再生,允许进一步复制(Im和Muzyczka,1990)。 AAV DNA的+和 - 链都被包装并且是感染性的(Rose等人,1969)。当分析复制AAV DNA时,可以检测到几种复制中间体(Straus等人,1976)。最丰富的复制中间体是由AAV DNA的一个和一个链形成的线性单体双链体分子,其被认为是将包装在预先形成的衣壳中的后代单链分子的直接前体(Straus ,1976)。二聚体复制中间体也是常见的,AAV复制模型与甚至更大的复制中间体相容。 ...
