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Inverted fluorescence microscope (

Eclipse Ti-E Inverted Microscope System

Company: Nikon
Catalog#: Eclipse Ti-E
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Determination of Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) Content in Ralstonia eutropha Using Gas Chromatography and Nile Red Staining
[Abstract]  Ralstonia eutropha H16 produces and mobilizes (re-utilizes) intracellular polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) granules during growth. This protocol describes the visualization of intracellular Nile red stained PHB granules and the quantification of PHB by gas chromatography. Our first method describes how to analyze PHB granules by fluorescence microscopy qualitatively. Our second approach enables the conversion of PHB to volatile hydroxycarboxylic acid methyl esters by acidic methanolysis and their quantification by gas chromatography. Through this method, it is possible to obtain an absolute quantification of PHB, e.g., per cell dry weight. [摘要]  在生长过程中,富养罗尔斯通氏菌H16产生和动员(重新利用)细胞内聚羟基丁酸酯(PHB)颗粒。 该协议描述了细胞内尼罗红染色的PHB颗粒的可视化和通过气相色谱定量PHB。 我们的第一种方法描述了如何通过荧光显微镜定性分析PHB颗粒。 我们的第二种方法可以通过酸性甲醇分解和气相色谱定量法将PHB转化为挥发性羟基羧酸甲酯。 通过该方法,可以获得PHB的绝对定量,例如,每细胞干重。

【背景】聚羟基脂肪酸酯(PHA),尤其是聚羟基丁酸酯(PHB),是许多原核生物物种中的能量和碳储存化合物,确保细菌在压力条件下存活(Anderson和Dawes,1990;Pötter和Steinbüchel,2006; Jendrossek和Pfeiffer,2014; Bresan, >等。,2016)。这些生物聚合物的工业应用是生物降解塑料的生产(Chen,2009; Riedel等人,2015)和潜在药物成分的研究(Wu,2009; Zonari等人, ,2015; Pacheco et al。,2015; Giretova ...

Fluorescent Measurement of Synaptic Activity Using FM Dyes in Dissociated Hippocampal Cultured Neurons
[Abstract]  Release and recycling of synaptic vesicles are essential for neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity. To gain mechanistic understanding of these processes, direct measurements of vesicle release and retrieval is indispensable. Styryl dyes like FM1-43 and FM4-64 have been widely used for this purpose and their loading and unloading are reliable measurements for synaptic vesicle release and retrieval in cultured neurons. This protocol describes in detail the procedure of using styryl dyes to label and measure synaptic vesicle uptake and release in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. We also include a brief description of hippocampal culture. In the end, we briefly discuss the commonality and difference among FM dye, pH-sensitive fluorescent proteins and quantum dots in terms of measuring ... [摘要]  突触小泡的释放和再循环对于神经传递和突触可塑性是至关重要的。 为了获得对这些过程的机械理解,直接测量囊泡释放和回收是必不可少的。 苯乙烯基染料如FM1-43和FM4-64已被广泛用于此目的,其装载和卸载是可靠的测量突触小泡释放和恢复培养的神经元。 该协议详细描述了使用苯乙烯基染料来标记和测量培养的大鼠海马神经元中的突触小泡摄取和释放的程序。 我们还包括对海马文化的简要描述。 最后,我们简要讨论FM染料,pH敏感荧光蛋白和量子点在测量突触小泡行为方面的共性和差异。
【背景】突触小泡是神经传递不可或缺的,因为它们是化学突触中负责神经递质释放的唯一细胞器。它们的数量,释放概率,融合动力学和再循环路线定义了突触传递和神经元交流。已经开发了多种用于探测突触囊泡的工具,包括突触后神经元的电生理学记录,膜运输的电容测量,可氧化的发射体的电流分析,固定突触的电子显微镜成像以及活神经元中的囊泡标记的荧光成像。在所有现有的方法中,最后一个是不仅产生关于个体突触的空间和时间信息,而且提供高吞吐量(即,来自不同神经元的单个突触的更多数据点)的唯一方法。已经开发了基于不同定向和报告机制的各种荧光探针。二十多年前发明的苯乙烯基染料(即FM染料,包括FM1-43,FM4-64,FM5-95)仍然是一种可靠而方便的工具。由于其对脂质膜的中等亲和力及其对脂质敏感的排放,可以容易地装载到再循环的突触囊泡中并且当这些囊泡被胞吐出时释放。使用更敏感的光电探测器如EMCCD,FM染料可以报告单个囊泡释放事件。在这里,我们提供了一个相对完整的基于FM的啮齿动物海马神经元原代培养的突触小泡释放成像的描述。此外,我们还讨论了FM染料和其他荧光泡标签的共性和区别。 ...

Protocol for Construction of a Tunable CRISPR Interference (tCRISPRi) Strain for Escherichia coli
[Abstract]  We present a protocol for construction of tunable CRISPR interference (tCRISPRi) strains for Escherichia coli. The tCRISPRi system alleviates most of the known problems of plasmid-based expression methods, and can be immediately used to construct libraries of sgRNAs that can complement the Keio collection by targeting both essential and nonessential genes. Most importantly from a practical perspective, construction of tCRISPRi to target a new gene requires only one-step oligo recombineering. Additional advantages of tCRISPRi over other existing CRISPRi methods include: (1) tCRISPRi shows significantly less than 10% leaky repression; (2) tCRISPRi uses a tunable arabinose operon promoter and modifications in transporter genes to allow a wide dynamic range with graded control by ... [摘要]  我们提出了构建大肠杆菌可调CRISPR干扰(tCRISPRi)菌株的方案。 tCRISPRi系统缓解了基于质粒的表达方法的大多数已知问题,并且可以立即用于构建可通过靶向必需基因和非必需基因来补充Keio收集物的sgRNA的文库。 最重要的是从实践的角度来看,建立tCRISPRi来靶向一个新的基因只需要一步寡核苷酸重组。 tCRISPRi与其他现有CRISPRI方法的其他优点包括:(1)tCRISPRi显示低于10%的泄漏抑制; (2)tCRISPRi使用可调阿拉伯糖操纵子启动子和转运蛋白基因的修饰,以允许通过阿拉伯糖诱导剂分级控制的宽动态范围; (3)tCRISPRi是无质粒的,整个系统整合到染色体中; (4)tCRISPRi菌株显示出理想的生理特性。
Morgan-Kiss 等人。 (2002)开发了基于质粒的剂量诱导型启动子pBAD。它们的系统允许来自pBAD启动子的蛋白质的可调节表达,取决于阿拉伯糖水平。阿拉伯糖转运蛋白基因和araFGH在菌株中是无活性的。他们的菌株也有两个拷贝的lacY ...
