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LB Agar, Lennox

Company: BD
Catalog#: 240110
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Quantification of Chlorophyll as a Proxy for Biofilm Formation in the Cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus
[Abstract]  A self-suppression mechanism of biofilm development in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 was recently reported. These studies required quantification of biofilms formed by mutants impaired in the biofilm-inhibitory process. Here we describe in detail the use of chlorophyll measurements as a proxy for biomass accumulation in sessile and planktonic cells of biofilm-forming strains. These measurements allow quantification of the total biomass as estimated by chlorophyll level and representation of the extent of biofilm formation by depicting the relative fraction of chlorophyll in planktonic cells. [摘要]  最近报道了蓝细菌聚球蓝细菌PCC 7942中生物膜发育的自我抑制机制。 这些研究需要定量由生物膜抑制过程中受损的突变体形成的生物膜。 在这里,我们详细描述了叶绿素测量作为生物膜形成菌株无菌和浮游细胞中生物量积累的代用途。 这些测量可以通过叶绿素水平估计的总生物量进行定量,并通过描绘浮游细胞中叶绿素的相对分数来表示生物膜形成的程度。
【背景】几个最近发表的研究表明,蓝藻中细胞聚集和生物膜发育的基础的机制的新兴兴趣(Fisher等人,2013; Jittawuttipoka等人,2013; 2014; Enomoto等人,2014; Schwarzkopf等人,2014; Enomoto等人,,2015; Oliveira等人,2015; Agostoni等人,2016; Parnasa等人,2016)。我们最近报道了一种自生物膜抑制机制,其决定了单细胞蓝细菌聚球蓝细菌PCC 7942(Schatz等人,2013; Nagar和Schwarz,2015)的浮游生长)。通过灭活特定基因来消除生物膜抑制过程导致在这种其他浮游菌株(Schatz等人,2013; ...

Measuring Caenorhabditis elegans Sleep during the Transition to Adulthood Using a Microfluidics-based System
[Abstract]  C. elegans sleep during development is regulated by genes and cellular mechanisms that are conserved across the animal kingdom (Singh et al., 2014; Trojanowski and Raizen, 2016). C. elegans developmental sleep is usually assessed during the transition to adulthood, a 2.6 h time interval called lethargus (Raizen et al., 2008; Singh et al., 2011). During lethargus, animals cycle between periods of immobility (sleep bouts) and periods of active locomotion (motion bouts). Sleep bouts resemble sleep in other species based on behavioral criteria, including cessation of feeding and locomotion, increased arousal threshold for response to sensory stimulation, rapid reversibility, and homeostatic response to sleep loss. Several assays have been developed ... [摘要]  C。发展过程中的线虫睡眠受到动物界保护的基因和细胞机制的限制(Singh等人,2014; Trojanowski和Raizen,2016)。 C。线虫发育睡眠通常在成年过渡期间进行评估,2.6h时间间隔称为lethargus(Raizen等人,2008; Singh等人, 2011)。在嗜睡期间,动物在不动的时期(睡眠开始)和积极运动时期(运动发作)之间循环。睡眠状态基于行为标准,包括停止进食和运动,增加唤醒阈值以响应感觉刺激,快速可逆性和对睡眠损失的稳​​态反应,类似于其他物种的睡眠。已经开发了几种用于在C中研究睡眠的测定法。 (Belfer等人,2013; Bringmann,2011; Nelson等人,2013; Raizen等人, 2008)。在这里,我们提供了一个详细的评估方案。线虫在lethargus期间睡眠,许多研究组已经成功使用,结合简单的微流体室,具有照明系统的低成本照相机和基于图像减法的计算分析。我们注意到,这个系统可以很容易地适应于评估任何小动物的睡眠。

背景 C。睡眠通常根据运动停止进行评估,这是整个动物界睡眠的常见特征。由于C期间睡眠发作的间歇性。线虫发育睡眠,计算机视觉通常用于跟踪C的活动。线虫在lethargus期间。动物被约束到单个焦平面以保持它们的焦点。因为C.线虫可以通过长时间的游泳用尽液体(Ghosh和Emmons,2008),C。线虫 ...
