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SLA-1500 Fixed Angle Rotor

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: SLA-1500
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CRISPR/Cas Gene Editing of a Large DNA Virus: African Swine Fever Virus
[Abstract]  Gene editing of large DNA viruses, such as African swine fever virus (ASFV), has traditionally relied on homologous recombination of a donor plasmid consisting of a reporter cassette with surrounding homologous viral DNA. However, this homologous recombination resulting in the desired modified virus is a rare event. We recently reported the use of CRISPR/Cas9 to edit ASFV. The use of CRISPR/Cas9 to modify the African swine fever virus genome resulted in a fast and relatively easy way to introduce genetic changes. To accomplish this goal we first infect primary swine macrophages with a field isolate, ASFV-G, and transfect with the CRISPR/Cas9 donor plasmid along with a plasmid that will express a specific gRNA that targets our gene to be deleted. By inserting a reporter cassette, we are ... [摘要]  大型DNA病毒(例如非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV))的基因编辑传统上依赖于由报道盒组成的供体质粒与周围同源病毒DNA的同源重组。然而,这种导致所需修饰病毒的同源重组是罕见的事件。我们最近报道了使用CRISPR / Cas9编辑ASFV。使用CRISPR / Cas9修饰非洲猪瘟病毒基因组导致了引入遗传变化的快速且相对简单的方法。为了实现这一目标,我们首先用田间分离株ASFV-G感染原代猪巨噬细胞,并用CRISPR / Cas9供体质粒转染质粒,该质粒将表达靶向我们基因的特异性gRNA被删除。通过插入报告盒,我们能够通过有限稀释和噬菌斑纯化从亲本中纯化我们的重组病毒。我们以前曾报道将传统的同源重组方法与CRISPR / Cas9进行比较,结果导致重组增加超过4个对数。

【背景】 非洲猪瘟(ASF)是一种由ASF病毒(ASFV)引起的高度致命的猪传染性病毒性疾病。 ASFV的基因组由大约180-190千碱基对的双链DNA基因组组成。 ASFV引起一系列疾病,从高度致命到亚临床,取决于宿主特征和病毒株(Tulman et al。,2009)。 ASFV没有商业疫苗;实验上,2007年格鲁吉亚爆发的唯一能够抵御目前流行病毒株的疫苗(ASFV-G)是含有一个或多个病毒基因组缺失的减毒活疫苗,例如:( O'Donnell et ...

Purification of RNA Mango Tagged Native RNA-protein Complexes from Cellular Extracts Using TO1-Desthiobiotin Fluorophore Ligand
[Abstract]  A native purification strategy using RNA Mango for RNA based purification of RNA-protein complexes is described. The RNA Mango aptamer is first genetically engineered into the RNA of interest. RNA Mango containing complexes obtained from cleared cellular native extracts are then immobilized onto TO1-Desthiobiotin saturated streptavidin agarose beads. The beads are washed to remove non-specific complexes and then the RNA Mango containing complexes are eluted by the addition of free biotin to the beads. Since the eluted complexes are native and fluorescent, a second purification step such as size exclusion chromatography can easily be added and the purified complexes tracked by monitoring fluorescence. The high purity native complexes resulting from this two-step purification strategy can ... [摘要]  描述了使用RNA Mango进行RNA-蛋白质复合物的RNA纯化的天然纯化策略。 RNA芒果适体首先被基因工程改造成感兴趣的RNA。 然后将从清除的细胞天然提取物获得的含有RNA复合物的复合物固定在TO1-Desthiobiotin饱和的链霉亲和素琼脂糖珠上。 洗涤珠粒以去除非特异性复合物,然后通过向珠粒中加入游离生物素来洗脱含RNA芒果的复合物。 由于洗脱的复合物是天然的和荧光的,所以可以容易地添加第二纯化步骤如尺寸排阻色谱,并且通过监测荧光追踪纯化的复合物。 通过这种两步纯化策略产生的高纯度天然复合物可以用于进一步的生物化学表征。

【背景】目前的RNA标签受限于诸如差K ,大尺寸,潜在的生物学干扰或缺乏固有荧光的限制(Panchapakesan等人, 2015年)。 RNA芒果很小,可以简单地整合到茎环结构中,特别是GNRA tetraloops中,它具有生物耐受性,并且最重要的是对其噻唑橙基(TO1)配体TO1-Desthiobiotin(TO1-Dtb)具有高亲和力。 ...

Isolation of Outer Membrane Vesicles from Phytopathogenic Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
[Abstract]  Gram-negative bacteria naturally release outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) to the surrounding environment. OMVs contribute to multiple processes, such as cell-cell communication, delivery of enzymes and toxins, resistance to environmental stresses and pathogenesis. Little is known about OMVs produced by plant-pathogenic bacteria, and their interactions with host plants. The protocol described below discusses the isolation process of OMVs from Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris strain 33913, a bacterial pathogen of Crucifiers. Nevertheless, this protocol can be used and/or adapted for isolation of OMVs from other phytopathogenic bacteria to promote the study of OMVs in the context of plant-microbe interactions. [摘要]  革兰氏阴性细菌自然释放外膜囊泡(OMVs)到周围环境。 OMV有助于多个过程,如细胞通讯,酶和毒素的传递,对环境的压力和发病机制的抵抗。对植物病原菌产生的OMV及其与宿主植物的相互作用知之甚少。下面描述的协议讨论了野生黄单胞菌(Manthomonas campestris)的OMV的隔离过程。菌种33913(一种Crucizer的细菌病原体)。然而,该方案可以用于和/或适于将OMV与其他植物病原细菌分离,以促进在植物 - 微生物相互作用的背景下对OMV的研究。

背景 细胞外泡(EV)释放是许多生物从生命各个领域共享的过程。在革兰氏阴性细菌中,大多数EV是外膜起泡的结果,最终夹住细菌细胞壁,因此被称为外膜囊泡(OMV)。 OMV的研究重点是OMV生物发生,货物,功能和与宿主生物的相互作用。迄今为止,大多数关于OMV的研究集中在人类和环境细菌的细菌病原体上,然而对植物病原菌的OMV研究很少。这里描述的协议是由Chutkan等人描述的方案改编的。 (2013)稍作修改,并在此介绍植物病原体X。 campestris pv。 campestris 。为了我们的理解,这是第一个完全详细的OMV与植物生长细菌分离的方案,我们希望它可以作为对这一主题感兴趣的其他研究组的指​​导性协议。
