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GeneRuler 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: SM1331
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TetR Regulated in vivo Repression Technology to Identify Conditional Gene Silencing in Genetically Engineerable Bacteria Using Vibrio cholerae Murine Infections as Model System
[Abstract]  Investigation of bacterial gene regulation upon environmental changes is still a challenging task. For example, Vibrio cholerae, a pathogen of the human gastrointestinal tract, faces diverse transient conditions in different compartments upon oral ingestion. Genetic reporter systems have been demonstrated to be extremely powerful tools to unravel gene regulation events in complex conditions, but so far focused mainly on gene induction. Herein, we describe the TetR-controlled recombination-based in vivo expression technology TRIVET, which allows detection of gene silencing events. TRIVET resembles a modified variant of the in vivo expression technology (IVET) as well as recombination-based in vivo expression technology (RIVET), which were used to ... [摘要]  [摘要]研究细菌基因对环境变化的调控仍然是一项艰巨的任务。例如,人胃肠道的病原体霍乱弧菌在口服后会在不同的隔室中遇到各种短暂的状况。事实证明,遗传报告系统是揭示复杂条件下基因调控事件的极有力工具,但到目前为止,它主要集中在基因诱导上。在本文中,我们描述了基于TetR控制的重组的体内表达技术TRIVET,该技术可检测基因沉默事件。TRIVET类似于体内表达技术(IVET)以及基于重组的体内变异体 表达技术(RIVET),用于鉴定宿主定殖过程中几种细菌的条件基因诱导。像它的前辈一样,TRIVET是一个基于单细胞的报告系统,可以通过耐药谱的表型变化以时空方式分析细菌基因的阻遏。简而言之,无启动子的tetR (编码转录阻遏物TetR)可通过转座子诱变随机地整合到细菌基因组中,或通过同源重组在目标启动子的下游特异性整合到细菌基因组中。的TetR导致的去阻遏的转录表达的减少的TetR控制解离TNPR,这反过来又导致切除ö F A Ñ抗生素抗性盒(也称为RES-盒)和改变的电阻曲线可观察到的通过划线上氨苄青霉素和卡那霉素板。然后可以将这种改变量化为抗性和非抗性分离株之间的比例。此外,新引入的第二报道基因,promot erless ...

Characterization of Protein Domain Function via in vitro DNA Shuffling
[Abstract]  We recently investigated the molecular events that drive evolution of the CTX-M-type β-lactamases by DNA shuffling of fragments of the blaCTX-M-14 and blaCTX-M-15 genes. Analysis of a total of 51 hybrid enzymes showed that enzymatic activity could be maintained in most cases, yet the enzymatically active hybrids were found to possess much fewer amino acid substitutions than the few hybrids that became inactive, suggesting that point mutations in the constructs rather than reshuffling of the fragments of the two target genes would more likely cause disruption of CTX-M activity. Certain important residues that played important functional roles in mediating enzyme activity were identified. These findings suggest that DNA shuffling is an effective ... [摘要]  我们最近研究了通过对CTX-M-14和EMX-M-14的片段进行DNA改组来驱动CTX-M型β-内酰胺酶进化的分子事件, bla CTX-M-15基因。 总共51种杂合酶的分析显示酶活性在大多数情况下可以保持,但是酶活性杂合体被发现比少数杂交体具有少得多的氨基酸取代,这表明构建体中的点突变而不是 两个靶基因片段的重新洗牌将更可能导致CTX-M活性的破坏。 确定了一些在介导酶活性中起重要作用的重要残基。 这些发现表明,DNA改组是一种有效的方法来鉴定和表征细菌蛋白质中的重要功能结构域。

【背景】DNA重组是一种自然过程,通过该过程,细菌之间交换遗传物质以增强环境压力下的生存适应性。几种杂交CTX-M-内酰胺酶(CTX-M-64,CTX-M-123,CTX-M-137和CTX-M-132)可能是由bla CTX-M-14和 bla CTX-M-15基因是世界上最常见的变异体,近年来已有报道(Nagano et al。 ,2009; Tian et al。,2014; He et al。,2015; Liu et。, 2015年)。在这些杂合酶中,包含CTX-M-15的N-和C-末端部分和CTX-M-14的中间片段的CTX-M-64显示出比其亲本原型更高的催化活性(He <等)。,2015)。

DNA改组是一种分子途径,被设计为通过PCR介导的两种靶基因的随机组合来模拟和加速进化过程(Crameri ...

Isolation of Commensal Escherichia coli Strains from Feces of Healthy Laboratory Mice or Rats
[Abstract]  The colonization abundance of commensal E. coli in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy laboratory mice and rats ranges from 104 to 106 CFU/g feces. Although very well characterized, the family that E. coli belongs to has a very homogeneous 16S rRNA gene sequence, making the identification from 16S rRNA sequencing difficult. This protocol provides a procedure of isolating and identifying commensal E. coli strains from a healthy laboratory mouse or rat feces. The method can be applied to isolate commensal E. coli from other laboratory rodent strains. [摘要]  共生E的殖民丰度。 大肠杆菌在健康实验小鼠和大鼠的胃肠道中的范围为10 4至10 6 CFU / g粪便。 虽然描述得非常好,但那个家族就是这样的。 大肠杆菌属于具有非常均一的16S rRNA基因序列,使得从16S rRNA测序鉴定困难。 该协议提供了分离和识别共生E的程序。 来自健康实验室小鼠或大鼠粪便的大肠杆菌菌株。 该方法可以应用于隔离共生电子。 来自其他实验室啮齿类动物的大肠杆菌。

【背景】大肠杆菌是革兰氏阴性兼性厌氧菌,其仅构成脊椎动物肠道微生物群的一小部分,但在微生物相互作用,免疫调节和代谢功能中起关键作用(Tenaillon等人。,2010)。作为最好的模式微生物之一,共生E。已经越来越多地研究大肠杆菌菌株以揭示肠道共生微生物适应独特生态位并影响宿主生理机制。然而,不同菌株之间的高度同源性在共生E的鉴定和表征上提出了困难。基于16S rRNA测序方法的大肠杆菌。由于新一代测序技术的发展和全基因组的大规模分析,我们能够识别共生E。根据基因组中毒力基因的存在,分离自不同宿主的胃肠道的大肠杆菌菌株。在这个协议中,我们展示了一种分离和识别共生E的方法。使用选择性培养基和全基因组测序从实验室小鼠或大鼠获得大肠杆菌菌株。但是,应该指出的是,共生E的存在。大肠杆菌在实验室动物中取决于设施的供应商和环境条件。
