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6× DNA loading dye purple

Company: New England Biolabs
Catalog#: B7024S
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Characterization of Protein Domain Function via in vitro DNA Shuffling
[Abstract]  We recently investigated the molecular events that drive evolution of the CTX-M-type β-lactamases by DNA shuffling of fragments of the blaCTX-M-14 and blaCTX-M-15 genes. Analysis of a total of 51 hybrid enzymes showed that enzymatic activity could be maintained in most cases, yet the enzymatically active hybrids were found to possess much fewer amino acid substitutions than the few hybrids that became inactive, suggesting that point mutations in the constructs rather than reshuffling of the fragments of the two target genes would more likely cause disruption of CTX-M activity. Certain important residues that played important functional roles in mediating enzyme activity were identified. These findings suggest that DNA shuffling is an effective ... [摘要]  我们最近研究了通过对CTX-M-14和EMX-M-14的片段进行DNA改组来驱动CTX-M型β-内酰胺酶进化的分子事件, bla CTX-M-15基因。 总共51种杂合酶的分析显示酶活性在大多数情况下可以保持,但是酶活性杂合体被发现比少数杂交体具有少得多的氨基酸取代,这表明构建体中的点突变而不是 两个靶基因片段的重新洗牌将更可能导致CTX-M活性的破坏。 确定了一些在介导酶活性中起重要作用的重要残基。 这些发现表明,DNA改组是一种有效的方法来鉴定和表征细菌蛋白质中的重要功能结构域。

【背景】DNA重组是一种自然过程,通过该过程,细菌之间交换遗传物质以增强环境压力下的生存适应性。几种杂交CTX-M-内酰胺酶(CTX-M-64,CTX-M-123,CTX-M-137和CTX-M-132)可能是由bla CTX-M-14和 bla CTX-M-15基因是世界上最常见的变异体,近年来已有报道(Nagano et al。 ,2009; Tian et al。,2014; He et al。,2015; Liu et。, 2015年)。在这些杂合酶中,包含CTX-M-15的N-和C-末端部分和CTX-M-14的中间片段的CTX-M-64显示出比其亲本原型更高的催化活性(He <等)。,2015)。

DNA改组是一种分子途径,被设计为通过PCR介导的两种靶基因的随机组合来模拟和加速进化过程(Crameri ...

Generating Loss-of-function iPSC Lines with Combined CRISPR Indel Formation and Reprogramming from Human Fibroblasts
[Abstract]  For both disease and basic science research, loss-of-function (LOF) mutations are vitally important. Herein, we provide a simple stream-lined protocol for generating LOF iPSC lines that circumvents the technical challenges of traditional gene-editing and cloning of established iPSC lines by combining the introduction of the CRISPR vector concurrently with episomal reprogramming plasmids into fibroblasts. Our experiments have produced nearly even numbers of all 3 genotypes in autosomal genes. In addition, we provide a detailed approach for maintaining and genotyping 96-well plates of iPSC clones. [摘要]  对于疾病和基础科学研究而言,功能丧失(LOF)突变是非常重要的。 在这里,我们提供了一个简单的流线化协议来产生LOF iPSC系列,通过将CRISPR载体与附加型重编程质粒同时引入成纤维细胞,规避了传统基因编辑和已建立的iPSC系的克隆的技术挑战。 我们的实验已经产生了常染色体基因中所有3种基因型的几乎偶数。 此外,我们提供了一个详细的方法来维护和iPSC克隆的96孔板的基因分型。

【背景】CRISPR / Cas9技术允许简单且特异地针对特定基因组位置进行基因编辑。将该技术与诱导性多能干细胞(iPSC)的疾病建模和再生医学潜力相结合将继续对生物医学研究产生前所未有的影响。然而,使CRISPR / Cas9系统适应iPSC已经提出了几个挑战。在细胞系中进行基因编辑的传统方法是用表达Cas9蛋白质的质粒和指导RNA(gRNA)转染细胞,然后产生单克隆并筛选所需的遗传改变。不幸的是,iPSC不适用于单细胞克隆。已经开发了几种补充媒介和克隆方法来克服这一困难,但仍然充满昂贵的设备(低氧培养箱),困难的技术步骤(FACS分选的单个iPSC的存活)或劳动密集型方案(亚克隆)(Forsyth ,2006; Miyaoka ...

Precision Tagging: A Novel Seamless Protein Tagging by Combinational Use of Type II and Type IIS Restriction Endonucleases
[Abstract]  Protein tagging is a powerful tool for performing comprehensive analyses of the biological functions of a protein of interest owing to the existence of a wide variety of tags. It becomes indispensable in some cases, such as in tracking protein dynamics in a live cell or adding a peptide epitope due to the lack of optimal antibodies. However, efficiently integrating an array of tags into the gene of interest remains a challenge. Traditional DNA recombinant technology based on type II restriction endonucleases renders protein tagging tedious and inefficient as well as the introduction of an unwanted junction sequence. In our attempt to tag Thrombospondin type 1 domain-containing 1 (THSD1) that we identified as the first intracranial aneurysm gene (Santiago-Sim et al., 2016), we ... [摘要]  由于各种标签的存在,蛋白质标签是一种对感兴趣的蛋白质的生物学功能进行全面分析的有力工具。在某些情况下,例如跟踪活细胞中的蛋白质动态变化或由于缺乏最佳抗体而添加肽表位,这变得不可或缺。然而,将一系列标签有效地整合到感兴趣的基因中仍然是一个挑战。基于II型限制性内切核酸酶的传统DNA重组技术使得蛋白质标记繁琐且效率低下以及引入不需要的连接序列。我们试图标记我们确定为第一个颅内动脉瘤基因的血小板反应蛋白1型结构域1(THSD1)(Santiago-Sim等人,2016),我们开发了一种新型精确标记技术,组合使用II型和IIS限制性核酸内切酶(Xu等人,2017),其产生高效率的无缝克隆。在这里,我们描述了一个协议,不仅为任何感兴趣的基因提供了一个广义的策略,而且还将THSD1中的11个不同标签的应用作为一个循序渐进的例子。


传统的DNA重组利用识别回文序列的II型限制性内切核酸酶。例如,Eco ...
