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CorningTM cellgroTM Molecular Biology Reagents

Corning TM cellgro TM Molecular Biology Reagents

Company: Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: MT46030CM
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Next-generation Sequencing of the DNA Virome from Fecal Samples
[Abstract]  Herein we describe a detailed protocol for DNA virome analysis of low input human stool samples (Monaco et al., 2016). This protocol is divided into four main steps: 1) stool samples are pulverized to evenly distribute microbial matter; 2) stool is enriched for virus-like particles and DNA is extracted by phenol-chloroform; 3) purified DNA is multiple-strand displacement amplified (MDA) and fragmented; and 4) libraries are constructed and sequenced using Illumina Miseq. Subsequent sequence analysis for viral sequence identification should be sensitive but stringent. [摘要]  在这里,我们描述了低输入人粪便样品的DNA病毒分析的详细方案(摩纳哥等人,2016)。该方案分为四个主要步骤:1)粪便样品粉碎均匀分布微生物; 2)粪便富集病毒样颗粒,DNA由苯酚 - 氯仿提取; 3)纯化的DNA是多链置换扩增(MDA)并分裂的;和4)使用Illumina Miseq构建和排序库。病毒序列鉴定的后续序列分析应该是敏感但严格的。

背景 真菌病毒,噬菌体和内源性逆转录病毒的动态社区是维生素组织,代表人类微生物组织的最低限度特征(维珍,2014年)。事实上,估计只有1%的病毒已被排序和注释(Mokili等人,2012)。下一代测序(NGS)可以检测整个病毒,包括不可培养的病毒。粪便是易于获得的用于研究病原体的样本类型,并且粪便病毒的改变已经与许多疾病状态相关联(Handley等人,2012; Norman等人,2015;摩纳哥等人,2016)。粪便病毒主要由噬菌体组成,通过细菌功能和群体的改变影响胃肠道(Duerkop和Hooper,2013; Reyes等人,2013; ...
