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High-performance stereomicroscope with 5 steps Leica MS5

Company: Leica Microsystems
Catalog#: Leica MS6
Other protocol()

Axonal Conduction Velocity Measurement
[Abstract]  Action potential conduction velocity is the speed at which an action potential (AP) propagates along an axon. Measuring AP conduction velocity is instrumental in determining neuron health, function, and computational capability, as well as in determining short-term dynamics of neuronal communication and AP initiation (Ballo and Bucher, 2009; Bullock, 1951; Meeks and Mennerick, 2007; Rosenthal and Bezanilla, 2000; Städele and Stein, 2016; Swadlow and Waxman, 1976). Conduction velocity can be measured using extracellular recordings along the nerve through which the axon projects. Depending on the number of axons in the nerve, AP velocities of individual or many axons can be detected.

This protocol outlines how to measure AP conduction velocity of (A) stimulated APs and (B) ...
[摘要]  动作电位传导速度是动作电位(AP)沿着轴突传播的速度。测量AP传导速度有助于确定神经元的健康,功能和计算能力,以及确定神经元通信和AP启动的短期动力学(Ballo和Bucher,2009; Bullock,1951; Meeks and Mennerick,2007; Rosenthal和Bezanilla,2000;Städele和Stein,2016; Swadlow和Waxman,1976)。传导速度可以通过沿轴突投射的神经的细胞外记录来测量。根据神经中的轴突数量,可以检测个体或许多轴突的AP速度。
【背景】神经系统中的长距离通讯是由沿轴突行进的AP介导的。当产生AP时流过轴突膜的离子电流(Hodgkin和Huxley,1952)可以使用细胞外记录电极在神经元外部检测。不同神经元中的AP传导速度是非常可变的,范围从每秒200米(447英里每小时)到小于0.1米每秒(每小时0.2英里)(Kress等人,2008; ...
