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Company: JeanPole
Catalog#: B00WDWUS8W
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Establishment of New Split-root System by Grafting
[Abstract]  A new split-root system was used to simulate non-uniform salt, drought or nutrient deficiency stress in the root zone, in which the root system was divided into two or more equal portions. Here, we established a split-root system by grafting of cotton seedlings. In contrast to the conventional split-root, the main roots of the new system remained intact, which provided a better system for studying cotton response to unequal treatment in the root zone. The new system was suitable for plant growth in nutrient solution and the two root systems can fully be immerged in the nutrient solution. [摘要]  采用新的分裂系统模拟根系中不均匀的盐,干旱或营养缺乏胁迫,根系分为两个或更多等份。在这里,我们通过嫁接棉花幼苗建立了根系。与传统的根系相反,新系统的主要根源保持不变,为根区不平等处理棉花的响应提供了更好的系统。新系统适用于营养液中的植物生长,两种根系可以完全浸入营养液中。

背景 分裂根系被用于研究植物对不均匀土壤条件的响应,如部分根部干燥,不均匀盐分布和异质营养分布。棉花和其他植物中常规的根系系统是通过在切割幼苗的主根之后将侧根分成两等份(Bazihizina等人,2009; Dong& et al。,2010)。新系统适合于营养液和环绕实验中的植物生长,因为移植物的根部和位置之间有足够的距离(Kong& et al。,2012和2016)。
