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Shaking Water Bath

Company: JULABO
Catalog#: SW22
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Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS Cells) and Embryonic Stem Cells (ES Cells) into Dendritic Cell (DC) Subsets
[Abstract]  Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) are engineered stem cells, which exhibit properties very similar to embryonic stem cells (ES cells; Takahashi and Yamanaka, 2016). Both iPS cells and ES cells have an extraordinary self-renewal capacity and can differentiate into all cell types of our body, including hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and dendritic cells (DC) derived thereof. This makes iPS cells particularly well suited for studying molecular mechanisms of diseases, drug discovery and regenerative therapy (Grskovic et al., 2011; Bellin et al., 2012; Robinton and Daley, 2012).

DC are the major antigen presenting cells of the immune system and thus they are key players in modulating and directing immune responses (Merad et al., 2013). DC ...
[摘要]  诱导的多能干细胞(iPS细胞)是工程干细胞,其表现出与胚胎干细胞(ES细胞,Takahashi和Yamanaka,2016)非常相似的性质。 iPS细胞和ES细胞都具有非凡的自我更新能力,可以分化成我们身体的所有细胞类型,包括造血干细胞/祖细胞和源自其的树突状细胞(DC)。这使得iPS细胞特别适用于研究疾病,药物发现和再生治疗的分子机制(Grskovic等人,2011; Bellin等人,2012; Robinton和Daley,2012)。
  DC是免疫系统的主要抗原呈递细胞,因此它们是调节和引导免疫应答的关键参与者(Merad等人,2013)。 DC巡逻外周和界面组织(例如,肺,肠和皮肤)以检测入侵的病原体,并且在激活时,它们迁移到淋巴结以激活和引发淋巴细胞。
  DC包含具有功能专门子集的表型异质家族(Schlitzer和Ginhoux,2014)。通常,经典DC(cDC)和浆细胞样DC(pDC)是分别表现出典型的和等离子体细胞样的DC形态。 cDC识别许多病原体并在激活后分泌促炎细胞因子,而pDC专门检测细胞内病原体并分泌I型干扰素(Merad等,2013; Schlitzer和Ginhoux,2014)。在被称为CD141 Clec9a + cDC1和CD1c + ...

Ultradeep Pyrosequencing of Hepatitis C Virus to Define Evolutionary Phenotypes
[Abstract]  Analysis of hypervariable regions (HVR) using pyrosequencing techniques is hampered by the ability of error correction algorithms to account for the heterogeneity of the variants present. Analysis of between-sample fluctuations to virome sub-populations, and detection of low frequency variants, are unreliable through the application of arbitrary frequency cut offs. Cumulatively this leads to an underestimation of genetic diversity. In the following technique we describe the analysis of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) HVR1 which includes the E1/E2 glycoprotein gene junction. This procedure describes the evolution of HCV in a treatment naïve environment, from 10 samples collected over 10 years, using ultradeep pyrosequencing (UDPS) performed on the Roche GS FLX titanium platform (Palmer et al. ... [摘要]  使用焦磷酸测序技术的高变区(HVR)分析受到纠错算法解释存在的变异异质性的能力的阻碍。通过应用任意频率切断,对样本间波动与色情子群体的分析以及低频变体的检测是不可靠的。累积地导致遗传多样性的低估。在以下技术中,我们描述了包含E1 / E2糖蛋白基因连接的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)HVR1的分析。该程序描述了HCV在治疗初始环境中的演变,从10年来收集的10个样品中,使用在Roche GS FLX钛平台上进行的超深度焦磷酸测序(UDPS)(2014年,Palmer等人) 。使用血清样品的初步克隆分析来通知允许达到更大序列深度的下游误差校正算法。已经针对HCV基因型1,2,3和4测试了该区域的PCR扩增。

背景 衍生自病毒扩增子的UDPS数据集的分析经常依赖于未针对扩增子分析进行优化的软件工具,假设随机并入测序突变,并且集中在找到真实序列而不是假变异体。存在于RNA病毒基因组中的高变区存在这些困难。许多利用UDPS的研究通过对数据应用任意的频率切断来寻求解决这些问题,从而导致小的变体的丢失。在这里,暂时匹配的克隆数据集以及旨在克服所概述的问题的纠错方法,有助于保留有价值的序列信息。

In vitro Assessment of RNA Polymerase I Activity
[Abstract]  In eukaryotic cells transcriptional processes are carried out by three different RNA polymerases: RNA polymerase I which specifically transcribes ribosomal RNA (rRNA), RNA polymerase II which transcribes protein-coding genes to yield messenger RNAs (mRNAs) and small RNAs, while RNA polymerase III transcribes the genes for transfer RNAs and for the smallest species of ribosomal RNA (5S rRNA). This protocol describes an in vitro assay to evaluate the rRNA transcriptional activity of RNA polymerase I. The method measures the quantity of radiolabelled uridine 5’ triphosphate incorporated in ex novo synthesized rRNA molecules by RNA polymerase I, in optimal conditions for the enzyme activity and in the presence of a toxin, α-amanitin, which inhibits RNA polymerase II and III ... [摘要]  在真核细胞中,转录过程由三种不同的RNA聚合酶:特异性转录核糖体RNA(rRNA)的RNA聚合酶I,转录蛋白质编码基因以产生信使RNA(mRNA)和小RNA的RNA聚合酶II进行转录,RNA聚合酶III转录转录RNA和最小核糖体RNA(5S rRNA)的基因。该方案描述了用于评价RNA聚合酶I的rRNA转录活性的体外实验方法。该方法测量了合并的rRNA分子中掺入的放射性标记的尿苷5'-三磷酸的量通过RNA聚合酶I,在酶活性的最佳条件和毒素α-amanitin存在下,其抑制RNA聚合酶II和III而不影响RNA聚合酶I(Novello和Stirpe,1970)。

背景 在真核细胞中,RNA聚合酶I转录位于核仁中的核糖体基因,产生45S rRNA前体分子。这些被处理以形成成熟的18S,5.8S和28S ...
