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Dumont fine forceps #55

Company: Fine Science Tools
Catalog#: 11255-20
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Using Stable Isotopes in Bone Marrow Derived Macrophage to Analyze Metabolism
[Abstract]  Using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to analyze the citric acid cycle (CAC) and related intermediates (such as glutamate, glutamine, GABA, and aspartate) is an analytical approach to identify unexpected correlations between apparently related and unrelated pathways of energy metabolism. Intermediates can be as expressed as their absolute concentrations or relative ratios by using known amounts of added reference standards to the sample. GC-MS can also distinguish between heavy labeled molecules (2H- or 13C-labeled) and the naturally occurring most abundant molecules. Applications using tracers can also assess the turnover of specific metabolic pools under various physiological and pathological conditions as well as for pathway discovery.

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[摘要]  使用气相色谱质谱(GC-MS)分析柠檬酸循环(CAC)和相关中间体(如谷氨酸,谷氨酰胺,GABA和天冬氨酸)是一种分析方法,用于识别明显相关和不相关的能量途径之间的意外相关性代谢。通过使用已知量的样品添加的参考标准,中间体可以表示为它们的绝对浓度或相对比例。 GC-MS还可以区分重标记分子( 2 H-或 13 C-标记的)和天然存在的最丰富的分子。使用示踪剂的应用还可以评估在各种生理和病理条件下以及用于途径发现的特定代谢池的周转。

以下方案是一种相对简单的方法,不仅对小浓度的代谢中间体敏感,而且还可以 in vivo 或 in vitro 用于确定各种新陈代谢的完整性途径,如特定代谢物池内的通量变化。我们使用该协议来确定磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧激酶1 ( Pck1 )基因在小鼠巨噬细胞中的作用,以确定 13 C将葡萄糖标记为特定的CAC代谢物库


本方案中描述的用于细胞内代谢物功能定量的方法是通过在U- 13 ...

Live Imaging of Myogenesis in Indirect Flight Muscles in Drosophila
[Abstract]  The indirect flight muscles (IFMs) are the largest muscles in the fly, making up the bulk of the adult thorax. IFMs in Drosophila are generated during pupariation by fusion of hundreds of muscle precursor cells (myoblasts) with larval muscle templates (myotubes). Prominent features, including the large number of fusion events, the structural similarity to vertebrate muscles, and the amenability to the powerful genetic techniques of the Drosophila system make the IFMs an attractive system to study muscle cell fusion. Here we describe methods for live imaging of IFMs, both in intact pupae, and in isolated IFMs ex-vivo. The protocols elaborated upon here were used in the manuscript by (Segal et al., 2016). [摘要]  间接飞行肌肉(IFM)是飞行中最大的肌肉,构成成年胸部的大部分。 通过将数百种肌肉前体细胞(成肌细胞)与幼虫肌肉模板(肌管)融合,在果蝇中产生IFMs 。 突出的特征,包括大量的融合事件,与脊椎动物肌肉的结构相似性,以及对果蝇系统强大的遗传技术的适应性使得IFM成为研究肌肉细胞融合的有吸引力的系统。 在这里,我们描述了在完整的蛹中和在离体的独立的IFM中实时成像IFM的方法。 (Segal等人,2016年)在手稿中使用了这里阐述的方案。
【背景】胚胎肌肉长期以来一直是肌肉发育研究的建立模型系统(Volk,1999; Chen和Olson,2004; Abmayr等人,2008; Richardson pup biological(Dutta,2006; Oas等人,2014; Weitkunat等人,2014; Shwartz等人,2016) ...

Ex vivo Ooplasmic Extract from Developing Drosophila Oocytes for Quantitative TIRF Microscopy Analysis
[Abstract]  Understanding the dynamic behavior and the continuously changing composition of macromolecular complexes, subcellular structures and organelles is one of areas of active research in both cell and developmental biology, as these changes directly relate to function and subsequently to the development and homeostasis of the organism. Here, we demonstrate the use of the developing Drosophila oocyte to study dynamics of messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes (mRNPs) with high spatiotemporal resolution. The combination of Drosophila genetics with total internal reflection (TIRF) microscopy, image processing and data analysis gives insight into mRNP motility and composition dynamics with unprecedented precision. [摘要]  了解大分子复合物,亚细胞结构和细胞器的动态行为和不断变化的组成是细胞和发育生物学中积极研究的领域之一,因为这些变化与功能和随后的生物体的发育和稳态直接相关。 在这里,我们演示了使用发展中的果蝇卵母细胞来研究具有高时空分辨率的信使核糖核蛋白复合物(mRNPs)的动力学。 果蝇的遗传学与全内反射(TIRF)显微镜,图像处理和数据分析结合,以前所未有的精确度了解了mRNP的运动性和组成动力学。
【背景】细胞内运输是活细胞的基本过程之一。几乎细胞内的所有细胞 - 离子,分子,复合物,细胞器 - 被积极地传输,使局部熵减少。尽管近年来,我们对这些运输过程的机理有了很大的了解,但我们的大部分知识来自于体外和细胞培养研究。在这些简化的系统中,很难确定是否利用运输监管流程的全部潜力。另一方面,组织,器官,组织和生物体通常太复杂,无法有效地研究时空分辨率,足以匹配这些运输过程的规模。为了结合自下而上和自上而下的方法的优点,已经开发了在保持复杂性的同时,使这些过程更易于访问的技术。一个例子是从ambiphian(例如,非洲爪蟾)卵母细胞和胚胎中制备大量细胞质提取物来研究细胞分裂(Lohka和Masui,1983; Murray,1991; Sawin和Mitchison,1991)。我们最近显示,在细胞质液滴 - ...
