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Micropipette 20-200 μl tips

VWR® Next Generation Pipet Tip Refill System

Company: VWR
Catalog#: 89079-478
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Candida albicans Agar Invasion Assays
[Abstract]  The ability of the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans to disseminate into tissues is promoted by a switch from budding to invasive hyphal growth. This morphological transition is stimulated by multiple environmental factors that can vary at different sites of infection. To identify genes that promote invasive growth, C. albicans mutants can be screened for defects in growing invasively into solid agar medium as a substitute for studying tissue invasion. This in vitro approach has advantages in that it permits the media conditions to be varied to mimic different host environments. In addition, the concentration of agar can be varied to determine the effects of altering the rigidity of the matrix into which the cells invade, as this provides a better indicator ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 人类真菌病原体白色念珠菌传播到组织的能力是由从发芽到侵入性菌丝生长的转换而增强的。多种环境因素可能会刺激这种形态转变,这些环境因素可能在不同的感染部位有所不同。为了鉴定促进侵入growt基因小时,白色念珠菌突变体可以在侵入性生长成固体琼脂培养基作为研究组织侵袭的替代品进行筛选的缺陷。这个体外 该方法的优点在于,它允许改变媒体条件以模仿不同的主机环境。另外,可以改变琼脂的浓度以确定改变细胞侵袭的基质的刚度的作用,因为与液体培养中形成菌丝的能力相比,这提供了更好的侵袭性生长指标。在多种条件下的测试可以用来鉴定具有最强缺陷的突变细胞。因此,将描述用于分析白色念珠菌在不同条件下的侵袭性生长的方案和培养基,其适合于测试突变株白色念珠菌菌株的单个菌株或高通量分析。

[背景 ] 白色念珠菌是一种多形性真菌病原体,可以通过形成芽(小球形细胞),假菌丝细胞(细长细胞链)或菌丝细胞(具有平行平行线的长丝状细胞链)生长(图1)(贵族等人,2017)。已证明宿主中遇到的多种环境刺激可促进向侵袭性生长的转变,包括人体温度(37 °C ),碱性pH,CO 2 ,血清中的因子和糖GlcNAc(N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖) )(Kornitzer,2019)。萌芽细胞被认为促进胃肠道的血流传播和定植(Pierce和Kumamoto ,2012 ;Witchley ...

Delivery of the Cas9 or TevCas9 System into Phaeodactylum tricornutum via Conjugation of Plasmids from a Bacterial Donor
[Abstract]  Diatoms are an ecologically important group of eukaryotic microalgae with properties that make them attractive for biotechnological applications such as biofuels, foods, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Phaeodactylum tricornutum is a model diatom with defined culture conditions, but routine genetic manipulations are hindered by a lack of simple and robust genetic tools. One obstacle to efficient engineering of P. tricornutum is that the current selection methods for P. tricornutum transformants depend on the use of a limited number of antibiotic resistance genes. An alternative and more cost-effective selection method would be to generate auxotrophic strains of P. tricornutum by knocking out key genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis, and using ... [摘要]  硅藻是一种具有重要生态意义的真核微藻类,其特性使其对生物燃料,食品,化妆品和药品等生物技术应用具有吸引力。 Phaeodactylum tricornutum 是具有确定培养条件的模型硅藻,但缺乏简单而强大的遗传工具阻碍了常规遗传操作。有效设计 P的一个障碍。 tricornutum 是 P的当前选择方法。 tricornutum 转化体依赖于使用有限数量的抗生素抗性基因。另一种更具成本效益的选择方法是产生 P的营养缺陷型菌株。通过敲除参与氨基酸生物合成的关键基因,并使用基于质粒的生物合成基因拷贝作为选择标记,使三角酵母。以前关于 P基因敲除的研究。 tricornutum 使用biolistic转换将CRISPR-Cas9系统传递到 P.藻。非复制质粒的生物射弹转化可导致对 P的不期望的损伤。由于转化的DNA随机整合到基因组中,tricornutum 。随后固化编辑的细胞以防止Cas9的长期过表达是非常困难的,因为目前没有方法来切除整合的质粒。该协议采用新方法将Cas9或TevCas9系统传送到 P. tricornutum 通过来自细菌供体细胞的质粒的缀合。该过程涉及:1)设计和插入靶向 P的guideRNA。将tricornutum 尿素酶基因导入TevCas9表达质粒,该质粒也编码转移的接合起点,2)将该质粒安装在含有含有接合机制的质粒(pTA-Mob)的大肠杆菌中, ...

Ex vivo Culture of Adult Mouse Antral Glands
[Abstract]  The tri-dimensional culture, initially described by Sato et al. (2009) in order to isolate and characterize epithelial stem cells of the adult small intestine, has been subsequently adapted to many different organs. One of the first examples was the isolation and culture of antral stem cells by Barker et al. (2010), who efficiently generated organoids that recapitulate the mature pyloric epithelium in vitro. This ex vivo approach is suitable and promising to study gastric function in homeostasis as well as in disease. We have adapted Barker’s protocol to compare homeostatic and regenerating tissues and here, we meticulously describe, step by step, the isolation and culture of antral glands as well as the isolation of single cells from antral glands that ... [摘要]  为了分离和表征成年小肠的上皮干细胞,最初由Sato等人(2009)描述的三维培养物已经随后适应于许多不同的器官。其中一个例子是Barker等人(2010)分离和培养窦性干细胞,他们有效地产生了在体外重现成熟幽门上皮的组织细胞。这种“离体”方法是适合的,并且有希望研究体内平衡和疾病中的胃功能。我们已经调整了Barker的方案来比较稳态和再生组织,这里,我们一步一步地仔细地描述了窦腺的分离和培养,以及从细胞分选后可能用于培养的窦腺中分离单细胞一个例子(Fernandez Vallone等人,2016)。

背景来自腺体的小鼠成体干细胞可以在3D matrigel中离体生长,作为“迷你腺体”无限期(Barker等人,2010) 。与EGF,Noggin和R-spondin 1存在下生长的小鼠成年小肠的干细胞相比,胃干细胞需要进一步补充Fgf10,胃泌素,Wnt3a和更高浓度的R-螺旋菌素1(称为作为ENRFGW)获得生产性文化。直到最近,在干细胞消融后,在离体培养系统中成体再生窦腺是否生长,如果是这样,仍然是未知的。使用本方案,证明了内源性和再生的腺体在接种时不会类似地生长并且表现出不同的生长培养要求。
