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LipofectamineTM 3000 Transfection Reagent

Lipofectamine® 3000 Transfection Reagent

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: L3000015
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Quantitative Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Assays in Cellular Models of Neurodegeneration
[Abstract]  Nucleocytoplasmic transport deficits are suggested to play a role in neurodegenerative disorders, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Given the importance and complexity of this process, understanding when these aberrations occur and which pathways are involved is of great importance. Here, we make use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology to design cell lines stably expressing fluorophore proteins shuttling between the nucleus and cytoplasm by karyopherins of choice. To validate this protocol, we measured an ALS-associated nucleocytoplasmic transport pathway in the presence of the disease-associated peptide poly-PR. This technique allows measuring a particular active nucleocytoplasmic transport pathway in intact cells in a neurodegenerative disease-associated context. Moreover, these ... [摘要]  [摘要]核细胞质运输缺陷被认为在神经退行性疾病中发挥作用,包括肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)。鉴于这一过程的重要性和复杂性,了解这些畸变何时发生以及涉及哪些途径是非常重要的。在这里,我们利用CRISPR-Cas9技术来设计细胞系,稳定地表达荧光素蛋白在细胞核和细胞质之间穿梭的选择的卡里菲林。为了验证这个协议,我们测量了一个ALS相关的核细胞质运输途径,在疾病相关的多肽poly-PR的存在。这种技术允许测量在神经退行性疾病相关的背景下,在完整细胞中的一个特定的活性核细胞质运输途径。此外,这些实验可以在不需要昂贵的设备的情况下进行,并有可能升级为高通量筛选目的。

[背景]核细胞质运输对细胞稳态至关重要,并通过形成水通道的大型多蛋白复合物穿过核膜,称为核孔复合物(NPCs)(Stoffler et al., 1999; Ryan and Wente, 2000)。虽然这些通道允许小蛋白被动地平衡穿过核膜(被动运输),但大多数蛋白质似乎是由核素主动运输的,即进口蛋白或出口蛋白(主动运输)。含有核定位信号(NLS)的货物蛋白被导入素所定位。已经确定了各种受体介导的导入途径,但最有特色的途径涉及导入素-β1/导入素-α(KPNB1/KPNAx),其中货蛋白含有经典的NLS(cNLS),以SV40大T抗原NLS为例(Lange et al., ...

Generation of Gene Knockout and Gene Replacement with Complete Removal of Full-length Endogenous Transcript Using CRISPR-Trap
[Abstract]  This protocol describes the application of the CRISPR-Trap from designing of the gene targeting strategy to validation of successfully edited clones that was validated on various human cell lines, among them human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). The advantage of CRISPR-Trap over conventional approaches is the complete removal of any endogenous full-length transcript from the target gene. CRISPR-Trap is applicable for any target gene with no or little coding sequence in its first exon. Several human cell lines and different genes have so far been edited successfully with CRISPR-Trap. [摘要]  该协议描述了CRISPR-Trap从设计基因靶向策略到验证成功编辑的克隆的应用,所述克隆在各种人细胞系上得到验证,其中人类诱导的多能干细胞(hiPSC)。 CRISPR-Trap优于常规方法的优点是从靶基因完全去除任何内源全长转录物。 CRISPR-Trap适用于在其第一个外显子中没有编码序列或编码序列很少的任何靶基因。 到目前为止,已经使用CRISPR-Trap成功编辑了几种人细胞系和不同基因。

【背景】CRISPR / Cas9技术的出现促进了基因敲除和基因编辑的基因组靶向。执行敲除的常规方法依赖于引入移码导致过早终止密码子(PTC),截短开放阅读框(ORF)以及随后通过无义介导的mRNA衰变(NMD)降解靶基因的转录物。 。这种方法的一个可能的缺陷是全长转录物,其可以逃避NMD并产生具有残余或甚至显性负功能的C末端截短蛋白。该协议提出了CRISPR-Trap,这是我们最近建立的一种方法(Reber et al。>,2018),成功编辑后将阻止从靶基因位点表达任何全长转录本(图1)。简而言之,这种方法针对CRISPR / ...

Lentiviral Knockdown of Transcription Factor STAT1 in Peromyscus leucopus to Assess Its Role in the Restriction of Tick-borne Flaviviruses
[Abstract]  Cellular infection with tick-borne flaviviruses (TBFVs) results in activation of the interferon (IFN) signaling pathway and subsequent upregulation of numerous genes termed IFN stimulated genes (ISGs) (Schoggins et al., 2011). Many ISGs function to prevent virus pathogenesis by acting in a broad or specific manner through protein-protein interactions (Duggal and Emerman, 2012). The potency of the IFN signaling response determines the outcome of TBFV infection (Best, 2017; Carletti et al., 2017). Interestingly, data from our lab show that TBFV replication is significantly restricted in cells of the reservoir species Peromyscus leucopus thereby suggesting a potent antiviral response (Izuogu et al., 2017). We assessed the relative contribution of IFN ... [摘要]  蜱传黄热病病毒(TBFV)的细胞感染导致干扰素(IFN)信号传导途径的激活和随后称为IFN刺激基因(ISG)(Schoggins等人,2011)的众多基因的上调。许多ISG通过蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用以广泛或特定的方式起作用来防止病毒发病(Duggal和Emerman,2012)。 IFN信号反应的效力决定了TBFV感染的结果(Best,2016; Carletti等人,2017)。有趣的是,我们实验室的数据显示TBFV复制在储库物种Peromyscus leucopus的细胞中显着受到限制,从而表明有效的抗病毒应答(Izuogu等人,2017)。我们评估干扰素信号对抗性的相对贡献。通过敲低IFN反应途径中的主要转录因子来抑制白血病。信号转导和转录激活因子1(STAT1)是专门针对在P。 leucopus细胞通过shRNA技术。我们进一步测试了基因敲低对细胞对IFN反应和限制病毒复制的能力的影响;结果表明当STAT1表达被改变时,leucopus细胞对IFN刺激的反应降低,并且对TBFV复制显着更敏感。

【背景】IFN信号是抵抗侵入宿主细胞的黄病毒的第一道防线(Robertson等人,2009; Lazear和Diamond,2015)。通过模式识别受体(PRR)检测与病毒颗粒相关的分子标记,然后通过转录因子引发下游信号从细胞释放1型IFN(Kawai ...
