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50 ml sterile Falcon

Centrifuge Tube Conical Bottom, 50ml

Company: Tarsons
Catalog#: 546041
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Microtitre Plate Based Cell-SELEX Method
[Abstract]  Aptamers have emerged as a novel category in the field of bioreceptors due to their wide applications ranging from biosensing to therapeutics. Several variations of their screening process, called SELEX have been reported which can yield sequences with desired properties needed for their final use. We report a facile microtiter plate-based Cell-SELEX method for a gram-negative bacteria E. coli. The optimized protocol allows the reduction of number of rounds for SELEX by offering higher surface area and longer retention times. In addition, this protocol can be modified for other prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and glycan moieties as target for generation of high affinity bio-receptors in a short course of time in-vitro. [摘要]  由于适体的广泛应用,从生物传感到治疗,适体已经成为生物受体领域的一个新类别。 已经报道了它们的筛选过程的几种变体,称为SELEX,其可以产生具有最终使用所需的所需性质的序列。 我们报告了一种基于微量滴定板的Cell-SELEX方法,用于革兰氏阴性菌 E.大肠杆菌>。 优化的协议允许通过提供更高的表面积和更长的保留时间来减少SELEX的轮数。 此外,该方案可以针对其他原核和真核细胞进行修饰,并且聚糖部分可以作为在短时间内体外产生高亲和力生物受体的靶标>。

【背景】适体是1990年描述的单链合成DNA或RNA(Ellington和Szostak,1990; Tuerk和Gold,1990),具有独特的3D几何结构,这是其序列的表现。不同的序列允许合成适体,其可以结合从小分子到大蛋白质的分子阵列。这使得适配体成为常规抗体的竞争对手,常规抗体由于结构限制而限于蛋白质作为其靶标,并且不能针对高风险病原体产生,因为这些通常比产生高亲和力所需的时间更早地杀死宿主。抗体。适体在体外>设置中产生,因此可以有效地用于高风险病原体。 SELEX( S L > > > > > > > > >分离导致在低nM范围内具有解离常数的池的筛选。已经提出了SELEX的几种变体,其使用各种固定基质,包括毛细管电泳SELEX,基于亲和层析的SELEX,磁珠SELEX,体内> ...

GC-MS-Based Analysis of Methanol: Chloroform-extracted Fatty Acids from Plant Tissues
[Abstract]  Fatty acids (FAs) are carboxylic acids with long aliphatic chains that may be straight, branched and saturated or unsaturated. Most of the naturally occurring plant FAs contains an even number of carbon (C4-C24). FAs are used in food and pharmacological industries due to their nutritional importance. In addition, FAs are considered as a promising alternative for the production of biodiesel from terrestrial plant biomass. To establish commercial applications, more reliable analytical methods are needed for the identification, quantification, and composition determination of FAs. Here, we describe a relatively rapid and sensitive method for the extraction, identification, and quantification of FAs from a small quantity of plant tissue. The method includes steps of lipid extraction, ... [摘要]  脂肪酸(FAs)是具有长脂肪链的羧酸,其可以是直链,支链和饱和或不饱和的。大多数天然存在的植物FA含有偶数碳(C4-C24)。由于其营养重要性,FA用于食品和药理学工业。此外,FAs被认为是从陆地植物生物质生产生物柴油的有前途的替代品。为了建立商业应用,需要更可靠的分析方法来确定FA的鉴定,定量和组成。在这里,我们描述了一种相对快速和灵敏的方法,用于从少量植物组织中提取,鉴定和量化FA。该方法包括脂质提取,通过转甲基化将脂质转化为脂肪酸甲酯(FAME),使用气相色谱 - 质谱(GC-MS)鉴定和定量FAME的步骤。在该方案中,在GC-MS分析之前添加内标。每个FA的量由其相对于内标峰面积的峰面积计算。

【背景】脂肪酸的合成对于代谢能的储存是重要的。不断增长的人口和能源成本强调了生产可持续可再生燃料的必要性。第二代生物燃料的来源是非食用油籽作物或木质纤维素生物质,主要包括作物植物的废弃物,如多年生草,包括柳枝稷,果壳,稻草和森林残留物(Hadar,2013)。在这种情况下,植物可以作为研究脂肪酸用于营养保健品和生物柴油方面的优秀系统。此外,在生物柴油生产中,燃料的清洁燃烧性质受到FA的结构特征的影响,包括链长和不饱和度(Knothe,2005)。木质纤维素生物质是直接从经济有效的资源生产这些产品的更环保的替代品。使用GC-MS进行FA分析可以对单一植物提取物中相对多种脂肪酸进行标准化,注释和定量。脂质提取的效率取决于溶剂的极性。极性脂质(如糖脂或磷脂)更易溶于极性溶剂(如醇类),非极性脂质(如三酰基甘油)更易溶于非极性溶剂(如氯仿)。因此,总脂质提取取决于有机溶剂的性质。 ...

Detection of Apoptosis-like Cell Death in Ustilago maydis by Annexin V-FITC Staining
[Abstract]  Programmed cell death (PCD) guides the transition between key developmental stages in many organisms. PCD also remains an important fate for many organisms upon exposure to different stress conditions. Therefore, an insight into the progression of PCD during the execution of a biological phenomenon can yield significant details of the underlying mechanism. Apoptosis, as well as apoptosis-like programmed cell death, constitutes one of the forms of PCD in higher and lower eukaryotes respectively. Flipping of phosphatidylserine (PS) from the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane to the outer leaflet is among the different hallmarks of apoptosis/apoptosis-like PCD that marks the initiation of the said cell death event. This flipping can be detected through staining of the target cells using ... [摘要]  程序性细胞死亡(PCD)指导许多生物体的关键发育阶段之间的过渡。 PCD在暴露于不同的胁迫条件下仍然是许多生物的重要命运。因此,在执行生物现象期间洞察PCD的进展可以产生潜在机制的重要细节。细胞凋亡以及凋亡样程序性细胞死亡分别构成高等和低等真核生物中PCD的一种形式。将磷脂酰丝氨酸(PS)从质膜的内部小叶翻转到外部小叶是凋亡/凋亡样PCD的不同标志之一,其标志着所述细胞死亡事件的开始。可以使用与PS特异性结合的膜联蛋白V-FITC通过染色靶细胞来检测这种翻转。在 Ustilago maydis 中,由于细胞壁的存在,膜联蛋白V-FITC对外露PS的染色是困难的。因此,这种染色的关键在于,在不显着改变下面的质膜结构/拓扑结构的情况下,温和地去除细胞壁。该协议强调了PS染色对 Ustilago maydis 中应激细胞原生质体的依赖性。

【背景】PS外化是早期可以检测到的凋亡样PCD的标志之一(Martin et al。,1995)。因此,质膜在细胞外膜上的出现标志着凋亡细胞死亡现象的发生。 Ustilago maydis 是一种生物营养植物病原体并感染寄主植物 Zea mays 。 U的生命周期。已证明maydis ...
