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Ponceau S

Ponceau S

Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: P3504
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Preparation of Cerebellum Granule Neurons from Mouse or Rat Pups and Evaluation of Clostridial Neurotoxin Activity and Their Inhibitors by Western Blot and Immunohistochemistry
[Abstract]  Cerebellar Granule Neurons (CGN) from post-natal rodents have been widely used as a model to study neuronal development, physiology and pathology. CGN cultured in vitro maintain the same features displayed in vivo by mature cerebellar granule cells, including the development of a dense neuritic network, neuronal activity, neurotransmitter release and the expression of neuronal protein markers. Moreover, CGN represent a convenient model for the study of Clostridial Neurotoxins (CNT), most notably known as Tetanus and Botulinum neurotoxins, as they abundantly express both CNT receptors and intraneuronal substrates, i.e., Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor activating protein receptors (SNARE proteins). Here, we describe a protocol for obtaining a highly pure ... [摘要]  来自产后啮齿动物的小脑颗粒神经元(CGN)已被广泛用作研究神经元发育,生理学和病理学的模型。 CGN体外培养维持成熟小脑颗粒细胞在体内显示的相同特征,包括发育致密的神经炎网络,神经元活动,神经递质释放和神经元的表达 蛋白质标记。 此外,CGN代表了梭菌神经毒素(CNT)研究的便利模型,最着名的是破伤风和肉毒杆菌神经毒素,因为它们大量表达CNT受体和神经元内基质, ie ,可溶性N-乙基马来酰亚胺 - 敏感因子激活蛋白受体(SNARE蛋白)。 在这里,我们描述了从出生后大鼠/小鼠获得高纯度CGN培养物的方案和用CNT中毒的简便方法。 我们还说明了评估CNT活性及其抑制的方便方法。

【背景】梭菌神经毒素(CNT)的大家族由破伤风神经毒素(TeNT)和肉毒杆菌神经毒素(BoNT)的多种变体形成,它们分别是破伤风和肉毒中毒的神经麻痹毒素(Schiavo et al。,2000; Johnson和Montecucco,2008; Rossetto et al。,2014)。 TeNT,七种BoNT血清型(BoNT / A至/ G)及其许多亚型是金属蛋白酶,通过切割SNARE蛋白(可溶性N-乙基马来酰亚胺敏感因子激活蛋白受体),三种必需蛋白质来阻断神经递质的释放而引起神经麻痹。控制突触小泡与突触前质膜的融合(Rossetto et al。,2014; ...

Mapping RNA Sequences that Contact Viral Capsid Proteins in Virions
[Abstract]  We have adapted the methodology of CLIP-seq (Crosslinking-Immunoprecipitation and DNA Sequencing) to map the segments of encapsidated RNAs that contact the protein shells of virions. Results from the protocol report on the RNA sequences that contact the viral capsid. [摘要]  我们已经调整了CLIP-seq(交联 - 免疫沉淀和DNA测序)的方法来绘制与病毒粒子的蛋白质壳接触的壳化RNA片段。 关于接触病毒衣壳的RNA序列的方案报告的结果。
【背景】正义RNA病毒包括所有生命形式的病原体。具有二十面体形状的病毒具有病毒外壳蛋白在RNA基因组周围形成保护壳(Stockley等人,2013)。在噬菌体MS2和植物感染的Brome花叶病毒(BMV)中,外壳蛋白优先接触特异性RNA序列(Ni等人,2013; Hoover等人。 ,2016; Rolfsson等人,2016)。这些接触可以调节感染期间RNA释放的时间,病毒基因表达和病毒RNA复制(Hoover等人,2016)。鉴定衣壳RNA相互作用可以提供对病毒感染的规定的见解,并提供抑制病毒感染的手段。考虑到这一点,我们已经开发了一种方法,使用UV交联,RNA断裂,外壳蛋白的选择性沉淀和由RNA片段制备的cDNA的下一代测序来鉴定纯化的病毒体中的衣壳RNA接触。以下协议是针对BMV病毒粒子开发的。

Mating Based Split-ubiquitin Assay for Detection of Protein Interactions
[Abstract]  The mating based split-ubiquitin (mbSUS) assay is an alternative method to the classical yeast two-hybrid system with a number of advantages. The mbSUS assay relies on the ubiquitin-degradation pathway as a sensor for protein-protein interactions, and it is suitable for the determination of interactions between full-length proteins that are cytosolic or membrane-bound. Here we describe the mbSUS assay protocol which has been used for detecting the interaction between K+ channel and SNARE proteins (Grefen et al., 2010 and 2015; Zhang et al., 2015 and 2016) [摘要]  基于交配的分ubiquitin(mbSUS)测定是具有许多优点的经典酵母双杂交系统的替代方法。 mbSUS测定依赖于泛素降解途径作为蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用的传感器,并且它适用于测定细胞溶质或膜结合的全长蛋白质之间的相互作用。在这里,我们描述了已经用于检测K + 通道和SNARE蛋白之间的相互作用的mbSUS测定方案(Grefen等人,2010和2015; Zhang 等等,2015和2016)

背景 图1是mbSUS测定的概况。泛素部分被分成两半,N末端半突变(NubG)以避免重组。泛素部分(Cub)的C末端一半与转录报告基因复合物PLV(Protein A-LexA-VP16)连接。两种蛋白质(X和Y)分别与NubG和CubPLV融合产生蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用分析系统。转化后,酵母菌株THY.AP5含有NubG-X融合蛋白,而酵母菌株THY.AP4含有Y-CubPLV融合蛋白。在交配后,在二倍体酵母中,如果蛋白质X和Y彼此相互作用,则将重新组装功能性泛素,这导致PLV的切割。释放的转录蛋白复合物PLV可以开启报告基因(ADE2,HIS3),并允许酵母生长在选择性培养基上。

