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Streptomycin sulfate salt

Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: S6501
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Rapid Genome Engineering of Pseudomonas Assisted by Fluorescent Markers and Tractable Curing of Plasmids

Precise genome engineering has become a commonplace technique for metabolic engineering. Also, insertion, deletion and alteration of genes and other functional DNA sequences are essential for understanding and engineering cells. Several techniques have been developed to this end (e.g., CRISPR/Cas-assisted methods, homologous recombination, or λ Red recombineering), yet most of them rely on the use of auxiliary plasmids, which have to be cured after the editing procedure. Temperature-sensitive replicons, counter-selectable markers or repeated passaging of plasmid-bearing cells have been traditionally employed to circumvent this hurdle. While these protocols work reasonably well in some bacteria, they are not applicable for other species or are time consuming and laborious. Here, we present

[摘要]  [摘要]精确的基因组工程已成为代谢工程的一种普遍技术。同样,基因和其他功能性DNA序列的插入,缺失和改变对于理解和改造细胞也是必不可少的。几种技术已经发展到该端部(例如,CRISPR / CAS-辅助方法,同源重组,或 λ 红色重组),但其中大多数依赖于辅助质粒的使用,必须在编辑程序后将其固化。传统上已采用对温度敏感的复制子,反向选择标记或带有质粒的细胞的重复传代来规避这一障碍。尽管这些协议在某些细菌中可以很好地发挥作用,但它们不适用于其他物种,或者既费时又费力。在这里,我们提出了快速和通用的荧光假单胞菌荧光标记辅助基因组编辑协议,然后通过用户控制的质粒复制干净固化辅助质粒。一种荧光标记有助于鉴定基因组编辑的菌落,而第二种报道分子能够检测无质粒的细菌克隆。该协议不仅是用于假单胞菌物种的最快方法,而且可以轻松地适应任何类型的基因组修饰,包括序列删除,插入和替换。



[背景]靶向,精确的基因组操纵技术已经大大推进了微生物工程领域。这样的方法不仅允许评估基因型与表型的关系,而且使微生物细胞工厂的复杂工程化成为可能。近年来,CRISPR / Cas9方法为真核生物的精确基因组工程铺平了道路。在细菌中,CRISPR / ...

Estimation of the Minimum Number of Replication Origins Per Chromosome in any Organism
[Abstract]  Eukaryote nuclear genomes predominantly replicate through multiple replication origins. The number of replication origins activated per chromosome during the S-phase duration may vary according to many factors, but the predominant one is replication stress. Several studies have applied different approaches to estimate the number and map the positions of the replication origins in various organisms. However, without a parameter to restrict the minimum of necessary origins, less sensitive techniques may suggest conflicting results. The estimation of the minimum number of replication origins (MO) per chromosome is an innovative method that allows the establishment of a threshold, which serves as a parameter for genomic approaches that map origins. For this, the MO can be easily ... [摘要]  [摘要] 比率可能因多种因素而变化,但最主要的因素是复制应力。一些研究应用了不同的方法来估计复制源在不同生物体中的数量和位置。然而,如果没有一个参数来限制必要起源的最小值,那么不太敏感的技术可能会产生相互矛盾的结果。估计每个染色体的最小复制源数量(MO)是一种创新的方法,它允许建立一个阈值,作为绘制起源的基因组方法的参数。为此,MO可以很容易地通过一个公式得到,这个公式需要作为参数:染色体大小、S期持续时间和复制率。在基因组数据库(如NCBI)中可以获得任何生物体的染色体大小,通过监测DNA复制来估计S期的持续时间,并通过DNA组合方法获得复制率。 提供了一种简单、快速的估算MO的方法一个新的方法学框架来协助研究任何有机体。
关键词: DNA复制,复制来源,复制率,S期持续时间,染色体大小

[背景] ...

Generation of Caenorhabditis elegans Transgenic Animals by DNA Microinjection
[Abstract]  Microinjection is the most frequently used tool for genetic transformation of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, facilitating the transgenic expression of genes, genome editing by the clustered regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9 system, or transcription of dsRNA for RNA intereference (RNAi). Exogenous DNA is delivered into the developing oocytes in the germline of adult hermaphrodites, which then generate transgenic animals among their offspring. In this protocol, we describe the microinjection procedure and the subsequent selection of transgenic progeny. [摘要]  显微注射是线虫秀丽隐杆线虫遗传转化中最常用的工具,促进基因的转基因表达,通过聚集的定期散布的短回文重复序列(CRISPR)-Cas9系统的基因组编辑或转录 dsRNA用于RNA干扰(RNAi)。 外源DNA被递送到成年雌雄同株的种系中的发育中的卵母细胞中,然后在它们的后代中产生转基因动物。 在该方案中,我们描述了显微注射程序和随后的转基因后代选择。
【背景】在C.通过显微注射的DNA转化通常用于产生过表达或异位表达可以与标签(例如,绿色荧光蛋白[GFP])融合的基因的转基因动物,允许突变体的表型拯救和/或蛋白质的定位和功能的分析(Carter等人,1990; Chalfie等人,1994; Mello和Fire,1995)。聚集的定期散布的短回文重复(CRISPR)-Cas9系统的出现需要显微注射以通过引入点突变或插入/缺失突变来实现高度特异性的基因组编辑(概述于Dickinson和Goldstein,2016)。此外,该技术被应用于dsRNA的可诱导和/或组织特异性转录以便于遗传性RNA干扰(RNAi)(Tavernarakis等人,2000) ...
