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Sodium hydroxide

Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 795429
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Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Activity Assay in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
[Abstract]  Superoxide dismutases (SODs) act as a primary defence against reactive oxygen species (ROS) by converting superoxide anion radicals (O2-) into molecular oxygen (O2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Members of this enzyme family include CuZnSODs, MnSODs, FeSODs, and NiSODs, depending on the nature of the cofactor that is required for proper activity. Most eukaryotes, including yeast, possess CuZnSOD and MnSOD. This protocol aims at assessing the activity of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae MnSOD Sod2p from cellular extracts using nitroblue tetrazolium staining. This method can be used to estimate the cellular bioavailability of Mn2+ as well as to evaluate the redox state of the cell. [摘要]  [摘要 ] 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD能)充当主防御针对反应性氧物质(ROS)通过转换的超氧阴离子自由基(O 2 - )为分子氧(O 2 )和过氧化氢(H 2 ? 2 )。这种酶的家庭成员包括CuZnSODs ,MnSODs ,FeSODs 和NiSODs ,这取决于是需要适当的活动辅助因子的性质。大多数真核生物,包括酵母,都具有CuZnSOD 和MnSOD 。该协议旨在评估酵母的活性 使用硝基蓝四唑染色法从细胞提取物中提取酿酒酵母MnSOD Sod2p 。该方法可用于估计Mn 2+ 的细胞生物利用度以及评估细胞的氧化还原状态。

[背景 ] 的SODs被定义为减少正常有氧代谢为氧气和过氧化氢期间形成的氧的有害自由基含金属的抗氧化剂酶。:这些酶是基于需要作为辅因子进行适当的酶活性的金属分类CuZnSODs ,MnSODs ,FeSODs ,和NiSODs 。在酿酒酵母中,有两个S OD :CuZn-Sod1p和Mn-Sod2p(Abreu和Cabelli ...

Assay to Access Anthelmintic Activity of Small Molecule Drugs Using Caenohabidtis elegans as a Model
[Abstract]  This protocol proposes to use the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a model to screen and study the anthelmintic activity of natural and synthetic compounds and to observe their effects on the morphology and the ultrastructure of the helminths. Furthermore, C. elegans can be used to investigate the anthelmintic activity in embryonated eggs, larval stages and in the adults’ survival. As most current anthelmintics are not effective against all nematode life stages, this protocol can contribute to the identification of new alternatives to helminthic infections (Sant’Anna et al., 2016). [摘要]  该方案建议使用线虫秀丽隐杆线虫作为模型来筛选和研究天然和合成化合物的驱虫活性,并观察其对趾甲的形态和超微结构的影响。此外,C。线虫可用于研究胚胎卵,幼虫期和成年人生存期的驱虫活性。由于目前的大多数驱虫药对所有的线虫生命阶段均无效,因此该方案可有助于确定蠕虫感染的新替代品(2016年Sant'Anna等人)。

背景 秀丽隐杆线虫是寄生线虫研究的典型生物,是具有潜在驱虫活性的化合物筛选的优良系统,因为它便宜,易于获得并且易于使用。另外,使用 C。线虫在调查线虫行为,运动,繁殖和死亡的测定中是不复杂和可靠的(Simpkin和Coles,1981)。用于筛选新化合物的方案。首先在深孔显微镜载玻片(Tomlinson等人,1985)中的无菌液体培养基中进行线虫,或使用加入熔融修饰的NGM琼脂中的药物(Driscoll等人,1989)。这些方法在药物筛选中无效,因为含有低食物供应的无菌培养物,引发子宫内出生导致产妇死亡(“内毒素”)(Lenaerts等人) 2008),添加到熔化琼脂中的药物可以改善由于高温导致的药物稳定性。在该方案中,我们使用96孔平板与大肠杆菌供应的液体培养基独立地评估每个阶段(卵,L1-L2幼虫,L3-L4幼虫和成年人)。

In vitro Brainstem-spinal Cord Preparation from Newborn Rat
[Abstract]  The brainstem-spinal cord preparation of newborn rat contains neural networks able to produce motor output in absence of sensory feedback. These neural structures, commonly called central pattern generators (CPGs), are involved in many vital functions such as respiration (Morin and Viala, 2002; Giraudin et al., 2008) or locomotion (Juvin et al., 2005). Here we describe a procedure for the isolation of the brainstem-spinal cord tissue of neonatal rat (0-2 days old). A surgical method under binocular microscope allows the brainstem and the spinal cord to be isolated in vitro and the motor outputs to be recorded. This preparation can then be used for diverse experimental approaches, such as electrophysiology, pharmacology or anatomical studies, and constitutes a ... [摘要]  新生大鼠的脑干 - 脊髓制备包含能够在没有感觉反馈的情况下产生运动输出的神经网络。 这些神经结构,通常称为中枢模式发生器(CPG),涉及许多重要功能,如呼吸(Morin和Viala,2002; Giraudin等,2008)或运动(Juvin等,2005)。 在这里,我们描述了分离新生大鼠脑干脊髓组织(0-2天)的程序。 双目显微镜下的手术方法允许脑干和脊髓在体外被分离,并且马达输出被记录。 然后,该制剂可用于多种实验方法,例如电生理学,药理学或解剖学研究,并且构成研究CPG之间相互作用的有用模型(Juvin等人,2007; 2012; Giraudin等,2012; Le Gal 等人,2014; 2016)。
【背景】历史上,开发了新生儿啮齿动物的体外脊髓来研究脊柱反射(Otsuka和Konishi,1974)。 1984年,Suzue率先开发出新生大鼠的体外脑脊髓脊髓制剂。因此,有可能证明孤立的中枢神经系统能够自发产生所谓的虚构的呼吸活动。之后,可以确定运动员节奏生成所依赖的CPG的位置(Cazalets等,1995; Kjaerulff和Kiehn,1​​996; Ballion等,2001)和那些从事呼吸节律生成(Smith et al ,1991; ...
