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Lithium acetate

Lithium acetate

Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 517992
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Metal-tagging Transmission Electron Microscopy for Localisation of Tombusvirus Replication Compartments in Yeast
[Abstract]  Positive-stranded (+) RNA viruses are intracellular pathogens in humans, animals and plants. To build viral replicase complexes (VRCs) viruses manipulate lipid flows and reorganize subcellular membranes. Redesigned membranes concentrate viral and host factors and create an environment that facilitates the formation of VRCs within replication organelles. Therefore, efficient virus replication depends on the assembly of specialized membranes where viral macromolecular complexes are turned on and hold a variety of functions. Detailed characterization of viral replication platforms in cells requires sophisticated imaging approaches. Here we present a protocol to visualize the three-dimensional organization of the tombusvirus replicase complex in yeast with MEtal-Tagging Transmission Electron ... [摘要]  正链(+)RNA病毒是人,动物和植物中的细胞内病原体。构建病毒复制酶复合物(VRC)病毒操纵脂质流动和重组亚细胞膜。重新设计的膜集中了病毒和宿主因子,并创造了促进复制细胞器内VRC形成的环境。因此,有效的病毒复制取决于病毒大分子复合物开启并具有各种功能的特殊膜的组装。细胞中病毒复制平台的详细特征需要复杂的成像方法。在这里我们提出一个协议,用肉眼标记透射电子显微镜(METTEM)可视化酵母中的tombusvirus复制酶复合物的三维组织。该协议使我们能够用METTEM和电子断层扫描成像三维病毒复制酶分子的细胞内分布。我们的研究显示病毒复制酶分子如何在特化细胞膜内构建复制复合物。

【背景】正链RNA病毒的复制取决于细胞膜的重塑。细胞内膜作为VRC装配的结构支架,提供调节病毒复制酶活性和保护病毒RNA免受宿主抗病毒防御的必需脂质和辅因子(Miller和Krijnse-Locker,2008; den Boon <等,2010; nagy和pogany,2011;="" nagy,2016)。电子显微镜观察到具有活性vrc的复制细胞器的结构。="" vrc以单个膜囊或'小球',管状球形立方体膜,双膜囊泡(dmv)或平面寡聚体阵列装配(de="" castro等人,2013)。通常在rna病毒感染的细胞中观察到小球。它们通过在各种细胞器中内陷而形成,并具有对胞质溶胶的狭窄开口(den="" boon="" et=""> ...

A Protocol of Using White/Red Color Assay to Measure Amyloid-induced Oxidative Stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
[Abstract]  The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) harboring ade1 or ade2 mutations manifest red colony color phenotype on rich yeast medium YPD. In these mutants, intermediate metabolites of adenine biosynthesis pathway are accumulated. Accumulated intermediates, in the presence of reduced glutathione, are transported to the vacuoles, whereupon the development of the red color phenotype occurs. Here, we describe a method to score for presence of oxidative stress upon expression of amyloid-like proteins that would convert the red phenotype of ade1/ade2 mutant yeast to white. This assay could be a useful tool for screening for drugs with anti-amyloid aggregation or anti-oxidative stress potency. [摘要]  携带 ade1 或 ade2 突变体的酵母酿酒酵母( S。cerevisiae )在富酵母上显示红色菌落色表型 中等YPD。 在这些突变体中,积累了腺嘌呤生物合成途径的中间代谢物。 在还原型谷胱甘肽存在下,累积的中间体被转移到空泡中,由此发生红色表型的发生。 在这里,我们描述了一种通过淀粉样样蛋白的表达来评估氧化应激存在的方法,其将将ade1 / ade2突变体酵母的红色表型转化为白色。 该测定可能是用于筛选具有抗淀粉样蛋白聚集或抗氧化应激效力的药物的有用工具。
【背景】ADE1或ADE2基因的酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)突变体(例如,,ade1Δ,ade2Δ ade1-14 ade2-),当在YPD(酵母蛋白胨葡萄糖)培养基上生长时,作为腺嘌呤生物合成途径的中间代谢物的液泡(Sharma等人,2003)。包含早熟终止密码子的可抑制等位基因ade1-14 已被广泛用于评价翻译的朊病毒状态终止因子Sup35蛋白。在[ psi - ]酵母中,Sup35p保持可溶性和功能性,因此翻译在有效地终止于ade1-14的早熟终止密码子>等位基因导致截短和非功能性Ade1蛋白的合成。因此,腺嘌呤生物合成级联保持不完整,导致中间体代谢产物的积累,产生酵母的红色表型。相比之下,在[PSI + ...

Transfer of Large Contiguous DNA Fragments onto a Low Copy Plasmid or into the Bacterial Chromosome
[Abstract]  Bacterial pathogenicity islands and other contiguous operons can be difficult to clone using conventional methods due to their large size. Here we describe a robust 3-step method to transfer large defined fragments of DNA from virulence plasmids or cosmids onto smaller autonomously replicating plasmids or directly into defined sites in the bacterial chromosome that incorporates endogenous yeast and λ Red homologous recombination systems. This methodology has been successfully used to isolate and integrate at least 31 kb of contiguous DNA and can be readily adapted for the recombineering of E. coli and its close relatives. [摘要]  由于其大尺寸,细菌致病性岛和其它连续操纵子可能难以使用常规方法克隆。在这里我们描述了一个强大的3步法从毒力质粒或粘粒转移大型定义的片段到更小的自主复制质粒或直接到细胞染色体,并入内源性酵母和λ红色同源重组系统的定义网站。该方法已经成功地用于分离和整合至少31kb的连续DNA,并且可以容易地适应于E的重组。大肠杆菌及其近亲。

[背景] 分离和繁殖大片DNA的能力大大扩展了基因网络和操纵子的研究。然而,用于该目的的传统使用的工程质粒,例如细菌人工染色体(BAC),虽然极其有用,但是受到DNA稳定性,拷贝数和复杂装配要求的问题的限制。或者,将构建体直接并入细菌染色体中通过减少由于存在多个基因拷贝引起的基因表达的变化以及确保基因的稳定维持而提供了优点,同时还避免了对抗生素选择的需要。这里描述的方法最初被设计为捕获和转移编码Shigella flexneri 3型分泌系统的31kb DNA操纵子到大肠杆菌染色体上(Reeves ...
