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N-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl trifluoroacetamide) (MSTFA)


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 69479
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Chromatographic Analysis for Targeted Metabolomics of Antioxidant and Flavor-Related Metabolites in Tomato

Targeted metabolomics is a useful approach to evaluate crop breeding studies. Antioxidant and flavor-related traits are of increasing interest and are considered quality traits in tomato breeding. The present study presents chromatographic methods to study antioxidants (carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, phenolic compounds, and glutathione) and flavor-related characters (sugars and organic acids) in tomato. Two different extraction methods (for polar and apolar entities) were applied to isolate the targeted compounds. The extraction methods developed in this work were time and cost-effective since no further purification was needed. Carotenoids, vitamin C, glutathione, and phenolic acids were analyzed by HPLC-PDA using a RP C18 column at an appropriate wavelength for each compound.

[摘要]  [摘要]靶向代谢麦克风是评估作物育种研究的有用方法。抗氧化剂和与风味有关的性状受到越来越多的关注,被认为是番茄育种中的品质性状。本研究提供了色谱方法来研究番茄中的抗氧化剂(类胡萝卜素,维生素C,维生素E,酚类化合物和谷胱甘肽)和与风味相关的特征(糖和有机酸)。应用了两种不同的提取方法(针对极性和非极性实体)来分离目标化合物。由于不需要进一步纯化,因此这项工作中开发的提取方法既省时又经济。使用RP C18色谱柱,通过RP-C18色谱柱在适当波长下对每种化合物进行类胡萝卜素,维生素C,谷胱甘肽和酚酸的分析。用RP C18和NH2色谱柱通过HPLC分析维生素E和糖,并分别通过FLD和RI检测器进行检测。此外,MSTFA衍生化后,使用Rtx 5DA色谱柱使用GC-FID分析有机酸。结果,开发了定量重要植物代谢物的灵敏分析方法,并在本文中进行了描述。这些方法不仅适用于番茄,但都还表征其他物种的香味相关的和抗氧化的化合物。因此,这些协议可用于指导作物育种的选择。

[背景]代谢组学是其受到关注的其潜在的援助作物育种研究施加生化途径。在番茄育种中,由于消费者对提高作物品质的偏好,抗氧化剂和与风味有关的代谢产物都受到了越来越多的关注。人类无法自己合成抗氧化剂分子; ...

Metabolite Profiling of Mature Arabidopsis thaliana Seeds Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
[Abstract]  Metabolite profiling using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) permits the annotation and quantification of a relatively wide variety of metabolites, covering a wide range of biochemical groups of metabolites. Lisec et al. (2006) established a method for GC-MS profiling in plants. Based on this protocol, we provide here a detailed GC-MS-based metabolite profiling protocol to identify compounds belonging to several biochemical groups in the primary metabolism of mature Arabidopsis thaliana seeds (Cohen et al., 2014). The protocol uses methoxyamine hydrochloride and N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyltriflouroacetamide (MSTFA) as derivatization reagents, as previous studies indicated these are the most appropriate compounds for profiling of plant ... [摘要]  使用气相色谱 - 质谱(GC-MS)的代谢物分析允许注释和量化相对多种代谢物,涵盖广泛的代谢物的生物化学组。 Lisec等人。 (2006)建立了一种在植物中进行GC-MS分析的方法。基于该方案,我们在这里提供详细的基于GC-MS的代谢物分析方案以鉴定属于成熟拟南芥种子的主要代谢中的几个生物化学基团的化合物(Cohen等人。,2014)。该方案使用甲氧基胺盐酸盐和N,N-甲基-N,N-三甲基甲硅烷基三氟乙酰胺(MSTFA)作为衍生化试剂,如先前的研究所表明的,这些是用于分析植物代谢物的最合适的化合物。该方案相对快速,提供可重复的结果,并且可以用于简化许多其它类型的植物组织的代谢物,只有很少的修改。在这种情况下,开发种子可以作为研究代谢调节的优秀系统,因为在它们的开发期间,储备化合物的大规模合成在严格的转录调节下发生控制并且与时间上不同的代谢开关相关。
