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Extra Fine Bonn Scissors

Extra Fine Bonn Scissors

Company: Fine Science Tools
Catalog#: 14084-08
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Mechanical Tissue Compression and Whole-mount Imaging at Single Cell Resolution for Developing Murine Epididymal Tubules
[Abstract]  Cells inside the body are subjected to various mechanical stress, such as stretch or compression provided by surrounding cells, shear stresses by blood or lymph flows, and normal stresses by luminal liquids. Force loading to the biological tissues is a fundamental method to better understand cellular responses to such mechanical stimuli. There have been many studies on compression or stretch experiments that target culture cells attached to a flexible extensible material including polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS); however, the know-how of those targeting to tissues is still incomplete. Here we present the protocol for mechanical tissue compression and image-based analysis by focusing on developing murine epididymis as an example. We show a series of steps including tissue dissection from ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 细胞我n侧主体经受各种机械应力,例如通过管腔液体拉伸或通过血液或淋巴周围细胞的剪切应力提供的压缩流,并且正常的应力。力加载到生物组织上是一种基本方法,可以更好地了解细胞对此类机械刺激的反应。关于压缩或拉伸实验,已有许多研究针对以附着于包括聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)在内的柔性可扩展材料的培养细胞为目标的研究。然而,知道的-如何与靶向组织仍然是不完整的。 在这里,我们以开发小鼠附睾为例,介绍用于机械组织压缩和基于图像的分析的协议。我们显示了一系列步骤,包括从鼠胚胎中解剖组织,使用手动设备进行基于水凝胶的压缩方法以及无损容积组织成像。该协议对于定量和探索组织水平的生物机械反应系统很有用。

[背景 ] 细胞可以对机械刺激作出反应通过细胞内的生物化学信号传导途径。已知这种细胞机械反应在诸如胚胎发育,再生,组织稳态和癌症转移的各种生物过程中起着基本作用(Mammoto 等,2013; Humphrey 等,2014; Vining和Mooney,2017)。最近有关向细胞外部施加力的实验表明细胞如何对给定的机械刺激作出反应。例如,已显示出拉伸或压缩附着在诸如聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)之类的柔性有机硅基材上的细胞单层会触发机械敏感离子通道蛋白Piezo1,从而引起各种细胞行为,例如细胞分裂和挤压,从而导致体内稳态的细胞数量增加。组织(Eisenhoffer ...

Optogenetic Stimulation and Recording of Primary Cultured Neurons with Spatiotemporal Control
[Abstract]  We studied a network of cortical neurons in culture and developed an innovative optical device to stimulate optogenetically a large neuronal population with both spatial and temporal precision. We first describe how to culture primary neurons expressing channelrhodopsin. We then detail the optogenetic setup based on the workings of a fast Digital Light Processing (DLP) projector. The setup is able to stimulate tens to hundreds neurons with independent trains of light pulses that evoked action potentials with high temporal resolution. During photostimulation, network activity was monitored using patch-clamp recordings of up to 4 neurons. The experiment is ideally suited to study recurrent network dynamics or biological processes such as plasticity or homeostasis in a network of neurons ... [摘要]  我们研究了文化中的皮层神经元网络,并开发了一种创新的光学装置,以空间和时间精确度激发大量神经元。 我们首先描述如何培养表达channelorhodopsin的原代神经元。 然后,我们将根据快速数字光处理(DLP)投影机的工作原理来详细说明光遗传设置。 该设置能够用独立的光脉冲训练数十到数百个神经元,以高时间分辨率诱发动作电位。 在光刺激期间,使用多达4个神经元的膜片钳记录监测网络活动。 该实验非常适合研究复杂的网络动力学或生物过程,如神经元网络中的可塑性或体内平衡,当子群体由其特征(相关性,速率和大小)进行精细控制的不同刺激激活时。
为了获得刺激的空间控制,第一种可能性是使用激光并将其光束快速移动到不同位置。例如,通过用声光偏转器偏转激光束已经实现了在不同树枝状位置处的谷蛋白解冻(Shoham等人,2005)。只有我们在有限的区域内足够缓慢地调节光强度,这个策略才可能是可行的。或者,可以使用相位或强度的光调制器来实现光的空间图案。基于相位调制的全息技术允许以三维空间精度获得图像,但是可以以仅100Hz的速率显示图案(Papagiakoumou等人,2010)。如果二维图案是足够的,则可以通过将投影仪或阵列的LED放置在样品的共轭平面中来简单地获得强度调制(Farah等人,2007; ...

Functional ex-vivo Imaging of Arterial Cellular Recruitment and Lipid Extravasation
[Abstract]  The main purpose of this sophisticated and highly versatile method is to visualize and quantify structural vessel wall properties, cellular recruitment, and lipid/dextran extravasation under physiological conditions in living arteries. This will be of interest for a broad range of researchers within the field of inflammation, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and even the pharmaceutical industry. Currently, many researchers are using in vitro techniques to evaluate cellular recruitment, like transwell or flow chamber systems with cultured cells, with unclear physiological comparability. The here introduced method describes in detail the use of a sophisticated and flexible method to study arterial wall properties and leukocyte recruitment in fresh and viable murine carotid arteries ex ... [摘要]  这种复杂和多功能方法的主要目的是在活体动物的生理条件下可视化和量化结构血管壁性质,细胞募集和脂质/葡聚糖外渗。这对于广泛的炎症,高血压,动脉粥样硬化甚至制药行业的研究人员都是有兴趣的。目前,许多研究人员正在使用体外技术来评估细胞募集,如具有培养细胞的transwell或流动室系统,具有不清楚的生理学可比性。这里介绍的方法详细描述了使用复杂而灵活的方法来研究在动脉血流条件下体外新鲜和活的鼠颈动脉中的动脉壁特性和白细胞募集。该模型模拟体内情况,并允许使用从两个不同供体分离的细胞和动脉(例如,野生型与特异性敲除)组合成一个实验,从而提供关于白细胞和/或内皮细胞特性的信息两个捐助者。因此,该模型可以被认为是复杂和侵入性体内研究的替代方案,例如对比实验。
【背景】该方法的核心是应用双光子激光扫描显微镜(TPLSM)来显示安装在动脉造影腔室中的体外颈动脉,其已显示模拟体内情况下存在的生理条件(Megens et al。,2007)。新鲜的动脉,在我们这种情况下是小鼠颈动脉,但该方法也适用于其他类似大小的血管(包括人类血管)(Bloksgaard等,2015),仔细提取并安装在使用细线的两个玻璃微量移液管的动脉造影室。该腔室应提供足够的空间以用显微镜物镜(优选为具有> ...
