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Pipette 100-1,000 μl


Company: Eppendorf
Catalog#: 3120000062
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A Quick Method for Screening Biocontrol Efficacy of Bacterial Isolates against Bacterial Wilt Pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum in Tomato

Ralstonia solanacearum is a bacterial phytopathogen able to cause bacterial wilt disease in more than 200 plant species. Plant disease biocontrol strategies are used for controlling this disease and tomato is used as a model plant to conduct R. solanacearum associated studies. Conventional screening methods such as seed bacterization, soil drenching and root bacterization (in grown plants) to assess the ability of biocontrol bacteria to antagonize R. solanacearum under in planta conditions in different hosts are time-consuming and costly. A fast, cost effective method is a key requirement to advance the research on R. solanacearum biocontrol. In this protocol, we have inoculated the roots of tomato seedlings with bacterial isolates showing antagonistic activity against R. solanacearum

[摘要]  [摘要]青枯雷尔氏菌是能够导致青枯病在超过2个细菌植物病原体00植物物种。植物病害生物防治策略用于控制这种疾病和番茄被用来作为模式植物进行青枯菌相关的研究。常规的筛选方法,例如种子杀菌,土壤浸湿和根部杀菌(在生长中的植物中),以评估生物控制细菌在不同宿主中在植物条件下拮抗青枯菌的能力,既耗时又昂贵。一个快速,经济有效的方法是推动研究的关键要求 青枯菌生物防治。在此协议中,我们已在细菌的分离株上接种了番茄幼苗的根,这些分离株在体外条件下显示出对茄青枯菌的拮抗活性。用拮抗细菌处理16小时后,通过成熟的根浸法将青枯菌接种到幼苗中。然后将幼苗保持在受控条件和枯萎/死苗的数目,记录最多10个天交ř 。青枯菌接种。从每个测试的分离物的记录计算生物防治效力。此协议是比在感测已经可用的协议的优点在于,它可以在很短的持续时间内完成(〜18天番茄)并且没有保持苗培养介质的需求。该方法可用于在短时间内以最小的成本快速筛选大量细菌分离株和不同宿主基因型。

[背景[ Ralstonia solanacearum ]是一种土壤传播的细菌性植物病原体,在200多个农作物中引起细菌性枯萎病,代表50个不同的科(Seleim等人,2014),其中大部分来自茄科(Thera等人,2010)。它可以在土壤中壮成长长达数年之久,并具有在寄主到达时感染的能力(Coutinho and ...

Real-time PCR Analysis of PAMP-induced Marker Gene Expression in Nicotiana benthamiana
[Abstract]  Perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) often triggers various innate immune responses in plants. The transcriptional changes of defense-related genes are often used as a marker to assay PAMP-triggered plant immune response. Here we described a protocol to monitor the relative expression level of marker genes in Nicotiana benthamiana upon treatment with PAMPs. The procedure includes leaf treatment using PAMPs, total RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, quantitative real-time PCR and data analysis. This protocol is applicable to monitor marker gene expression triggered by different PAMPs in N. benthamiana. [摘要]  对病原体相关分子模式(PAMP)的感知经常引发植物中的各种先天免疫应答。 防御相关基因的转录变化通常用作测定PAMP触发的植物免疫应答的标记。 在这里,我们描述了一种方案,用于监测用PAMP处理的本塞姆氏烟草中的标记基因的相对表达水平。 该方法包括使用PAMP进行叶处理,总RNA分离,cDNA合成,定量实时PCR和数据分析。 该协议适用于监测 N中不同PAMP触发的标记基因表达。本塞姆氏。
【背景】病原体相关的分子模式,即PAMP,是一类源自病原体的分子,在微生物中相对保守。多个PAMP,如flg22和XEG1(Felix et al。,1999; Ma et al。,2015),已被表征,可通过植物细胞表面定位模式检测 - 识别受体(PRR),从而诱导PAMP引发的免疫(Couto和Zipfel,2016)。 PAMP触发的主要反应之一是与防御相关的制造者基因的激活(Navarro et al。,2004; Zipfel et al。,2006)。 Nicotiana benthamiana 已被广泛用作模型植物,并且对多种PAMP敏感。在 N.宾夕法尼亚,先前发现了标记基因,如 NbCYP71D20 , NbACRE31 和 NbWRKY22 ,它们在PAMP处理后迅速活化( Heese et al。,2007; Segonzac et ...

Plant Assays for Quantifying Ralstonia solanacearum Virulence
[Abstract]  Virulence assays are powerful tools to study microbial pathogenesis in vivo. Good assays track disease development and, coupled with targeted mutagenesis, can identify pathogen virulence factors. Disease development in plants is extremely sensitive to environmental factors such as temperature, atmospheric humidity, and soil water level, so it can be challenging to standardize conditions to achieve consistent results. Here, we present optimized and validated experimental conditions and analysis methods for nine assays that measure specific aspects of virulence in the phytopathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum, using tomato as the model host plant. [摘要]  毒力测定是研究体内微生物发病机制的有力工具。 良好的分析跟踪疾病发展,并结合定向诱变,可以识别病原体毒力因子。 植物的疾病发展对环境因素如温度,大气湿度和土壤水位极其敏感,因此标准化条件以获得一致的结果可能具有挑战性。 在这里,我们提出优化和验证的实验条件和分析方法的九个测定,测量植物病原细菌 Ralstonia solanacearum 的毒力的特定方面,使用番茄作为模型宿主植物。

【背景】 Ralstonia solanacearum 是一种土壤传播的细菌,在广泛的植物中引起细菌枯萎,并继续感染全球的新宿主(Hayward,1991; Elphinstone,2005; Wicker et al。 ,2007; Genin,2010; Weibel et al。,2016)。结果, R. solanacearum 是研究最深入的植物致病菌之一(Mansfield et al。,2012)。

R上。 solanacearum 可以长期存在于土壤或水库中(Alvarez et ...
