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MF-Millipore Membrane Filter, mixed cellulose esters, Hydrophilic, 0.22 µm, 25 mm, white, plain

MF-Millipore Membrane Filter, mixed cellulose esters, Hydrophilic, 0.22 µm, 25 mm, white, plain

Company: EMD Millipore
Catalog#: GSWP02500
Other protocol()

Cell-to-cell DNA Transfer among Thermus Species
[Abstract]  The ability to transfer DNA via direct cell-to-cell contact-dependent process similar to conjugation has been described in Thermus thermophilus (Tth). Here, we detail the mating experiment protocol involving the lateral transfer of thermostable antibiotic resistance markers (i.e., kanamycin: KmR; hygromycin: HygR) between Thermus cells, enabling the selection and quantification of the transfer frequencies. Briefly, liquid cultures of both mates are mixed and laid onto a nitrocellulose filter on a TB plate. After incubation at 60 °C, filters are resuspended upon selective plating. The contribution of DNA uptake by transformation is abolished by the addition of DNase I to the mix. This protocol can be used for the transfer of large DNA ... [摘要]  通过与共轭相似的直接细胞间接触依赖性过程转移DNA的能力已在Thermus thermophilus(Tth)中描述。在这里,我们详细描述了包括热稳定抗生素抗性标记(即卡那霉素:Km),潮霉素:Hyg R 的横向转移的交配实验方案>)在 细胞之间,使得能够选择和量化转移频率。简言之,将两种配合物的液体培养物混合并铺在TB板上的硝酸纤维素滤膜上。在60℃温育后,在选择性平板培养基上重悬浮过滤器。通过向混合物中加入DNA酶I消除通过转化的DNA摄取的贡献。该方案可用于将大DNA片段(> 10kb)转移到Thermus 物种。

[背景] 是大多数细菌水平基因转移的主要机制,是一种高度专业化的过程,通过其DNA在直接接触的两个细胞之间转移(Lederberg和Tatum,1946)。经典缀合涉及DNA分子(通常是质粒编码的)从供体到受体细胞的单向转移,其仍然是被动的。然而,已经描述了用于多种细菌的替代模型。在实验室中,缀合实验对于标志物交换诱变是有效的。在其它遗传转移方法中,缀合在细菌包膜的最小破坏和转移大DNA片段(包括大的染色体区域(> 10kb))的可行性方面是有利的。  在T之间的共轭样过程。嗜热细菌在十年前被报道,其中染色体标记在重组HFR - ...
