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5 ml serological pipettes

Falcon® 5mL Serological Pipet, Polystyrene, 0.1 Increments

Company: Corning
Catalog#: 357543
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Differentiation of Myeloid-derived Suppressor Cells from Murine Bone Marrow and Their Co-culture with Splenic Dendritic Cells
[Abstract]  Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) possess the ability to suppress the immune response, and to amplify the regulatory properties of other immune cells, i.e., dendritic cells. Here we describe a protocol in which MDSCs were differentiated from murine bone marrow cells, and CD11c+ dendritic cells were purified from murine spleens. MDSCs and CD11c dendritic cells can be co-cultured and the immunoregulatory phenotype of the MDSCs-conditioned dendritic cells could be assessed by means of a specific functional in vivo experiment, i.e., a skin test as a measure of the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction toward a poorly immunogenic antigen. [摘要]  骨髓来源的抑制细胞(MDSCs)具有抑制免疫应答的能力,并扩增其他免疫细胞即树突状细胞的调节特性。 在这里,我们描述了MDSC与鼠骨髓细胞分化的方案,并且从鼠脾中纯化CD11c +树突状细胞。 可以共培养MDSC和CD11c树突状细胞,并且可以通过特定的功能体内实验来评估MDSCs条件树突细胞的免疫调节表型,即皮肤试验作为延迟型超敏反应的量度 抗免疫原性较差的抗原。
【背景】骨髓来源的抑制细胞(MDSCs)是由早期分化阶段的巨噬细胞,粒细胞,树突状细胞和骨髓细胞的前体组成的骨髓细胞组(Youn等人,2008),其在肿瘤的淋巴组织中大量积累感染性小鼠以及感染性疾病,败血症和创伤的小鼠。这些细胞的主要特征是它们以Ag特异性和/或非特异性方式抑制T细胞应答的能力。这些细胞现在被认为是负责肿瘤相关免疫缺陷的主要细胞类型之一;涉及MDSC介导的免疫抑制的主要因素包括Arg1的高表达(Marvel和Gabrilovich,2015)。精氨酸酶1(Arg1)和吲哚胺2,3-双加氧酶1(IDO1)分别是催化L-精氨酸(L-Arg)和L-色氨酸(L-Trp)降解的免疫调节酶,导致局部氨基酸剥夺。此外,与Arg1不同,IDO1在树突细胞(DC)中也具有非酶信号传导活性(Mondanelli等,2017)。除了其固有的免疫抑制活性外,MDSC还可能扩增其他免疫细胞的调节特性,特别是在肿瘤微环境中。虽然建立了MDSC-巨噬细胞相互作用的一些机制(Ugel等,2015),MDSCs和DCs之间的串扰仍然不清楚(Ostrand-Rosenberg等,2012);为弥补这一差距,我们已经制定了该方案,并且我们证明了Arg1 ...

An ex vivo Perifusion Method for Quantitative Determination of Neuropeptide Release from Mouse Hypothalamic Explants
[Abstract]  The hypothalamus is a primary brain area which, in mammals, regulates several physiological functions that are all related to maintaining general homeostasis, by linking the central nervous system (CNS) and the periphery. The hypothalamus itself can be considered an endocrine brain region of some sort as it hosts in its different nuclei several kinds of neuropeptide-producing and -secreting neurons. These neuropeptides have specific roles and participate in the regulation of homeostasis in general, which includes the regulation of energy metabolism, feeding behavior, water intake and body core temperature for example.

As previously mentioned, in order to exert their effects, these peptides have to be produced but also, and mostly, to be secreted. In this context, it is of ...
[摘要]  下丘脑是一个主要的脑区域,在哺乳动物中,通过连接中枢神经系统(CNS)和周围环境来调节与维持一般体内平衡有关的几种生理功能。下丘脑本身可以被认为是某种类型的内分泌大脑区域,因为它在其不同的核中存在几种神经肽产生和分泌神经元。这些神经肽具有特定的作用并参与一般的体内平衡调节,其中包括调节能量代谢,摄食行为,进水量和身体核心温度。
   事实上,过去已经使用了不同的渗透系统,并且仍然是不同研究实验室在各种条件下研究下丘脑神经肽释放的有效程序。例如,Callewaere及其同事在2006年发表了一项研究,分析了趋化因子SDF-1(基质细胞衍生因子-1)对血管舒张素诱导的AVP(精氨酸 ...

Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS Cells) and Embryonic Stem Cells (ES Cells) into Dendritic Cell (DC) Subsets
[Abstract]  Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) are engineered stem cells, which exhibit properties very similar to embryonic stem cells (ES cells; Takahashi and Yamanaka, 2016). Both iPS cells and ES cells have an extraordinary self-renewal capacity and can differentiate into all cell types of our body, including hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and dendritic cells (DC) derived thereof. This makes iPS cells particularly well suited for studying molecular mechanisms of diseases, drug discovery and regenerative therapy (Grskovic et al., 2011; Bellin et al., 2012; Robinton and Daley, 2012).

DC are the major antigen presenting cells of the immune system and thus they are key players in modulating and directing immune responses (Merad et al., 2013). DC ...
[摘要]  诱导的多能干细胞(iPS细胞)是工程干细胞,其表现出与胚胎干细胞(ES细胞,Takahashi和Yamanaka,2016)非常相似的性质。 iPS细胞和ES细胞都具有非凡的自我更新能力,可以分化成我们身体的所有细胞类型,包括造血干细胞/祖细胞和源自其的树突状细胞(DC)。这使得iPS细胞特别适用于研究疾病,药物发现和再生治疗的分子机制(Grskovic等人,2011; Bellin等人,2012; Robinton和Daley,2012)。
  DC是免疫系统的主要抗原呈递细胞,因此它们是调节和引导免疫应答的关键参与者(Merad等人,2013)。 DC巡逻外周和界面组织(例如,肺,肠和皮肤)以检测入侵的病原体,并且在激活时,它们迁移到淋巴结以激活和引发淋巴细胞。
  DC包含具有功能专门子集的表型异质家族(Schlitzer和Ginhoux,2014)。通常,经典DC(cDC)和浆细胞样DC(pDC)是分别表现出典型的和等离子体细胞样的DC形态。 cDC识别许多病原体并在激活后分泌促炎细胞因子,而pDC专门检测细胞内病原体并分泌I型干扰素(Merad等,2013; Schlitzer和Ginhoux,2014)。在被称为CD141 Clec9a + cDC1和CD1c + ...
