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Agar-Agar, Kobe I

Agar-Agar, Kobe I

Company: Carl Roth
Catalog#: 5210
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A Flow-assay for Farnesol Removal from Adherent Candida albicans Cultures
[Abstract]  Here, we describe a protocol for a continuous flow system for C. albicans cultures growing adherent to a plastic surface. The protocol was adapted from a previous method established to simulate blood flow on endothelial cells (Wilson and Hube, 2010). The adapted protocol was used by us for the removal of molecules in C. albicans supernatants, especially farnesol, which accumulate over the time course of incubation and cannot be specifically depleted. The system used, however, allows various applications including the simulation of physiological flow conditions. Several example applications are given on the manufacturer’s website (https://ibidi.com/perfusion-system/112-ibidi-pump-system.html ... [摘要]  在这里,我们描述了用于连续流系统的协议。 白色念珠菌生长粘附在塑料表面上的培养物。 该方案根据建立以模拟内皮细胞上的血液流动的先前方法改编(Wilson和Hube,2010)。 我们使用适应方案去除C中的分子。 白色念珠菌上清液,特别是法呢醇,其在孵育的时间过程中积累并且不能被特异性地耗尽。 然而,所使用的系统允许各种应用,包括模拟生理流动条件。 制造商网站上给出了几个示例应用程序(https://ibidi.com/perfusion-system/112-ibidi-pump-system.html).
【背景】法尼醇是人类致病真菌白色念珠菌中的酵母 - 菌丝转移(Hornby等人,2001)的有效抑制剂,并且还促进了酵母生长的逆转预制长丝(Lindsay等人,2012)。群体感知分子(QSM)快速积聚在白念珠菌EED1缺失株的上清液中,并促进突变体(Polke等人)的反向形态发生和菌丝维持缺陷>,2017)。由于我们无法阻止法呢醇的合成(Polke等人,2017),我们使用了ibidi ®泵系统,通过单向去除上清液中累积的QSMs流。流动应用以及在孵育期间的恒定的培养基更换在C中显着延长了丝状化。白色念珠菌eed1Δ突变体。这表明QSM积累的成功去除,并且提供了在C中的菌丝维持和法呢醇信号之间的直接联系。白色假丝酵母。用于此协议(ibidi ...

Drosophila Fecal Sampling
[Abstract]  Fecal sampling is a non-invasive method which raises the possibility to study the development and the changes in the microbial community throughout different time points of a fly population or throughout different treatments. This method allows precise manipulation to trigger the fly’s physiology by nutritional interventions, bacterial infections or other stressors.

As in most other animals, the intestinal microbiota is essential for a healthy fly-life. Because Drosophila only harbors a relative simple bacterial community with a small variety of round about 8 to 10 different species, it is rather easy to build up the microbial community and to investigate microbial changes after treatment.

Another positive effect using the fly’s feces is that bacteria that ...
[摘要]  粪便取样是一种非侵入性方法,提高了在飞行群体的不同时间点或整个不同处理过程中研究微生物群落的发展和变化的可能性。这种方法允许精确的操纵通过营养干预,细菌感染或其他压力源触发苍蝇的生理学。

Cell Type-specific Metabolic Labeling of Proteins with Azidonorleucine in Drosophila
[Abstract]  Advanced mass spectrometry technology has pushed proteomic analyses to the forefront of biological and biomedical research. Limitations of proteomic approaches now often remain with sample preparations rather than with the sensitivity of protein detection. However, deciphering proteomes and their context-dependent dynamics in subgroups of tissue-embedded cells still poses a challenge, which we meet with a detailed version of our recently established protocol for cell-selective and temporally controllable metabolic labeling of proteins in Drosophila. This method is based on targeted expression of a mutated variant of methionyl-tRNA-synthetase, MetRSL262G, which allows for charging methionine tRNAs with the non-canonical amino acid azidonorleucine (ANL) and, thus, for ... [摘要]  先进的质谱技术将蛋白质组学分析推向了生物与生物医学研究的前沿。 蛋白质组学方法的局限性现在通常与样品制备相关,而不是蛋白质检测的灵敏度。 然而,破译组织嵌入细胞亚群中的蛋白质组学及其上下文相关动力学仍然是一个挑战,我们通过我们最近建立的细胞选择性和时间上可控的代谢标记的详细版本满足了果蝇中蛋白质的代谢标记。 该方法基于甲硫氨酰-tRNA合成酶的突变变体MetRSL262G 的靶向表达,其允许用非标准氨基酸叠氮基亮氨酸(ANL)装载甲硫氨酸tRNA,因此,用于 可检测的ANL并入新生多肽链。
【背景】任何给定细胞的蛋白质组成与其分化和功能状态密切相关。细胞蛋白质组的变化可能反映其对细胞内在线索的反应或源自相应生物体或其环境中其他地方的信号。反过来,它们表明这些信号提示的意义。因此,以细胞类型特异性方式对蛋白质组及其动力学进行解密已成为当前研究的重点,更好地了解生理或病理生理过程的分子事件。然而,在这个方向上的任何蛋白质组学方法都受到在感兴趣的组织或器官内相互连接的细胞类型的异质性的挑战。在大脑中,例如,不同类型的神经元和胶质细胞形成控制动物或人类行为所需的网络。此外,已经确定,这些网络中导致长期记忆的信息处理严格依赖于新生蛋白质的合成和降解。虽然已经为许多神经元蛋白(例如,即时早期基因蛋白)例示了这一点,但显而易见的是,仅在有限数量的细胞中(或甚至是)的上调或下调的蛋白质在不同的细胞群中相反地调节)可以容易地逃避常规的检测模式,其中细胞蛋白质组在整个脑区域被平均化。 ...
