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Sodium hypochlorite

Company: Carl Roth
Catalog#: 9062.3
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Live-cell Imaging and Quantitative Analysis of Meiotic Divisions in Caenorhabditis elegans Males
[Abstract]  Live-imaging of meiotic cell division has been performed in extracted spermatocytes of a number of species using phase-contrast microscopy. For the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, removal of spermatocytes from gonads has damaging effects, as most of the extracted spermatocytes show a high variability in the timing of meiotic divisions or simply arrest during the experiment. Therefore, we developed a live-cell imaging approach for in situ filming of spermatocyte meiosis in whole immobilized C. elegans males, thus allowing an observation of male germ cells within an unperturbed environment. For this, we make use of strains with fluorescently labeled chromosomes and centrosomes. Here we describe how to immobilize male worms for live-imaging. Further, we describe ... [摘要]  [摘要] 用相差显微镜对一些物种的精母细胞进行了减数分裂的实时成像。对于秀丽隐杆线虫来说,去除生殖腺中的精母细胞具有破坏性作用,因为大多数精母细胞在减数分裂的时间上表现出高度的变异性,或者只是在实验中停止。因此,我们开发了一种活体细胞成像方法,用于原位拍摄固定化线虫雄性精母细胞减数分裂过程,从而可以在不受干扰的环境中观察雄性生殖细胞。为此,我们利用带有荧光标记染色体和中心体的菌株。在这里我们描述如何固定男性蠕虫进行实时成像。此外,我们描述了获取和处理数据的工作流程,以获得有关精母细胞减数分裂I和II中染色体分离动态的定量信息。此外,我们最新开发的方法允许我们在电子显微镜中重新定位胶片上的主轴,而不管蜗杆的初始3D方位如何,并以统计稳健的方式分析活蠕虫的纺锤动力学。我们的实时成像方法也适用于秀丽隐杆线虫雌雄同体,并且可以扩展到其他荧光标记的线虫或其他完全透明的小型模型生物。

[背景] ...

Artificial Inoculation of Epichloë festucae into Lolium perenne, and Visualisation of Endophytic and Epiphyllous Fungal Growth
[Abstract]  Natural hosts for the fungal endophyte Epichloë festucae include Festuca rubra (fine fescue) and Festuca trachyphylla (hard fescue). Some strains also form stable associations with Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass). L. perenne is a suitable host to study fungal endophyte–grass interactions, such as endophytic fungal growth within the plant and epiphyllous growth on the plant surface. Here we provide a detailed protocol based on work by, for artificial inoculation of E. festucae into L. perenne, and newly developed staining and visualization techniques for observing endophytic and epiphyllous hyphae and the expressorium, an appressorium-like structure used by the fungus to exit the plant. The staining method uses a combination of ... [摘要]  真菌内生菌Epichloëfestucae的天然宿主包括 Festuca rubra (细羊茅)和 Festuca trachyphylla (硬羊茅)。一些菌株也与黑麦草(多年生黑麦草)形成稳定的关联。 升。 perenne 是研究真菌内生菌 - 草相互作用的合适宿主,例如植物内生真菌生长和植物表面的叶生生长。在这里,我们提供了一个基于工作的详细协议,用于 E的人工接种。 festucae 进入 L. perenne ,以及新开发的染色和可视化技术,用于观察内生和附生的菌丝和表达菌,这是一种类似真菌的结构,用于离开植物。染色方法使用葡聚糖结合苯胺蓝二铵盐(AB)和几丁质结合小麦胚凝集素缀合的Alexa Fluor ® 488-(WGA-AF488)的组合。该协议将是研究Epichloë -grass相互作用的有用工具,特别是不同Epichloë - 草关联,各种内生菌 - 宿主发育阶段的比较,以及分析突变Epichloë菌株。

【背景】Latch和Christensen(1985)开发了一种用Epichloë内生菌人工感染草的方案。这项工作一直是广泛的 E的基础。 festucae Fl1- L. perenne 共生研究(Scott et al。,2012年综述)。在我们最近的工作中,我们描述了一种新发现的真菌结构,即能够实现 E的表达式。 ...

Hydrogen Peroxide Measurement in Arabidopsis Root Tissue Using Amplex Red
[Abstract]  This protocol describes the measurement of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content in Arabidopsis root tissue by using the Amplex® Red Hydrogen Peroxide/Peroxidase Assay Kit. When root tissue is disrupted and resuspended in phosphate buffer, H2O2 is released from the cells. The obtained root extracts containing H2O2 can be mixed with a solution containing Amplex® Red reagent (10-acetyl-3,7-dihydrophenoxazine). In the presence of horseradish peroxidase, the Amplex® Red reagent reacts with H2O2 in a 1:1 stoichiometry. The resulting product is the red-fluorescent compound resorufin which can be detected fluorometrically or spectrophotometrically. Our protocol is based on ... [摘要]  该方案描述了在拟南芥根组织中通过使用Amplex来测量过氧化氢(H 2 O 2 O 2)含量。 sup>红色过氧化氢/过氧化物酶测定试剂盒。当根组织被破坏并重新悬浮在磷酸盐缓冲液中时,H 2 O 2 O 2从细胞中释放。可以将获得的含有H 2 O 2 O 2的根提取物与含有Amplex Red试剂(10-乙酰基-3,7-二 - 。在辣根过氧化物酶的存在下,Amplex Red试剂与H 2 O 2以1:1的化学计量反应。所得产物是红色荧光化合物试卤灵,其可以通过荧光测定或分光光度法检测。我们的方案是基于Amplex ®红色过氧化氢/过氧化物酶测定试剂盒的手册,并描述了一步一步的程序,详细描述必要的控制和数据分析。我们还包括旨在帮助用户容易地用其自己的样品再现测定的方案,说明和实施例的修改。

[背景] 活性氧(ROS),例如H 2 O 2 O 2可以在该细胞是发育提示或应激条件的结果。在大量,ROS积累可能是有害的,通过造成细胞损伤。然而,增加的ROS产生也可以具有信号传导作用,并且作为控制下游细胞反应的第二信使。在植物中,对于许多非生物胁迫,例如干旱,盐度,温度胁迫和营养缺乏,已经显示ROS的信号传导作用(Mittler,2002; Mittler和Blumwald,2015; Xia等人)。 ,2015)。在我们最近的出版物Le ...
