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Company: Bio-Rad Laboratories
Catalog#: PTC-200
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Method for Multiplexing CRISPR/Cas9 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Using Artificial Target DNA Sequences
[Abstract]  Genome manipulation has become more accessible given the advent of the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) editing technology. The Cas9 endonuclease binds a single stranded (single guide) RNA (sgRNA) fragment that recruits the complex to a corresponding genomic target sequence where it induces a double stranded break. Eukaryotic repair systems allow for the introduction of exogenous DNA, repair of existing mutations, or deletion of endogenous gene products. Targeting of Cas9 to multiple genomic positions (termed ‘multiplexing’) is achieved by the expression of multiple sgRNAs within the same nucleus. However, an ongoing concern of the CRISPR field has been the accidental targeting of Cas9 to alternative (‘off-target’) DNA locations within a genome. We ... [摘要]  鉴于CRISPR(集群定期间隔短回归重复)编辑技术的出现,基因组操纵变得更加易于使用。 Cas9核酸内切酶将募集复合物的单链(单向导)RNA(sgRNA)片段结合到相应的基因组靶序列,引发双链断裂。真核修复系统允许引入外源DNA,修复现有突变或内源基因产物的缺失。通过在同一核内表达多个sgRNA来实现Cas9对多个基因组位置的定位(称为“多重”)。然而,CRISPR领域的持续关注是将Cas9意外地定位到基因组内的替代(“脱靶”)DNA位置。我们将安装的人造Cas9靶序列的使用(称为人造基因座上的Cas9复制)描述为允许(i)与单个sgRNA复用的酵母基因组中的用途; (ii)减少/消除可能的脱靶效应,以及(iii)精确控制预定目标序列的放置。
【背景】CRISPR(集群定期间隔回归重复)机制已经在原核生物中演变为具有很高精度编辑任何基因组的能力的原始适应性免疫系统(Jinek等,2012; Sorek等,2013)。这种生物技术需要使用来自化脓性链球菌(或othologous物种)的内切核酸酶(Cas9),单个RNA'引导'序列和外源供体DNA(如果需要)。仅在短短几年内,CRISPR / ...

Isolation and Analysis of Stromal Vascular Cells from Visceral Adipose Tissue
[Abstract]  The obesity epidemic is the underlying driver of the type 2 diabetes mellitus epidemic. A remarkable accumulation of various pro-inflammatory immune cells in adipose tissues is a hallmark of obesity and leads to pathogenesis of tissue inflammation and insulin resistance. Here, we describe a detailed protocol to isolate adipose tissue stromal vascular cells (SVCs), which enrich various immune cells of adipose tissues. These SVCs can be used to examine the population and activation status of immune cells by tracking their cell surface antigens, gene expression, and activation of specific signaling pathways. [摘要]  肥胖流行是2型糖尿病流行病的根本驱动因素。 脂肪组织中各种促炎免疫细胞的显着积累是肥胖的标志,并导致组织炎症和胰岛素抵抗的发病机制。 在这里,我们描述了分离脂肪组织基质血管细胞(SVCs)的详细方案,其丰富了脂肪组织的各种免疫细胞。 这些SVC可用于通过跟踪其细胞表面抗原,基因表达和特异性信号通路的激活来检查免疫细胞的群体和激活状态。
【背景】过去几十年来,肥胖现在已成为一种流行病,已成为胰岛素抵抗最常见的原因之一。胰岛素抵抗是代谢综合征发病机理的关键病因。代谢综合征的延长状态推动了2型糖尿病(T2DM)的发展(Romeo et al。,2012; Johnson and Olefsky,2013; Saltiel and Olefsky,2017)。
   慢性低度组织炎症伴随着增强的免疫细胞浸润,是啮齿动物和人类肥胖症的标志,并且是通过促进炎症状态和中断胰岛素信号传导来促进胰岛素抵抗的发病机制的主要因素(Romeo等2012年; Johnson和Olefsky,2013; Saltiel和Olefsky,2017)。浸润的免疫细胞如促炎性巨噬细胞和B细胞在调节肥胖相关脂肪组织炎症和胰岛素抵抗中起关键作用(Weisberg等,2003; ...

Transfer of Large Contiguous DNA Fragments onto a Low Copy Plasmid or into the Bacterial Chromosome
[Abstract]  Bacterial pathogenicity islands and other contiguous operons can be difficult to clone using conventional methods due to their large size. Here we describe a robust 3-step method to transfer large defined fragments of DNA from virulence plasmids or cosmids onto smaller autonomously replicating plasmids or directly into defined sites in the bacterial chromosome that incorporates endogenous yeast and λ Red homologous recombination systems. This methodology has been successfully used to isolate and integrate at least 31 kb of contiguous DNA and can be readily adapted for the recombineering of E. coli and its close relatives. [摘要]  由于其大尺寸,细菌致病性岛和其它连续操纵子可能难以使用常规方法克隆。在这里我们描述了一个强大的3步法从毒力质粒或粘粒转移大型定义的片段到更小的自主复制质粒或直接到细胞染色体,并入内源性酵母和λ红色同源重组系统的定义网站。该方法已经成功地用于分离和整合至少31kb的连续DNA,并且可以容易地适应于E的重组。大肠杆菌及其近亲。

[背景] 分离和繁殖大片DNA的能力大大扩展了基因网络和操纵子的研究。然而,用于该目的的传统使用的工程质粒,例如细菌人工染色体(BAC),虽然极其有用,但是受到DNA稳定性,拷贝数和复杂装配要求的问题的限制。或者,将构建体直接并入细菌染色体中通过减少由于存在多个基因拷贝引起的基因表达的变化以及确保基因的稳定维持而提供了优点,同时还避免了对抗生素选择的需要。这里描述的方法最初被设计为捕获和转移编码Shigella flexneri 3型分泌系统的31kb DNA操纵子到大肠杆菌染色体上(Reeves ...
