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Luer-Lok Syringe 1 ml

1cc syringe

Company: BD
Catalog#: 309628
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Bioorthogonal Labeling and Chemoselective Functionalization of Lung Extracellular Matrix

Decellularized extracellular matrix (ECM) biomaterials derived from native tissues and organs are widely used for tissue engineering and wound repair. To boost their regenerative potential, ECM biomaterials can be functionalized via the immobilization of bioactive molecules. To enable ECM functionalization in a chemoselective manner, we have recently reported an effective approach for labeling native organ ECM with the click chemistry-reactive azide ligand via physiologic post-translational glycosylation. Here, using the rat lung as a model, we provide a detailed protocol for in vivo and ex vivo metabolic azide labeling of the native organ ECM using N-Azidoacetylgalactosamine-tetraacylated (Ac4GalNAz), together with procedures for decellularization and labeling characterization. Our

[摘要]  [摘要]源自天然组织和器官的脱细胞细胞外基质(ECM)生物材料被广泛用于组织工程和伤口修复。为了增强其再生潜力,可以通过固定生物活性分子来使ECM生物材料功能化。为了使ECM以化学选择性的方式实现功能化,我们最近报告了一种有效的方法,可通过生理学上的翻译后糖基化,用点击化学反应的叠氮化物配体标记天然器官ECM 。在此,使用大鼠肺为模型,我们提供一种用于详细方案在体内和离体代谢叠氮化物使用N- Azidoacetylgalactosamine-tetraacylated天然器官ECM的标记(AC 4GalNAz),以及用于脱细胞和标记表征的程序。我们的方法可以在体内三天内或离体器官培养期间的一天之内进行特异性而稳定的ECM标记。脱细胞后,所得的ECM标记保持稳定。通过我们的方法,ECM生物材料可以用所需的炔烃修饰的生物分子(例如生长因子和糖胺聚糖)进行功能化,以用于组织工程和再生应用。


[背景]细胞外基质(ECM)是由特定组织或器官的非细胞成分组成的水合网络支架,在通过其所包含的生物活性成分(例如纤维蛋白,生长)支持住宅细胞的活动中起关键作用。因子和糖胺聚糖(GAG)(Theocharis et ...

Flow Cytometry Analysis and Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorting of Myeloid Cells from Lung and Bronchoalveolar Lavage Samples from Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected Mice
[Abstract]  Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is transmitted by aerosol and can cause serious bacterial infection in the lung that can be fatal if left untreated. Mtb is now the leading cause of death worldwide by an infectious agent. Characterizing the early events of in vivo infection following aerosol challenge is critical for understanding how innate immune cells respond to infection but is technically challenging due to the small number of bacteria that initially infect the lung. Previous studies either evaluated Mtb-infected cells at later stages of infection when the number of bacteria in the lung is much higher or used in vitro model systems to assess the response of myeloid cells to Mtb. Here, we describe a method that uses fluorescent bacteria, a high-dose aerosol ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 结核分枝杆菌(Mtb)通过气溶胶传播,可引起严重的肺部细菌感染,如果不及时治疗,可能致命。Mtb现在已成为全球传染病致死的主要原因。表征气溶胶激发后体内感染的早期事件对于了解先天免疫细胞如何对感染做出反应至关重要,但由于最初会感染肺的细菌数量少,因此在技术上具有挑战性。先前的研究或者在肺部细菌数量高得多时在感染后期评估Mtb感染的细胞,或者在体外使用 评估骨髓细胞对Mtb反应的模型系统。在这里,我们介绍一种使用荧光细菌,大剂量气溶胶感染模型和流式细胞术跟踪气溶胶感染和荧光激活细胞分选(FACS)之后立即分离肺中Mtb感染细胞的方法,以分离幼稚的旁观者,和Mtb感染的细胞用于下游应用,包括RNA测序。该协议提供了在肺环境中监视Mtb感染和细胞特异性反应的能力,已知该环境可调节常驻和募集人群的功能。使用此协议,我们发现肺泡巨噬细胞通过上调受转录因子Nrf2调节并有害于细菌早期控制的细胞保护性转录反应,在体内对Mtb感染作出反应。

[背景 ] 气溶胶传播是结核分枝杆菌(Mtb)感染自然周期的关键组成部分,有助于细菌的毒性并导致其在肺部的独特感染模式(North ,1995;Riley 等,1995)。 ; Pai et ...

Assessing Long-distance Transport from Photosynthetic Source Leaves to Heterotrophic Sink Organs with [14C]CO2
[Abstract]  Phloem loading and transport of photoassimilate from photoautotrophic source leaves to heterotrophic sink organs are essential physiological processes that help the disparate organs of a plant function as a single, unified organism. We present three protocols we routinely use in combination with each other to assess (1) the relative rates of sucrose (Suc) loading into the phloem vascular system of mature leaves (Yadav et al., 2017a), (2) the relative rates of carbon loading and transport through the phloem (Yadav et al., 2017b), and (3) the relative rates of carbon unloading into heterotrophic sink organs, specifically roots, after long-distance transport (this protocol). We propose that conducting all three protocols on experimental and control plants provides a ... [摘要]  来自光合自养源的光合同化物的韧皮部装载和运输到异养宿主器官是必不可少的生理过程,其帮助植物的不同器官作为单一的统一生物体起作用。我们提出了三种方案,我们经常使用它们相互结合来评估(1)蔗糖(Suc)加载到成熟叶片的韧皮部血管系统中的相对比率(Yadav等人,2017a), (2)通过韧皮部的碳载量和运输的相对速率(Yadav等人,2017b),和(3)碳长期释放到异养池器官特别是根中的相对速率距离传输(这个协议)。我们建议,在实验和对照植物上进行所有三种方案提供了全植物碳分配的可靠比较,并且将与单独进行的单一方案相关联的歧义降至最低(Dasgupta等人,2014; Khadilkar 。,2016)。在该方案中,在源叶片和韧皮部装载和运输14 C标签到异养宿主器官中,[14 C] CO 2 2被光致同化,尤其是根,通过闪烁计数进行量化。使用该协议,我们证明在拟南芥的伴侣细胞中蔗糖转运蛋白和液泡质子泵激焦磷酸酶的过表达增强了14 C标记光合同化物向宿主器官的转运(Dasgupta <等人,2014; Khadilkar等人,2016)。这种方法可以适用于量化其他植物物种的长途运输。

【背景】通过从自养源器官到异养池的韧皮部的长途运输是植物生长和产量的基础。根据其在植物中的作用和位置及其在该地区的主要功能,韧皮部网络通常分为收集韧皮部,运输韧皮部和释放韧皮部(Ayre,2011)。收集韧皮部是糖和其他化合物装入韧皮部以准备运输的地方。在已建立的植物中,收集韧皮部是发生韧皮部负载的成熟,光自养叶子的小脉。我们的第一个伴侣协议(Yadav ...
