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Anti-α7-Integrin-PE (clone R2F2)


Company: AbLab Srls Laboratorio di analisi veterinarie
Catalog#: AB10RS24MW215
Other protocol()

Isolation of FAP Cells from Mouse Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle Using Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting
[Abstract]  A population of muscle resident CD45-, CD31- cells expressing the mesenchymal PDGF receptor alpha (PDGFRα) as well as Sca-1 was first isolated in healthy mouse muscles in Uezumi et al. (2010). In the same year, Joe et al. (2010) identified and purified fibro-adipogenic precursors (FAPs), cells located into the interstitial space between myofibers close to vessels, negative for CD45, CD31,α7-Integrin, but expressing CD34, Sca-1.

Both groups demonstrated that these cells are not myogenic in vitro or in vivo, but they are capable of differentiating in vitro towards both fibrogenic and adipogenic lineage (Uezumi et al., 2011). Further marker analysis indicates that the two groups identified independently ...
[摘要]  首先在Uezumi等人的健康小鼠肌肉中分离表达间充质PDGF受体α(PDGFRα)以及Sca-1的肌肉驻留CD45 - ,CD31 -/- em。等人(2010)。在同一年,Joe等人(2010)鉴定并纯化了成纤维脂肪生成前体(FAP),位于靠近血管的肌纤维之间的间隙空间中的细胞,CD45,CD31,α7-整合素,但是表达CD34,Sca-1。两个小组都证明这些细胞在体外不是肌原性的或在体内,但它们能够区分< (Uezumi等人,2011),其在体外对于纤维形成和脂肪形成谱系起作用。进一步的标记分析表明两组独立地鉴定了相同的细胞群体(Natarajan等人,2010)。
FAP是营养不良骨骼肌中的纤维化和脂肪形成的重要来源(Natarajan& et al。,2010; Cordani et al。,,2014)。我们最近已经证明,一氧化氮调节FAP命运在体外抑制它们向脂肪细胞的分化。在mdx 小鼠中,DMD的动物模型,其中饲喂含有一氧化氮给药药物莫西沙星,PDGFRα +细胞数目的DMD,以及沉积的骨骼肌脂肪和结缔组织(Cordani等人,2014)。在这里我们描述了通过双重选择SCA-1和PDGFRα阳性在不存在卫星细胞标记物SM/C2.6和α7整联蛋白的情况下分离野生型和mdx营养不良肌肉纯FAP群体的方法,淋巴细胞标记物CD45或内皮标记物CD31 ...
