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Alexa Fluor 488 donkey-anti-goat (dilution ratio 1:400, put 1 μl of antibody with 399 µl of blocking solution)

驴抗山羊IgG(H + L)次级抗体,Alexa Fluor 488

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: A11055
Other protocol()

Organotypic Brain Cultures: A Framework for Studying CNS Infection by Neurotropic Viruses and Screening Antiviral Drugs
[Abstract]  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 50% of emerging viruses endowed with pathogenicity in humans can infect the Central Nervous System (CNS) with induction of encephalitis and other neurologic diseases (Taylor et al., 2001; Olival and Daszak, 2005). While neurological diseases are progressively documented, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in virus infection and dissemination within the CNS are still poorly understood (Swanson and McGavern, 2015; Ludlow et al., 2016). For example, measles virus (MeV) can infect neural cells, and cause a persistent brain infections leading to lethal encephalitis from several months to years after primary infection with no available treatment (Reuter and Schneider-Schaulies, 2010; Laksono et ... [摘要]  根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的统计,至少有50%的新发病毒具有致病性,可感染中枢神经系统(CNS),并诱发脑炎和其他神经系统疾病(Taylor et al。 >,2001; Olival和Daszak,2005)。虽然神经系统疾病逐渐被记录下来,但涉及病毒感染和在CNS内传播的潜在细胞和分子机制仍然知之甚少(Swanson and McGavern,2015; Ludlow等人,2016)。例如,麻疹病毒(MeV)可以感染神经细胞,并在原发感染后几个月至数年导致持续的脑感染,导致致死性脑炎,而没有可用的治疗(Reuter和Schneider-Schaulies,2010; Laksono等人。,2016)。器官型脑文化(OBC)是病毒学领域的一个合适的模型,以更好地理解中枢神经系统感染。实际上,它不仅可以研究中枢神经系统内嗜神经病毒的感染和传播,而且还可以作为创新性抗病毒策略或分子的筛选模型,如我们最近发表的有关融合抑制肽和HSP90伴侣蛋白活性抑制剂的研究, 17-DMAG(Welsch等人,2013; ...

Mouse Subependymal Zone Explants Cultured on Primary Astrocytes
[Abstract]  Neuroblast migration is a major component in the process of neuronal circuit assembly. In the rodent postnatal brain, the subependymal zone (SEZ) is the largest neurogenic niche where new neurons are born throughout life. These cells migrate several millimeters following a specific pathway called the rostral migratory stream (RMS) towards the olfactory bulb. Once they reach their final destination, they differentiate mainly as interneurons and integrate into already established neuronal circuits. Along the RMS, neuroblasts use a particular mode of migration known as chain migration. They stay attached to each other while migrating and are intimately associated with adjacent astrocytic processes. To dissect the molecular and cellular signals involved in neuroblast migration, we developed ... [摘要]  神经母细胞迁移是神经元电路组装过程中的主要组成部分。 在啮齿动物出生后的大脑中,子宫颈区(SEZ)是新生神经元生命中最大的神经源性生态位。 这些细胞沿着称为传播流(RMS)的特定途径朝向嗅球迁移几毫米。 一旦达到其最终目的地,它们主要区分为中间神经元并整合到已建立的神经元回路中。 沿着RMS,神经母细胞使用称为链转移的特定迁移模式。 它们在迁移时保持相互依赖,并与相邻的星形细胞过程密切相关。 为了解剖神经母细胞迁移中涉及的分子和细胞信号,我们开发了一种体外系统,其由在星形胶质细胞单层顶部共培养的经SEZ衍生的外植体组成。
