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o-Dianisidine dihydrochloride


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: D2679
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Glycogen and Extracellular Glucose Estimation from Cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
[Abstract]  Cyanobacteria, which have the extraordinary ability to grow using sunlight and carbon dioxide, are emerging as a green host to produce value-added products. Exploitation of this highly promising host to make products may depend on the ability to modulate the glucose metabolic pathway; it is the key metabolic pathway that generates intermediates that feed many industrially important pathways. Thus, before cyanobacteria can be considered as a leading source to produce value-added products, we must understand the interaction between glucose metabolism and other important cellular activities such as photosynthesis and chlorophyll metabolism. Here we describe reproducible and reliable methods for measuring extracellular glucose and glycogen levels from cyanobacteria. [摘要]  具有使用阳光和二氧化碳生长的非凡能力的蓝细菌正在成为生产高附加值产品的绿色主机。 利用这种非常有希望的宿主来制造产品可能取决于调节葡萄糖代谢途径的能力; 它是产生中间产物的关键代谢途径,这些中间产物为许多工业上重要的途径提供了饲料。 因此,在蓝藻被认为是生产增值产品的主要来源之前,我们必须了解葡萄糖代谢与其他重要细胞活动如光合作用和叶绿素代谢之间的相互作用。 在这里我们描述了测量蓝细菌细胞外葡萄糖和糖原水平的可重复和可靠的方法。

【背景】蓝藻在自然栖息地有一个明暗周期。有鉴于此,他们的新陈代谢主要集中在光合作用,卡尔文循环,糖酵解和TCA循环中,同时进行N-同化;碳以糖原形式储存。在黑暗中,糖原通过糖酵解和氧化磷酸戊糖(OPP)途径,TCA循环的氧化和还原分支以及C4循环代谢(Nagarajan et al。,2014)。因此,从黑暗转变为光照或光照转变为黑暗推动了代谢重新编程。

在实验室中,向培养基中添加葡萄糖也会影响蓝藻的代谢程序。例如,营养和环境条件影响蓝藻集胞藻如何代谢葡萄糖;在光合自养,异养和混合营养条件下,集胞藻代谢葡萄糖的方式不同。先前的研究报道,一些菌株的集胞藻是轻度依赖的并且耐受葡萄糖(Anderson和McIntosh,1991)。光激活异养生长(LAHG)条件的特征在于存在葡萄糖并且在黑暗中用白光或蓝光脉冲生长至少5-15分钟/天。然而,一些集胞蓝细菌葡萄糖不耐受,这意味着它们在黑暗中不能生长在葡萄糖存在下。总之,已经报道在集胞藻的培养基中加入葡萄糖会带来生理和代谢变化,如色素沉着(Ryu等人,2004),碳代谢(Lee等人,2007; ...

Determination of Intra- and Extracellular Glucose in Mycelium of Fusarium oxysporum
[Abstract]  To study alterations in the metabolism and/or in the transport of glucose during Fusarium oxysporum vegetative growth, we determined intracellular glucose levels in different fungal strains, as well as the amount of glucose remaining in the supernatants after growth in synthetic medium (SM) supplemented with either 0.05 or 2.5% glucose. We used the Glucose (GO) Assay Kit (Sigma-Aldrich) following the instructions of the manufacturer with some modifications. The protocol described here can be applied to other filamentous fungi. [摘要]  为了研究尖镰孢营养生长期间葡萄糖的代谢和/或转运中的改变,我们测定了不同真菌菌株中的细胞内葡萄糖水平以及生长后上清液中剩余的葡萄糖量 在补充有0.05或2.5%葡萄糖的合成培养基(SM)中。 我们使用葡萄糖(GO)测定试剂盒(Sigma-Aldrich)按照制造商的指示进行一些修改。 这里描述的协议可以应用于其他丝状真菌。
