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Potassium nitrate


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: P8394
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In vitro Nitrate Reductase Activity Assay from Arabidopsis Crude Extracts
[Abstract]  Nitrate reductase (NR) reduces the major plant nitrogen source, NO3-, into NO2-. NR activity can be measured by its final product, nitrite through its absorbance under optimized condition. Here, we present a detailed protocol for measuring relative enzyme activity of NR from Arabidopsis crude extracts. This protocol offers simple procedure and data analysis to compare NR activity of multiple samples. [摘要]  硝酸还原酶(NR)将主要的植物氮源NO 3 N-2还原为NO 2 - 2。 NR活性可以通过其最终产物,亚硝酸盐在最佳条件下通过其吸光度来测量。 在这里,我们提供了一个详细的协议,用于测量来自拟南芥粗提物的NR的相对酶活性。 该协议提供简单的程序和数据分析来比较多个样品的NR活性。


NO <3> + NADH + H +→NO - + NAD + H 测量NR活性的方法可能是研究影响NR活性的生物因素的有力工具(Park等人,2011)。氮同化影响植物中氨基酸的含量,因此调节NR活性可用于提高某些作物的质量(Croy和Hageman,1970; Dalling和Loyn,1977; Ruan等人,1998) )。在该协议中,在优化的缓冲液条件下限制时间内亚硝酸盐浓度增加作为可比值获得。亚硫酸盐浓度通过Griess测定法通过其在540nm处的吸光度来测量。简言之,亚硝酸盐与磺胺酸形成重氮盐,然后N-(1-萘基)乙二胺二盐酸盐形成有色偶氮化合物。可以比较这些值以确定样品如何具有不同的NR活性。此外,通过简单的过程可以将这些数值转换为精确增加的亚硝酸盐浓度。 ...

Establishment of New Split-root System by Grafting
[Abstract]  A new split-root system was used to simulate non-uniform salt, drought or nutrient deficiency stress in the root zone, in which the root system was divided into two or more equal portions. Here, we established a split-root system by grafting of cotton seedlings. In contrast to the conventional split-root, the main roots of the new system remained intact, which provided a better system for studying cotton response to unequal treatment in the root zone. The new system was suitable for plant growth in nutrient solution and the two root systems can fully be immerged in the nutrient solution. [摘要]  采用新的分裂系统模拟根系中不均匀的盐,干旱或营养缺乏胁迫,根系分为两个或更多等份。在这里,我们通过嫁接棉花幼苗建立了根系。与传统的根系相反,新系统的主要根源保持不变,为根区不平等处理棉花的响应提供了更好的系统。新系统适用于营养液中的植物生长,两种根系可以完全浸入营养液中。

背景 分裂根系被用于研究植物对不均匀土壤条件的响应,如部分根部干燥,不均匀盐分布和异质营养分布。棉花和其他植物中常规的根系系统是通过在切割幼苗的主根之后将侧根分成两等份(Bazihizina等人,2009; Dong& et al。,2010)。新系统适合于营养液和环绕实验中的植物生长,因为移植物的根部和位置之间有足够的距离(Kong&amp; et al。,2012和2016)。

Design and Functional Analysis of Fluorescent Nitrate and Peptide Transporter Activity Sensors in Yeast Cultures
[Abstract]  This protocol describes the methods used to engineer and deploy genetically encoded fluorescence activity reporters for nitrate and peptide transporter activity in yeast cells. Fusion of the dual-affinity nitrate transceptor CHL1/AtNRT1.1/AtNPF6.3 or four different peptide transporters (AtPTR1, 2, 4, and 5) from Arabidopsis to a pair of fluorescent proteins with different spectral properties, enabled us to engineer the NiTracs (nitrate transporter activity tracking sensors) and the PepTracs (peptide transporter activity tracking sensors), ratiometric fluorescence activity sensors that monitor the activity of the plasma membrane nitrate transceptor or the peptide transporters in vivo (Ho et al., 2014). The NiTrac1 sensor responds specifically and reversibly to ... [摘要]  该协议描述了用于在酵母细胞中设计和部署遗传编码的荧光活性报告人硝酸盐和肽转运蛋白活性的方法。将双亲硝酸盐转运体CHL1 / AtNRT1.1 / AtNPF6.3或四种不同的肽转运蛋白(AtPTR1,2,4和5)从拟南芥融合成具有不同光谱性质的一对荧光蛋白,使我们能够设计NiTracs(硝酸盐转运蛋白活性跟踪传感器)和PepTracs(肽转运蛋白活性跟踪传感器),比例式荧光活性传感器,监测体外硝酸盐转运体或肽转运蛋白的活性(Ho et al。,2014)。 NiTrac1传感器特异性和可逆地响应于硝酸盐的添加,而PepTracs通过减少供体和受体发射来响应添加二肽,而受体激发的发射保持不变,或荧光团发射比例的变化。所有传感器都适用于比例成像。 NiTrac1传感器响应[从μM到mM(Liu和Tsay,2003)]和硝酸盐转运动力学的两相动力学的相似性暗示了NiTrac1在运输循环期间提供了关于构象重排的信息,从而报告在广泛的外部硝酸盐浓度范围内的转运蛋白活性。 NiTrac的几种变体已被设计,它们对硝酸盐(NiTrac1:CHL1; NiTracT101A:CHL1T101A)的亲和力不同。 NiTrac还能识别氯酸盐。在这里,我们描述了使用分光荧光计设计,实施和检测酵母细胞中硝酸盐受体活性的简单方法。
