In vitro Reconstitution Assays of Arabidopsis 20S Proteasome
[Abstract] The majority of cellular proteins are degraded by the 26S proteasome in eukaryotes. However, intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), which contain large portions of unstructured regions and are inherently unstable, are degraded via the ubiquitin-independent 20S proteasome. Emerging evidence indicates that plant IDP homeostasis may also be controlled by the 20S proteasome. Relatively little is known about the specific functions of the 20S proteasome and the regulatory mechanisms of IDP degradation in plants compared to other species because there is a lack of systematic protocols for in vitro assembly of this complex to perform in vitro degradation assays. Here, we present a detailed protocol of in vitro reconstitution assay of the 20S proteasome in Arabidopsis by modifying previously ...
[摘要] [摘要]大多数细胞蛋白的s的降解通过26S在真核生物蛋白酶。但是,内在无序的蛋白质(IDPs)包含大量的非结构化区域,并且内在地不稳定,因此很容易通过不依赖泛素的20S蛋白酶体降解。越来越多的证据最近显示ň植物境内流离失所者的平衡也可以通过20S蛋白酶控制。但是,由于缺乏用于体外分离20S蛋白酶体和降解测定的系统协议,因此我们对植物中IDP和20S蛋白酶体降解的功能和调控机制的研究和理解一直处于婴儿期与其他生物。在这里,我们通过采用和修改先前公开的方法,对拟南芥中20S蛋白酶体进行体外重组测定的详细方案。在此获得20S核心蛋白酶体的主要策略是从26S蛋白酶体中去除19S调节亚基。该协议包括两个主要部分:1)的来自表达表位标记的PAG1稳定的转基因品系20S蛋白酶体亲和纯化,的20S蛋白酶(程序AD)的基本组成部分; 2 )体外20S蛋白酶体降解测定法(方法E)。我们预计该协议将提供一种简单有效的方法来研究体外20S蛋白酶体降解,并促进植物中蛋白质代谢的研究。
[背景]蛋白质的降解通常是通过真核生物中的蛋白酶体来实现的。整合的26S蛋白酶体由两个亚颗粒组成:一个或两个末端的19S调节颗粒(RP),用作蛋白酶体激活剂;和20S核心蛋白酶体(CP),执行降解过程。大多数真核蛋白被多聚泛素化并导入26S蛋白酶体进行降解。然而,含有固有蛋白质无序已发现的区域直接通过破坏一个由20S蛋白酶的泛素依赖性降解(本日产等人,2014) ...
Protein Expression and Purification of the Hsp90-Cdc37-Cdk4 Kinase Complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
[Abstract] Interactions between Hsp90, its co-chaperone Cdc37 and kinases have been biochemically studied for over three decades and have been shown to be functionally important in organisms from yeast to humans. However, formation of a stable complex for structural studies has been elusive. In this protocol we describe expression and purification of Hsp90-Cdc37-Cdk4 kinase protein complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae utilizing the viral 2A sequences to titrate the three proteins at similar levels.
[摘要] Hsp90,其伴侣伴侣Cdc37和激酶之间的相互作用已经在三十多年的生物化学研究中被证明在酵母与人类的生物体内在功能上是重要的。 然而,形成一个稳定的结构研究复合物是难以捉摸的。 在该方案中,我们描述了利用病毒2A序列以相似水平滴定三种蛋白质的来自酿酒酵母的Hsp90-Cdc37-Cdk4激酶蛋白复合物的表达和纯化。 【背景】Hsp90分子伴侣与其客体激酶之间的稳定形成复合物已经被证明在体外是难治性的。以前的工作表明,Hsp90的共伴伴Cdc37与昆虫Sf9细胞中的客体激酶的过表达导致Sf9 Hsp90,外源Cdc37和外源激酶(Vaughan等人,2006)之间的稳定复合物。然而,昆虫细胞培养需要特殊的设备,比其他研究较好的表达系统(如细菌和酵母)要难以进行遗传操作,并且显着较慢地生长和克隆。上述蛋白质在E中的共表达。大肠杆菌不产生可溶性激酶/稳定复合物。我们认为,酿酒酵母将具有必要的机制来帮助折叠和促进复合物的形成,并试图通过共同表达这些蛋白质来产生人Hsp90β,人Cdc37和人Cdk4激酶之间的复合物, S上。酵母。为了获得三种蛋白质的化学计量表达,我们利用病毒2A肽,其允许三个蛋白质在一个mRNA上转录,随后在翻译阶段切割。该系统已被用于人类细胞系和兔网状细胞(Kim等人,2011; ...
Serial Immunoprecipitation of 3xFLAG/V5-tagged Yeast Proteins to Identify Specific Interactions with Chaperone Proteins
[Abstract] This method was generated to isolate high affinity protein complexes from yeast lysate by performing serial affinity purification of doubly tagged 3xFLAG/V5 proteins. First, the bait protein of interest is immunoprecipitated by anti-FLAG-conjugated magnetic beads and gently eluted by 3xFLAG antigen peptide. Next, the bait protein is recaptured from the first eluate by anti-V5-conjugated magnetic beads and eluted with ionic detergent. In this manner, the majority of abundant, nonspecific proteins remain either bound to the first beads or in the first eluate, allowing pure, high affinity complexes to be obtained. This approach can be used to show specific interactions with notoriously ‘sticky’ chaperone proteins.
[摘要] 产生这种方法通过双重标记的3xFLAG / V5蛋白的连续亲和纯化来分离来自酵母裂解物的高亲和力蛋白质复合物。 首先,感兴趣的诱饵蛋白通过抗FLAG缀合的磁珠免疫沉淀,并用3xFLAG抗原肽轻轻洗脱。 接下来,通过抗V5共轭磁珠从第一洗脱液中回收诱饵蛋白质并用离子型洗涤剂洗脱。 以这种方式,大多数丰富的非特异性蛋白质仍然与第一珠粒或第一洗脱液结合,从而获得纯的高亲和性复合物。 这种方法可用于显示与臭名昭着的“粘滞”伴侣蛋白的特定相互作用。 【背景】通过质谱(IP / MS)进行免疫沉淀是鉴定与特定目标诱饵蛋白质的蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用的无偏见方法。虽然这种方法被有效地应用于鉴定蛋白质相互作用网络,但是它被假阳性困扰 - ...