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Foetal bovine serum


Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 26140-079
Other protocol()

Purification and Identification of Novel Host-derived Factors for Influenza Virus Replication from Human Nuclear Extracts
[Abstract]  Recently, we identified two host cell-derived proteins as novel stimulatory factors of influenza virus RNA replication process, termed “Influenza virus REplication Factor-2 (IREF-2)”, from human nuclear extracts (NEs) by employing biochemical complementation assays (Sugiyama et al., 2015). Herein, we describe detailed methods for successive procedures for identification and purification of IREF-2, including large-scale suspension culture of HeLa S3 cells, preparation of NEs and separation of IREF-2 by sequential column chromatography steps. This protocol can be modified and used for purification and identification of the other unknown nuclear protein(s) of your interest. [摘要]  最近,我们通过使用生物化学互补试验(Sugiyama),从人类核提取物(NE)鉴定了两种宿主细胞衍生蛋白作为流感病毒RNA复制过程的新型刺激因子,称为“流感病毒复制因子-2(IREF-2)” et al。,2015)。 本文描述了用于IREF-2鉴定和纯化的连续方法的详细方法,包括HeLa S3细胞的大规模悬浮培养,NE的制备和顺序柱色谱步骤分离IREF-2。 该方案可以修改并用于纯化和鉴定您感兴趣的其他未知核蛋白。
【背景】甲型流感病毒基因组由8个分段和单链RNA(vRNA)组成。其转录和复制由病毒编码的RNA依赖性RNA聚合酶(RdRP)催化。几条证据表明某些宿主衍生因子调节病毒RNA合成(Nagata et al。,2008)。最近,通过相互作用分析和基因组RNAi筛选研究,已经报道了各种宿主衍生的蛋白质作为与病毒RNA合成相关的调节因子候选物。然而,其中包括间接涉及病毒RNA合成的一些假阳性相互作用因子和因子。相反,为了鉴定在病毒RNA合成过程中发挥直接作用的可靠和重要的宿主因子,我们使用了生物化学互补测定系统。在该系统中,在感染的细胞核中有效发生的病毒vRNA复制反应被解剖并在体外使用病毒RNA复制所必需的病毒因子重构,例如衍生自洗涤剂溶解的病毒颗粒的病毒RdRP和模型病毒基因组RNA模板和未感染的核提取物(NE)。
最近,我们已经报道,在体外用病毒因子和NE的粗制部分再现有效的vRNA复制(Sugiyama等,2015)。 ...

Culturing of C57BL/6 Mouse Embryonic Stem (ES) Cell Line
[Abstract]  Using ATCC ES C57BL/6 as an example, it is shown here how to culture mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell line. The clonal embryonic stem cell line #693 ES C57BL/6 was derived from a strain C57BL/6J (B6) mouse blastocyst [PubMed: 11730008]. The ES cells were shown to populate the germ line of two host blastocyst donors, FVB/NJ (FVB) and the coisogenic strain C57BL/6-Tyrc-2J (c2J). Coat-color chimera production was high using c2J blastocysts while FVB blastocysts produced a low number of chimeras [PubMed: 11730008]. [摘要]  使用ATCC ES C57BL/6作为实例,在此显示如何培养小鼠胚胎干(ES)细胞系。 克隆胚胎干细胞系#693ES C57BL/6源自菌株C57BL/6J(B6)小鼠胚泡[PubMed:11730008]。 ES细胞显示为填充两个宿主胚泡供体FVB/NJ(FVB)和同种型菌株C57BL/6-Tyrc-2J(c2J)的种系。 使用c2J胚泡的外套嵌合体产量高,而FVB胚泡产生低数量的嵌合体[PubMed:11730008]。
