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Zirconia/Silica Beads, 0.1 mm dia


Company: Bio Spec Products
Catalog#: 11079101z
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Quantitation of Cytochromes b559, b6, and f, and the Core Component of Photosystem I P700 in Cyanobacterial Cells
[Abstract]  Cytochrome (Cyt) b559, an important and essential core component of photosystem II in the photosynthetic electron transport system, is a heme-bridged heterodimer protein composed of an alpha subunit (PsbE) and a beta subunit (PsbE), and its reduced form has an absorption maximum in the α-band at 559 nm. The amounts of Cyt b559 can be determined by spectrophotometrical measurement of reduced minus oxidized difference spectra that are normalized with absorbance of isosbestic point at 580 nm. The authors use differential extinction coefficients of Cyt b559 [Δε(559-580 nm) = 15.5 mM-1·cm-1], which have been reported by Garewal and Wasserman (1974). In addition to the Cyt b559, this ... [摘要]  dA 6m DNA免疫沉淀随后深度测序(DIP-Seq)是鉴定和研究N 6 - 甲基脱氧腺苷(dA 6)的全基因组分布的关键工具, 6m )。这种新的DNA修饰的精确功能仍然需要完全阐明,但是已知转录起始位点不存在并且从外显子中排除,表明在转录调节中的作用(Koziol等人,2015 )。重要的是,其存在表明DNA可能比先前认为的更多样化,因为进一步的DNA修饰可能存在于真核DNA中(Koziol等人,2015)。该方案描述了进行dA 6m DNA免疫沉淀(DIP)的方法,其用于表征高等真核生物中的第一dA 6m甲基化酶分析(Koziol等人。,2015)。在该协议中,我们描述了如何基因组DNA被分离,片段化,然后用识别基因组DNA中的dA 6m 的抗体拉下含有dA 6m 的DNA。在随后的洗涤之后,消除不含dA 6m的DNA片段,并且从抗体洗脱含有dA 6m的片段,以便进一步处理用于随后的分析。

[背景] 此协议是为了识别基因组中包含dA 6m 的区域而开发的。它可以用于检测不同基因组中的dA 6m 。作为指导,本方案从用于检测RNA中腺苷甲基化的现有方法建立(Dominissini等人,2013)。我们开发这个协议,并适应它的dA 6 m 在DNA中的检测,而不是检测腺苷甲基化RNA。这是必需的,因为当时没有方案可用于允许在真核DNA中dA ...

Analysis of Mycobacterial Protein Secretion
[Abstract]  Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is the causative agent of tuberculosis. Analysis of proteins secreted by Mtb has been of interest to the field of tuberculosis research since certain secreted proteins interact with the host to promote virulence, while others may be important antigens or serve as biomarkers of infection. Here, we describe a protocol to prepare whole cell extracts (WCE) and short term culture filtrate (CF) from Mtb or the vaccine strain Mycobacterium bovis- bacillus Calmatte- Guérin (BCG) (Mehra et al., 2013). These are both slow growing mycobacteria, but the same basic procedure can easily be adapted to analyze secreted proteins from rapidly growing mycobacteria, such as Mycobacterium smegmatis (Msmeg), a non-pathogenic species commonly ... [摘要]  结核分枝杆菌(Mtb)是结核病的致病因子。由Mtb分泌的蛋白质的分析已经对结核病研究领域感兴趣,因为某些分泌的蛋白质与宿主相互作用以促进毒力,而其他可能是重要的抗原或用作感染的生物标志物。在这里,我们描述了从Mtb或疫苗菌株牛分枝杆菌 - 卡介苗(BCG)制备全细胞提取物(WCE)和短期培养物滤液(CF)的方案(Mehra等人, et al。,2013)。这些都是缓慢生长的分枝杆菌,但是相同的基本程序可以容易地适于分析来自快速生长的分枝杆菌的分泌蛋白,例如耻垢分枝杆菌(Msmeg),其是实验室中常用的非致病物种。可以通过蛋白质印迹分析获得的级分,以检查感兴趣的蛋白质,或者如果抗体不可获得或通过质谱法检查整个分泌蛋白质组。所关注基因的遗传敲除突变体用作阴性对照。另外,应当在CF部分中评估胞质蛋白如分子伴侣GroEL或丙酮酸脱氢酶E2组分sucB(Rv2215/dlaT)的水平,以排除CF中的阳性信号是由于细菌裂解导致的可能性(参见图1)。通过改变菌株的生长条件,这种体外分泌测定法可用于检查改变分泌物组织的条件。我们感谢Magnus Stiegedal提供有关TCA(三氯乙酸)沉淀的有用提示。
