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Zinc sulfate monohydrate


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 96495
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Determination of Rate of [3H-methyl]-choline Incorporation into Cellular Lipids and Non-lipid Metabolites
[Abstract]  The choline-containing phospholipid, phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) is the most common mammalian phospholipid found in cell membrane (Ide et al., 2013). It is also a component of intracellular signalling pathways (Cui and Houweling, 2002). Herein is described a measure of the rate of accumulation of choline by lipid soluble PtdCho and lyso-Ptdcho which can further be discriminated by chromatographic analysis (Smith and Phyu, 2016). Determination of the accumulation of [3H-methyl]-choline into water-soluble components is also described. The procedure could be used to measure the effect of drugs and other factors on choline incorporation into phospholipids. After exposure of cells to test conditions (e.g., drugs) adherent cells in tissue culture flasks are ... [摘要]  含胆碱的磷脂,磷脂酰胆碱(PtdCho)是在细胞膜中发现的最常见的哺乳动物磷脂(Ide等人,2013)。它也是细胞内信号传导途径的组成部分(Cui和Houweling,2002)。本文描述了脂质可溶性PtdCho和溶血磷脂酰胆碱积累胆碱的速率的量度,其可通过色谱分析进一步区分(Smith和Phyu,2016)。还描述了[3 H] - 甲基] - 胆碱在水溶性组分中的积累的测定。该程序可用于测量药物和其它因素对胆碱掺入磷脂的影响。在将细胞暴露于测试条件(例如,药物)后,将组织培养瓶中的贴壁细胞与放射性标记的[3 H] - 甲基] - 胆碱在培养基中温育15分钟(脉冲)。然后快速除去[3 H] - 甲基] - 胆碱,并在非放射性培养基(Chase)存在下继续孵育。然后通过细胞分级和测量脂质和非脂质细胞组分中的放射性来测定[3 H] - 甲基的细胞分布。

[背景] 磷脂代谢在细胞膜形成中是必需的(Ide等人,2013)和细胞信号传导(Cui和Houweling, 2002)。包含胆碱的代谢物的形成和胆碱在脂质中的积累是细胞增殖过程中的关键过程。磷脂代谢紊乱与癌症和其他疾病有关(Gibellini和Smith,2010)。这些过程的测量对于理解医学成像模态至关重要,所述医学成像模式使用[11 C] - ...

Analysis of Mycobacterial Protein Secretion
[Abstract]  Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is the causative agent of tuberculosis. Analysis of proteins secreted by Mtb has been of interest to the field of tuberculosis research since certain secreted proteins interact with the host to promote virulence, while others may be important antigens or serve as biomarkers of infection. Here, we describe a protocol to prepare whole cell extracts (WCE) and short term culture filtrate (CF) from Mtb or the vaccine strain Mycobacterium bovis- bacillus Calmatte- Guérin (BCG) (Mehra et al., 2013). These are both slow growing mycobacteria, but the same basic procedure can easily be adapted to analyze secreted proteins from rapidly growing mycobacteria, such as Mycobacterium smegmatis (Msmeg), a non-pathogenic species commonly ... [摘要]  结核分枝杆菌(Mtb)是结核病的致病因子。由Mtb分泌的蛋白质的分析已经对结核病研究领域感兴趣,因为某些分泌的蛋白质与宿主相互作用以促进毒力,而其他可能是重要的抗原或用作感染的生物标志物。在这里,我们描述了从Mtb或疫苗菌株牛分枝杆菌 - 卡介苗(BCG)制备全细胞提取物(WCE)和短期培养物滤液(CF)的方案(Mehra等人, et al。,2013)。这些都是缓慢生长的分枝杆菌,但是相同的基本程序可以容易地适于分析来自快速生长的分枝杆菌的分泌蛋白,例如耻垢分枝杆菌(Msmeg),其是实验室中常用的非致病物种。可以通过蛋白质印迹分析获得的级分,以检查感兴趣的蛋白质,或者如果抗体不可获得或通过质谱法检查整个分泌蛋白质组。所关注基因的遗传敲除突变体用作阴性对照。另外,应当在CF部分中评估胞质蛋白如分子伴侣GroEL或丙酮酸脱氢酶E2组分sucB(Rv2215/dlaT)的水平,以排除CF中的阳性信号是由于细菌裂解导致的可能性(参见图1)。通过改变菌株的生长条件,这种体外分泌测定法可用于检查改变分泌物组织的条件。我们感谢Magnus Stiegedal提供有关TCA(三氯乙酸)沉淀的有用提示。
